I'm a fussy tosser. I'll only toss myself.

Well, the staff could just learn the difference between being celiac and having a gluten intolerance. That's like claiming vegans are causing trouble for people who are lactose intolerant...it might be true, but it's the service provider who has to suck up knowing what's in what they're serving! (Fussy gluten intolerant tosser speaking  :abbath: )

Yeah it's a case of staff not really knowing (which isn't necessarily there fault, it's obviously a managerial issue and there's not enough emphasis on people getting the wrong food being a potential danger).

I'm diabetic myself and I've had one or two hairy experiences over the years because the server wasn't really fussed.

I used roll my eyes but I know a girl who's a celiac and it's mental the stuff they go through if they eat incorrectly. Restaurants should be on top of this by now, time has moved on, get with the programme.

That said, my missus is a vegetarian and I think it's up to her to open her mouth and give warning rather than wait for a plate to be delivered and then send it back, which is just plain arrogant and rude to be frank. Also, having worked in different kitchens during my teens and college years, I would definitely advise against sending stuff back to the kitchen..if you don't know why, then just watch fight club  :laugh:

Quote from: Aborted on October 12, 2019, 11:55:43 AM
Like all good things.. ie the fact people are openly talking about these things and more help seems to be available now than before... there is always the cuntish people who will use it for an advantage/lie saying they are suffering from mental health issues to get away with things.
Forgive me if I put this across in a bad way but it's very similar to people who cry racism/discrimination when they don't get what they want. It really fucks over people who actually go through that shite. People saying they have mental health issues because  for eg can't be arsed coming to work. As soon as it's said people tend to step back and not challenge it.

I've witnessed both of the above and it's fucking disgusting.

@BSC I've seen similar type of things by these 'experts' online on sites like Linkedin, it's the worst.

Mental health services have declined massively on the last decade. I know from first hand experience. The psychiatric exam they do in most hospitals is actually not that easy to fake. If you go making up lies you could find yourself on very extreme medication that you are obliged to take.

You don't need to go to a psychiatric ward to be given a diagnosis. You might; be given one by a psychologist (who may or may not refer you for medication); your GP might diagnose you (and prescribe something, or not); or you may (as I believe many do) self-diagnose (either honestly or in bad faith) on the internet. I don't think the majority of individuals who today self-identify (for whatever reason) with X or Y condition or profile would ever dream of going to a psych ward. Bit too real.

How are you "obliged" to take the meds? I've been on meds and certainly the only person that knew if I was taking them or not was myself. Back at the outpatient clinic a simple "yeah of course" is all I said when I was asked (sometimes I was, sometimes I wasn't), it's not like they were doing blood or urine tests to verify.

A lot of disorders that verge on psychosis medication is mandatory.  If you don't take it then you can be hauled in under the mental health act. For example if you go to a doctor telling them that the voices keep telling you to kill someone. Even if someone is clowning its taken very seriously.

If you tell a doctor you are planning suicide immediately they can slap a 72 hour hold on you.

I know two people who have to show up for a weekly blood test because they are prone to going off medication.

My point was that if you go in to any medical centre trying to feign illness you may find yourself in situations you weren't expecting.

@BSC the reason I said psych ward as opposed to GP is that I only use the GP for script writing.

When talking about feigning a mental condition, I think people meant feigning it on social media or feigning it to work mates or friends, rather than feigning it to a psychiatric professional. If the only situation in which people feigned having a diagnosable psychological condition was with psychiatric professionals, I don't think it could be a peeve for anyone.

Must have misunderstood. I'd have a different take on it than most. I've seen people online claiming to have PTSD without any medical diagnosis. That must actually sting people who actually have it.

Self diagnosis with the help of all their online buddies who will "support dem in dis hr of need #1like=1prayer "

Regarding the example you gave, it was similar to when it was 'cool' to say 'my ocd is acting up' on images etc that showed something out of place or such.

Most of these bellends don't realise the extent that OCD can have on peoples lives and think it's "great crack" to use it in those settings.

#791 October 18, 2019, 03:38:47 PM Last Edit: October 18, 2019, 05:31:21 PM by Eoin McLove
Driving between Kinnegad and Enfield and some dick in a Beemer starts driving up my hole.  Limit is 80, I'm going between 90 and 100 so not exactly holding up the show plus there's a truck in front of me.  I'm waiting for him to overtake.  No chance, he  just keeps tailgating me.  I do what any clearly thinking, short tempered road-rage-aholic would do,  and hit the brakes,  slowing right down.

He's (immaturely) flapping his arms,  I'm (more righteously and maturely) flapping mine and he goes around me.  We hit roadworks and have to stop so he gets out and walks over. I'm thinking,  fuck,  fistfight in the middle of the road,  this is going to be fun.  I get out.

First thing he says is 'I wasn't driving too close!'
Guilty,  motherfucker!

Upshot,  fuck all happened but we sit awkwardly waiting for the stop/go to change and when it finally does he drives up the hole of the truck that was in front of me the entire way to Enfield! Maybe he was demonstrating what tailgating was so I
would  recognise it next time it wasn't happening to me  :laugh:


Times like that you wish guns were legal. Getting out of the car..absolute spanner

Could you have taken him in a fight?