March 30, 2022, 07:11:41 PM Last Edit: March 30, 2022, 07:15:26 PM by Eoin McLove

A new song is streaming on the Bardo Methodology site and it sounds savage. The interview has me excited to hear the full thing and to delve into the story.

It's impossible not to draw comparisons with Cultes des Ghoules's Coven, in terms of the narrative structure.

New song sounds unreal. I had listened to it from the YT clip of the Limerick gig plenty of times, but was still blown away by the studio version. Some weird rock riffs in there too like on the last Malokarpatan album.

Yeah, really keen to hear the full thing. Mad to think it's been over a decade since Stained Glass Revelations.

That Bardo interview reference to Vulcano had me thinking they might go in quite a different direction, but don't think that's the case going on the preview track. Sounding really good nevertheless.

Incredible song and the album just gets better and better after that, I think. Interview is great as well. Don't remember even being in Frieburg let alone stopping off in a church but I'm missing entire countries from that tour.

I've listened to this quite a few times now, great track. Interesting read as always, very much looking forward to the album!

Been listening to the track everytime I drive to work. Its the business.

Going to lob in the pre-order next week. Looking forward to sitting down with it and reading through the lyrics.

Just got to it last night. Class track, plenty of remnants of the Occultation sound in there too.

Listening to the full thing now on Invictus bandcamp. It's a beast. The sound and atmosphere have been stripped back a lot from Stained Glass Revelations, this one is a lot more riff-focused. Less reverb too, the production is way tighter, for want of a better word. Can hear each instrument a lot clearer.

Yeah I had a listen the other night and really enjoyed it, reminded me a bit of the sort of thing Malokapartan are at, a lot of Mercyful Fate influence.

I'm trying to hold out until I have the wax to give it a listen but I might break in the next few days if the first song is anything to go by.

Just been through it on shitty speakers at work and it sounds like another stellar release, such a quality band.
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

Fired in an order for the CD and LP last night. Hopefully they won't be stuck in the GZ warehouse for much longer.

Just went through the whole album and it's a belter. Can't wait to get the physical copy.