Quote from: astfgyl on April 27, 2020, 07:59:30 PM
Well to be honest I couldn't really get into The Assasination at all either despite it sounding like the sort of thing I would really like. I didn't get any buzz off Bergtatt or Nattens Madrigal either despite being into that type of thing at the time. Honestly haven't tried them in a decade though. Maybe I missed something.

Check out the stuff he's done with borknagar and solefald.

Are any of you into Konkhra from Denmark?,they got a lot of coverage in the likes of Terrorizer back in the 90s,but i cant remember a whole lot of heads into them?.James Murphy and Chris Kontos had stints in the band,one of those bands that came across as being popular in the media but no one actually listened to them?

The association I have with them is Chris Kontos. His drumming on Burn My Eyes was phenomenal.  I think his style of drumming was massively influential on the 90s stuff that came out after BME. I have a vague memory of hearing Konkhra back then and not thinking much of them.  For some reason they also put me in mind of another band who seemed to be getting pushed by Metal Hammer (but who definitely sucked), Grip Inc. Did they sound similar or is it just a crossed wire in my brain?

Was Grip Inc Lombardo and Geezer Butler? Had it on tape. Was terrible as I recall.

#274 April 28, 2020, 11:13:04 AM Last Edit: April 28, 2020, 11:49:50 AM by Eoin McLove
Oh maybe. Lombardo being involved rings a bell at least.  I remember the singer with the shit slicked back Mohawk  :laugh: his vocals were shite as I recall. Kind of constipated sounding like he was afraid to really let rip.

Ya grip Inc was dave lombardo.
I actually liked their stuff!

Quote from: Eoin McLove on April 28, 2020, 11:13:04 AM
Oh maybe. Lombardo betting involved rings a bell at least.  I remember the singer with the shit slicked back Mohawk  :laugh: his vocals were shite as I recall. Kind of constipated sounding like he was afraid to really let rip.

Terrible band. I believe that singer killed himself several years ago. Could be wrong on that.

Regarding Konkhra, I have that album with Murphy and Kontos. It has a few decent songs but far too much filler to make it worth your time. Never explored anything else Konkhra did.

I listened to a Grip Inc. song on YouTube just now.  The vocals are actually not as awful sounding to my ear these days. Kind of an Amebix buzz off them. The music is uninspiring, though. Basic mid-90s too cleanly produced remedial nu metal riffs with quasi tribal drumming. Very dated and very bland. 

I'm sure I have albums gathering dust somewhere from both Grip Inc and Konkhra. Two completely non-descript bands. Neither really similar, remember Konkhra as being groovy death metal-lite, however the unifying factor being that both traded off the reputations of drummers who were far too talented to be associated with either.

They were probably out around the same time which is the association in my mind.

I can remember both getting a regular airing on the 2FM metal show. Fairly sure that Grip Inc album spent aeons on the Soundcellar Top 10, along with In The Nightside Eclipse

Twas G/Z/R I was half confused with. Another "super group". Geezer and Burton C Bell. Incidentally, also shite.

Yeah i had a Grip inc album back then alright,bought it purely because of the Lombardo connection,thought it was ok at the time.

Geezer Butler (mentioned above)  was in another one of those mid 90s side project shit house bands,with Burton C Bell out of Fear factory,G/Z/R,any of you remember that name?.

Mid 90s scutter at its best!

I actually liked Grip Inc. The other notable thing about them was they had Waldemar Sorychta on guitar. He produced a lot of stuff in the 90s and did some session work. If you listen really closely to the later Grip Inc. stuff you can hear the similarities with the lead work and production of stuff like Wildhoney.