I once ordered a 'cerveza sin', the barman shouts to his buddy, 'una sin plomo, Manolo'!

Quote from: Caomhaoin on July 27, 2020, 06:24:55 PM
I once ordered a 'cerveza sin', the barman shouts to his buddy, 'una sin plomo, Manolo'!

Same time though, I've never been in another country where alcohol-free beer is so widely drunk.

A here,  drunk doesn't even come into it.

One of my pet peeves is when I am trying to talk to a person and somebody interrupts me...is so annoying!! 8-]]
---ain't skeerd---

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on July 27, 2020, 06:33:25 PM
Quote from: Caomhaoin on July 27, 2020, 06:24:55 PM
I once ordered a 'cerveza sin', the barman shouts to his buddy, 'una sin plomo, Manolo'!

Same time though, I've never been in another country where alcohol-free beer is so widely drunk.

Come down to Madrid and go out in Vallecas and the likes. I've walked out of discos at 8 in the morning, toilets full of people doing coke and god knows what else, you're so drunk after your 8th massive gin n tonic and you wonder if you'll ever be sober again. The real hard drinking doesn't start until about 3 or even 4 in the morning, it gets wild out, it's just far more behind closed doors and into the early hours. Drink driving is through the roof. There's more brothels in Spain that the rest of Europe combined. Wild out boy, great craic in fairness. Like a regular Friday night in Mullingar.

What's it like out in Ɓlcala? Must be decent with all that university fanny knocking around.

Not knocking their ability to drink and party at all; sure I've done San Fermin five or six times at this stage, and to be honest any Friday or Saturday night in Pamplona is just as mad, just a few less people and no white n red uniform!

Just saying, during the day in the squares, etc., I've seen more people drinking non alcoholic beer here - as if it was the most normal thing in the world!! - than anywhere else I've been. Still a minority, but enough that it's noticeable. Might be more of a thing in the north...when I was in Amdalucia I was drunk every day so not in a state to notice haha

No, you are right, a lot of people do drink it. The fact that a bottle of Heineken 0 costs the same as a pint makes it unpalatable at home I reckon.

I'd drink it at times if it was the 50 cent it deserves to be

When one of the seams of a 90 litre aquarium suddenly decides that it's had enough and doesn't  want to be waterproof.  >:(

I have the fucking tank held together with ratchet straps to keep water in it until the replacement arrives and thankfully saw what was happening before it drained fully and killed all inside. Had just gotten a nice healthy bunch of fish too so hoping the transfer to the new tank doesn't kill them.

Tendonitis. Fuck it right in the ear.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on July 27, 2020, 09:30:22 PM
Not knocking their ability to drink and party at all; sure I've done San Fermin five or six times at this stage, and to be honest any Friday or Saturday night in Pamplona is just as mad, just a few less people and no white n red uniform!

Just saying, during the day in the squares, etc., I've seen more people drinking non alcoholic beer here - as if it was the most normal thing in the world!! - than anywhere else I've been. Still a minority, but enough that it's noticeable. Might be more of a thing in the north...when I was in Amdalucia I was drunk every day so not in a state to notice haha

It's just there's a lot of drinking going on but plenty of it, during the day, is far more family oriented type stuff. I know there's an element in Ireland that might bring kids to the pub, but the opposite is more the case..it's frowned upon hugely. In Spain the outdoor life is life so people who just don't drink in general would still sit in a bar quite normally but with a coke or a non-alcoholic drink and nobody bats an eyelid. You do that in Dublin on a Saturday night you'll be flogged to death  :laugh: price of drink back home an absolute balls aswell.

Amazon packaging. The way they leave the sides unsecured always seemed a little ripe for exploitation and, sure enough, today the postie handed me a package with half the contents missing. The flap had been put back in place, which was nice of whoever has my stuff. Amazon issued a credit note without any hassle, to be fair, but it just means I'll be ordering the same thing again and hoping their packaging holds firm this time.

Quote from: Pedrito on July 26, 2020, 01:17:02 PM
Hindu squat:


This lad good for knees. The foam rolling ignore but he has some exercises at the end that are good.


This type of thing is good too:


Your knees are stiff because you don't train them. It sounds like it should be the opposite but you're looiing for mobility, to stretch them and strengthen them. You'll be grand in a few weeks if you do some exercise every day

Cheers for the recommendations but I was too fucked for the past five days to even do the stretches the physio had recommended. I went back in this evening and she gave my knee a quick massage, showed me a really basic stretch to loosen it out and gave me a few new and slightly tougher stretches to do and I already feel like a new man. I've been limping about like an octogenarian for days now and was getting the fear, thinking that's it, the legs are goosed. I didn't realise how much it was affecting me mentally either until this evening. The pain is almost entirely gone, the knees are more limber and I even just feel mentally more upbeat which is, despite my penchant for a good moan, my general disposition.

Good stuff man. Exercise and strengthening is what they need as counterintuitive as it sounds.

Too much fiddlin with yerself weakens them too but that's a man's own business