I don't see why people can't just wear ear/headphones so no one has to listen to each others SHITE

Pro - the guy who ran the gym I used to go to was into a spot of metal and having Painkiller come on to get that last kilometer on the treadmill was cool.

Con - I'm a lazy fuck.

People who approach the cashier in supermarkets who don't have a means of payment to hand. I mean was it a shock that you were asked for money?

Quote from: hellfire on October 02, 2019, 02:51:36 AM
People who approach the cashier in supermarkets who don't have a means of payment to hand. I mean was it a shock that you were asked for money?
Absolutely, same as people who queue for an ATM and then fumble around for ages looking their card. 

#754 October 02, 2019, 08:09:31 AM Last Edit: October 02, 2019, 08:12:59 AM by Juggz
Fucks who put their bags on the seat beside them on public transport in an effort to discourage others from sitting there. Proper cunty behaviour, that one. They always make the surprised "Oh, I didn't realise I was taking up the seat with my laptop bag" expression too, when you ask them to move it. Like asking to speak to management, it seems to be an Irish thing to be too polite to ask them to move their crap. I now seek them out and make a point of sitting beside them, especially when there are loads of free seats.

#755 October 02, 2019, 10:44:47 AM Last Edit: October 02, 2019, 10:58:51 AM by StoutAndAle
Quote from: ochoill on October 01, 2019, 03:00:38 PM
How loud is it? If it averages over 80db they're meant to turn it down anyway iirc.  I mean you could see if you can pick up a decibel meter somewhere if you wanted to be particularly bad to them.

It's loud. If you were in a bar, you'd be shouting to have a conversation. There's a dB meter in my toolroom that I could borrow but I hink that I'll hold off on that for the time being.

Quote from: Pedrito on October 01, 2019, 03:16:49 PM
I'd be asking to see the manager there, that's ridiculous from an employee

It's not in my nature to do that. I'll deal with the person in front of me. I have three modes affable, quiet anger or rage.

As someone else mentioned, I just don't go back to places where service is shit. Being that I enjoy going to this particular gym, I may have to deal with it in a different fashion. 

#756 October 02, 2019, 11:48:36 AM Last Edit: October 02, 2019, 11:51:42 AM by StoutAndAle
Quote from: Juggz on October 02, 2019, 08:09:31 AM
Fucks who put their bags on the seat beside them on public transport in an effort to discourage others from sitting there. Proper cunty behaviour, that one. They always make the surprised "Oh, I didn't realise I was taking up the seat with my laptop bag" expression too, when you ask them to move it. Like asking to speak to management, it seems to be an Irish thing to be too polite to ask them to move their crap. I now seek them out and make a point of sitting beside them, especially when there are loads of free seats.

Yes. Yes indeed.

Inverse peeve - weird fuckers who sit next to you on the Aircoach when there are 30 other free seats to choose from.

The following is a transcript of a recent misadventure when a man in his late-40s decided to sit next to me on a mid-morning bus to Dublin.

"I thought I'd sit here and have a chat. Tis a long oul journey"

"Eh, yeah..."

"I'm a fisherman based out of Castletownbere"


"I'm originally from Dublin. Going up to see my sister and her kids. Went out in Cork last nigh', someone stole my jacket. It had my phone and stuff in it"

"OK. Sorry to hear it"

"I have a big ball of money in Castletownbere and in Dublin, they took about €200 in cash with the jacket"

"Uh huh"

"I still have this though" - produces €1000+ quid in a roll of cash that would choke a donkey. "Do yis want some crisps?"

"No thanks"

"They're Pringles" opening a Gala bag to prove it - 3 large size Pringles tubes.

"No, you're alright"

"I know I'm fuckin' alrigh'! I just asked you if you wanted a Pringle... Sorry, sorry I had a rough night. Someone stole my jacket with my phone and cash in it"

He then starts cracking onto girls half his age offering them Pringles and Minstrels. I seize this as my opportunity to put on headphone and space out. As we approach Dublin my phone rings, it's my mate who I'm meeting for a few pints before a gig. I answer through my headphones and tell him I'll be in Mulligans in 20 minutes or so.

"Mulligan's? Over by Tara St.?" my guardo camino says next to me - "Ah Jaysis, a great pint in Mulligan's so there is. Here, could I use your phone to call me sister? I'll pay you for it."

"Yeah, no prob." I dial the number for him.

"I'm nearly into Dublin now... No, no need, I'll get a taxi. No, I'm using a chap's phone there that I met. My own was taken so it was.... About an hour, yeah, yeah, bye" and then hands me back my phone "Thanks for tha'. How much do I owe yis?"

"Nothing. You're alright."

"Will yis stop fuckin' sayin' I'm alrigh'? I know I'm al-fuckin'-righ', pal! I need to pay what I owe."

"Put a euro in a charity box the next time you pass one."

"Are you gettin' bleedin' smart with me now?"

"No. You asked to use my phone, you used my phone, it's done."

"Sorry. Bit stressed. Heavy night"

Thankfully the bus stops. He sticks out his gnarled to fuckery hand. "Thanks buddy. I'll see you around".

I get over to Mulligan's and relay this tale to my mate who shows as much sympathy as I would if it happened to someone else.

The barman in Mulligan's arrives down "There you are, lads. Two pints of Guinness"

"We didn't order these."

"No, they're from your buddy at the top of the bar"

And there he is lads, pint raised aloft and full of pringles - the merry fisherman himself.

"I heard yis say Mulligan's on the phone and I was gummin' for a pint after tha'!"

Thankfully he left us alone. And I forgot about it until I was outside the Button Factory a few hours later with 6 missed calls on my phone.

I call the number back.


"No, sorry. You have the wrong number"

"Martin called me from this number earlier. He said he'd be an hour but he still hasn't turned up. I've the kids waiting up to see him"

"Yeah, he only borrowed my phone. The last time I saw him he was drinking a pint in Mulligan's"

"Oh Jesus, he's murder for the drink. Anytime he goes out he loses his phone or his wallet or something. OK thanks. I'll give you a call when he turns up"

"Ah, I don't know him at all"

"Fine! Suit yourself!" and she hung up on me.

Actually, in hindsight Juggz - I'll be leaving my bag on the seat next to me from now on.

That's fucking brilliant

That is one of the most irish stories going.  Lethal.

The lad ploughin' into a tube of Pringles with the pint makes this all the more vivid 😁

The idea of him ploughing into a young wan with the Pringles tube is even more vivid!

I've always maintained that Mr. Pringle has a porno 'tache, so I guess that makes sense.

He looks like Pat Mustard.