Listening to it now myself, just a few songs in but I'm digging the vibe, it's like they took the vibe of Cold Dark Place and made it more metal. Production is very clean but it's major label metal I suppose.

#16 October 29, 2021, 01:03:02 AM Last Edit: October 29, 2021, 01:04:59 AM by open face surgery
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on October 29, 2021, 12:26:09 AM
Sound. May be just what I need to keep plugging away for another hour and a half!

Who said romance is dead!?

First impressions are that I don't think the production lends itself that well to being so melodic yet heavy. Given the scope, I will have to sit with it for a while. Enjoyable so far anyway.

It sounds brilliant on the first couple of listens anyway.  Savage Lands has a cracker of a riff... but for sure it'll take a lot of listens....!

Couple of meh moments, but overall enjoying it so far.

Yeah it's not a bad album, but as with nearly every double album ever they should have really just trimmed it down to the best 50 or so minutes.

With there was more Brent Hinds songs, you can tell which songs he had a hand in writing, that country-ish tune is really cool.

Yeah even though they had the stand alone single with him last year a Scott Kelly appearance would have been nice.

The Kim Thayil solo on Had It All is cool though.

This album is starting to pay massive dividends after a few full listens. Still a niggle that one or two songs could have been left out, but for the moment I'm very happily buzzing through the whole thing over and over without wanting to skip tracks.

Got it in the post today, I'll try to give it a spin tonight.

Agree with the comment about most double albums benefiting from a trim, and this one is no exception i think alright. Great to hear Kim Thayil on it.  The country song is my least fav on there though, find myself skipping over it each time.  Highly enjoyable album overall tho...fair play to them

I actually like that one. There's a couple of bars of vocal in it that remind me of Nothing Compares 2U  :laugh: :abbath: :abbath:

I've had it since Monday but annoyingly haven't had a chance to listen to it. I've it scanned onto the phone so I might go for a stroll with it after the rugby, if the weather clears up.

Found the country tune jarring at first but was into it by the second listen. Great album. Still unpacking it.

Only got 1 listen in so far but initial impressions are good. Very much a slow burn of an album and a bit on the long side but it's very enjoyable. There's a great sonic atmosphere created.

Still waiting on my copy to arrive, but I've listened to a few songs online and they all seem pretty good. Production sounds a bit off but that could also be just shitty youtube sound