Having gimpy knees. The old hinges are getting rusty these days and I'm getting physio on them which seems to be fixing one problem while causing another.

Ha yeah the joys of being only 32 and wondering which knee is going to be giving pain today, sometimes one of the elbows joins in for the craic  :abbath:

My knee was clicking non stop every time I took a step or knelt to say my prayers for a month. I was driven nutty with it so I've been going to the physio. The stretches I was given seemed to work for the clicking but my knees are both stiff as a board the last three days so I'm not sure if I pulled a muscle around my knee now or what. I'm hobbling about and can barely get down on my knees at six o' clock for a dose of the angelus.

Bit of light cycling can be good for knee trouble. I used to have two gimped knees and that's what the doctor recommended. Worked for me, but of course the cause of yours could be something totally different.

I have been looking for an excuse to fix up the ol rothar. Hmmm....

Aye, as long as your saddle is at a proper height it lets you flex them a lot, builds a bit of resistance and is pretty low impact too.


Your one's voice in this ad wrecks my head. She sounds like an air hostess one steroids. It's like every word is being squeezed out of an emptied tube of toothpaste.

Curiosity is not a fuckin' buggy, ya cunt. Jesus.

Worse ads are getting, and the accents on them.

The lack of gigs is starting to grate....

The Blade Runner / live score show (which was all I had on my horizon) is put back to Sept. 2021 now. Probably won't happen.

#1750 July 26, 2020, 12:07:41 AM Last Edit: July 26, 2020, 12:19:53 AM by Pedrito
Quote from: Eoin McLove on July 25, 2020, 12:53:24 PM
My knee was clicking non stop every time I took a step or knelt to say my prayers for a month. I was driven nutty with it so I've been going to the physio. The stretches I was given seemed to work for the clicking but my knees are both stiff as a board the last three days so I'm not sure if I pulled a muscle around my knee now or what. I'm hobbling about and can barely get down on my knees at six o' clock for a dose of the angelus.

Hindu squats are the way to get bullet proof knees. You probably need to strengthen your legs and knees..do you exercise? Mobility exercises can help enormously too. I'll look for some vids to post tomorrow. Fukin physios cost a bomb and it's often something very simple like simply moving more and strengthening your body.

Knee circles and calf raises will help too.

Yeah I'm active but I think my problem is wear and tear from work but fire up the vids and I'll give them a go!

#1752 July 26, 2020, 01:17:02 PM Last Edit: July 26, 2020, 01:37:55 PM by Pedrito
Hindu squat:


This lad good for knees. The foam rolling ignore but he has some exercises at the end that are good.


This type of thing is good too:


Your knees are stiff because you don't train them. It sounds like it should be the opposite but you're looiing for mobility, to stretch them and strengthen them. You'll be grand in a few weeks if you do some exercise every day

Quote from: Eoin McLove on July 25, 2020, 09:31:33 PM


Your one's voice in this ad wrecks my head. She sounds like an air hostess one steroids. It's like every word is being squeezed out of an emptied tube of toothpaste.

She spits her vicious 's' sounds with such venom, she's obviously a snake.

All the ads on tv are cuntcocks.