The very selective reporting, by the BBC and other UK news sources, of Wiffen's Olympic win for Ireland.

The laptop is running out of space so last Wednesday I ordered a bigger disk and a USB enclosure to allow me to hook up the new, bigger disk to it and make a clone of the existing disk, which I could just swap out and carry on without having to reinstall everything and all that shite. Irish company promising delivery between 1 and 3 days, what could possibly go wrong? They split the order for some reason, sent the enclosure last Thursday and the disk on Friday. The disk arrived yesterday. I asked them if they could track the bit they shipped first, see why it was taking so long.

"It'll be delivered between 3pm and 5pm today"

Fair enough, I thought. It wasn't delivered, however, so I emailed them this morning to see where it was.

"It was delivered to Ann at 5:23pm yesterday"

I wonder who Ann is and where she lives.

Quote from: Bürggermeister on July 31, 2024, 10:04:33 AMThe very selective reporting, by the BBC and other UK news sources, of Wiffen's Olympic win for Ireland.

Great win for him and rightly so has been the top news story on BBC NI all day, Parents on radio this morning with Nolan and plenty more about him on radio.  No idea about other news channels up here. 

I listened to two new songs by old artists this evening- Opeth and Marilyn Manson. The top comment on both was "WE ARE SO FUCKING BACK".

I fucking despise cool internet speech.

I'd say your face journey was epic.

I got a teams message from someone 17/18 years younger than me that began "Hey man" then proceeded to ask me me a question... No sorry to bother you, could you help... Fucked me off no end.  Am I just old and grumpy now?   

Quote from: Anvil on August 02, 2024, 04:25:06 PMI got a teams message from someone 17/18 years younger than me that began "Hey man" then proceeded to ask me me a question... No sorry to bother you, could you help... Fucked me off no end.  Am I just old and grumpy now?   

Little cunt hadn't the decency to ask your pronouns first  >:(

Quote from: Eoin McLove on August 02, 2024, 01:44:00 PMI listened to two new songs by old artists this evening- Opeth and Marilyn Manson. The top comment on both was "WE ARE SO FUCKING BACK".

I fucking despise cool internet speech.

See also, a massively popular song from the 90s - "who's still listening to this banger in 2024?".

Quote from: Eoin McLove on August 02, 2024, 01:44:00 PMI listened to two new songs by old artists this evening- Opeth and Marilyn Manson. The top comment on both was "WE ARE SO FUCKING BACK".

I fucking despise cool internet speech.

Suprised they had the comments open on the Manson one, noticed quite a posts plugging his new album had them locked.

Funniest thing out of all of this , he has to open for Five Finger arse ache now 😂

Must have been a deluge, the comments are gone now.

Is Manson giving it another go? Never mind the allegations, his tunes have been awful since after Mechanical Animals and also awful before Smells Like Children

Smells Like Children was 80% shite too, to be fair. Holy Wood wasn't awful but there was a lot of filler and musically it was a step backwards. I haven't heard anything bar the odd song since, all shite. Couldn't be bothered, that new one's nothing new.

I actually like most of the actual "songs" on Smells Like Children. The oul Fuck Frankie and all that was shite tbf but the NIN-ness of the good bits was enough for me to like it overall

Lads in a barely moving, multi-lane traffic jam pointlessly trying to change lanes or who have to be milimeters away from your arse at all times.

Nerves are already fraught in such situations, just sit tight and don't act the prick.

Basketball is awful shite.