Production definitely ain't off on the vinyl anyway. I've started my day with it all this week and it's been deadly. In fact, all I've been listening to this week is this and the new Kayo Dot.

Gave it one full spin so far and picked at a few songs off it.  Not bad but first impression is fairly bloated.  Couple of great tracks in there though.  Won't write it off as quick as the last one anyway, I'll give it a few more goes to see how it opens up.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 13, 2021, 10:57:30 AM
In fact, all I've been listening to this week is this and the new Kayo Dot.
Yeah that is lethal.  No Hubardo mind (but sure what is?) but still excellent as expected.

Great tunes but too fuckin many of them and they're at the same mid pace for the most part. That's my read of it, as of now.

Kind of in a similar camp in that I enjoy it each time I spin through it, but with stop/start cause of work calls or whatever and nothing necessarily stands out. When I resume, I could be on track 4 or 11. Often happens when streaming vs throwing on the record, but usually easier to catch a moment/riff/hook when its 8-10 songs than 15. That said, I am getting into it more with each listen, but I can't see me shifting the idea that trimming *some* of the excess would probably serve it best overall. Some super choruses and leads for sure though.

#34 November 18, 2021, 04:38:42 PM Last Edit: November 18, 2021, 04:50:05 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
I was thinking this morning that I might have a stab at listening to it the way I most often listen to Physical Graffiti, either disc 1 or disc 2. It'd be interesting to see how it comes out of that. If Physical Graffiti came out today people would say it could have been trimmed of some excess, and while that's an understandable reaction, it's also obviously a mental idea.

Yeah, for sure. Nobody was distracted making PowerBI Dashboards when Physical Graffiti was released, Hushed and Grim deserves similar respect.

All I can say is stay with it. I felt it was too long and meandering to begin with too, and I'm not a huge fan of theirs (I only like the recent albums). This new one for me is their best to date. Stunning album.

Yeah, I think it's great. My interest in Mastodon has waned over the years, they kind of lost me after Crack the Skye, but I'm really enjoying this. I also wouldn't be a fan of double albums in general but I think this one works well and doesn't drag too much.

I'd kind of put off checking this out the last few months, not sure how it would turn out, but I shouldn't have worried. It's cool as fuck, excellent renditions of the tunes, and a great setlist:

Was just going to post about how excellent that acoustic - well, partially acoustic - set is. It works for their stuff so well, The Czar in particular is outstanding in that format. I'd love to see some proper release of those versions.

Tbh they were a band I had a lot of time for but had fallen off my radar a bit in recent years. The new album is great and it made me go back through the back catalogue again. You've got to hand it to them, they really are an amazing band.

Making of documentary up on YouTube now:

Now, this really is too long, but the bits in studio are good.

Watched the documentary last night. I could watch studio work all day long regardless of the genre, however I personally feel it's a little cringe in places.

Yeah, all the "quirky" sketches fall on their arse. Except for Brent's, because it's all too easy to imagine him as exactly that character  :laugh: