Quote from: Pagan Saviour on November 17, 2022, 08:34:53 AMAtilla's performance on Mayhem's De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas could be classified as both?

I remember getting into black metal and being so put off initially by the vocal approach on that one. Since of course come to regard it as utter genius.

Still can't stand it, he sounds like a constipated Dave Mustaine.

#16 November 17, 2022, 11:12:43 AM Last Edit: November 18, 2022, 10:09:10 AM by Necro Red
Chris Reifert has got to be mentioned. He is arguably the best Death Metal vocalist. Having seen him live he delivers on all fronts. Really good range and doesn't really sound like any other vocalist I can think of

Absolutely, I had the same reaction when I first heard Autopsy. I was so used to hearing all the Scott Burns produced stuff that when I heard Mental Funeral for the first time I was left scratching my head. Vocals completely unlike anything else at the time as was the production.

#18 November 17, 2022, 02:31:13 PM Last Edit: November 19, 2022, 11:02:22 AM by OpenSores
Paul Catton as previously mentioned, demented live. I'd also throw in David Yow.

Akercoke have the some of the best and most varied vocal parts in Death metal

Lee Dorrian, in all phases of his career. Some of it I love (Forest of Equilibrium), some of it I think it's hard going (the groovy stuff).

Oh the groovy stuff is woeful. The Ethereal Mirror is grand, but it got way too mad after that. Fucking hate his Napalm stuff, just barking.

As they're the topic of the moment, I'd have to add Justin Broadrick's Godflesh vocals here. Not growled, kinda punky shouting but with all the layering and effects there's nothing like it. Despite Clayden's best efforts on the early Pitch Shifter stuff.

#22 November 18, 2022, 01:47:49 AM Last Edit: November 18, 2022, 01:52:32 AM by Eoin McLove
Pat Walker's vocals seen to be a Marmite affair but I love his voice. From the raw early Warning recordings (The Strength to Dream has become my favourite of his records over the years) to his mellow, introspective 40 Watt Sun stuff I think he is just a total legend.

Terry Jones, of course. Very, very nasal in his approach but an utterly perfect voice for Pagan Altar.

The early Solstice singers each had quite un-metal vocals that took me a while to fully appreciate. I wouldn't want them any other way. In fact, I often use their uniqueness as a test against other epic doom metal singers, and often lament the lack of such character in contemporary doom.

My main issue with him for years is that he sounded like Michael Stipe and I fucking despised R.E.M. - of course, I've since come around to the latter so probably wouldn't have the same problem with him now (the last thing I heard him on was the first 40WS album).

#24 November 18, 2022, 01:58:05 AM Last Edit: November 18, 2022, 02:00:15 AM by Eoin McLove
Ah fucking here! Michael Shite Stripe  :laugh: He's nasal, but he's not that fucking bad.
I think nasal vocals become even more unbearable with an American accent. It's lind of like Dylan Moran said, there's something extra thick about American thicks. They seem divorced from reality.

QuoteLee Dorrian

Yep. Forrest goes without saying and I always enjoyed Ethereal Mirror, but literally cannot enjoy a Cathedral record after that. Between the vocals and the lyrics with go way over the top in an attempt to be zany - utter cringe.

Browsing on YouTube this morning and stumbled across this,

Anal Cunt's first live performance. Seth Putnam's vocals and performance style can be classed as both unique and oddball, arguably for the wrong reasons. Somewhere in there though there could've been a brilliant extreme vocal approach, he came close to showing what potential he had on Pantera's Great Southern Trendkill if it was used effectively, his screams on that record are something else. Unfortunately he seemed to be just be a bit of a dick and the joke was well worn with AC.


Where is he on TGST? I could never figure out which parts were his.

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Alan Averil here. I think he has great range and is unique. Primordial definitely stand out with his vocals, and the music of course

Lord Worm immediately springs to mind. Listening to the first 2 Cryptopsy albums with the lyrics open in front of me I'm still not entirely convinced he's actually using any of the words  :laugh: