Having the house to myself for the day. A spot of recording earlier, watching the ball now, gowl around editing patches on pedalboard shortly, maybe a bit of porn later. Splendid!

You scuppered my deadly joke there,  Emphyrio. To the pet peeves thread!

Quote from: Eoin McLove on February 29, 2020, 06:31:03 PM
You scuppered my deadly joke there,  Emphyrio. To the pet peeves thread!


Getting a nice tax refund back from the revenue, happy days

Belly full, fire on, feet up in front of the darts. Might chance a can of Guinness.

Beyond Simple Pleasure and into the realms of Fucking Awesome...
Stepdaughter comes back from Brazil last night, hands me a record of some local band ' the guy' said I might like..an original press of Arise from a stall on the streets of Sao Paolo.
Had to show her a photo of me wearing the tshirt of it a quarter of a century ago.
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes


I remember years ago I was going out with a chick and she went to London for work training.  She went into Tower and texted me to ask what CD I wanted as a present.  I couldn't think of anything I wanted off the top of my head so I said,  just grab the CD with the ugliest artwork.  She bought me 'There Was Blood Everywhere' by Embalmed,  which I already had,  but on a burned CD  :laugh: Fair play,  I thought.

Sounds like you got egg on your face

Wait,  this isn't egg!

My missus bought me a mandolin for my birthday, jees its great fun to play....