The photo is fuckin gas. Had a listen the last day and it didn't do a whole lot.

Yet more post, yet more vinyl.

Summoning - Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame
Nile - Ithyphallic
Immortal - Pure Holocaust
Scáth na Déithe - The Dirge of Endless Mourning

Scáth na Déithe is another Irish bm project that I hadn't heard of til recently, but this is a fantastic, with a great concept too.

Also bought Black Wings of Devastation on CS, even though I promised myself I wouldn't get into tapes but there you go. Expect a future post looking for advice on a cassette player I guess

Arghoslent arrived along with a nice Swastika embroidered flag for hanging out the front of the house. For anyone that doesn't know me, I'm joking. I hate embroidery.

Obskuritatem - Hronika iz Mraka

Scald/ Pocc- Agyl's Saga CD.

The new Wolvennest album Ritual MMXX is released on Ván Records and available for the princely sum of €3 to download on Bandcamp....

Not a bad price for almost an hour of top class tunes....

The AngelCorpse represses from Osmose.

Couple of metal as fuck vinyl purchases from Sentinel this week:

The Doors - The Doors
The Cranberries - Everybody Else Is Doing It So Why Can't We? (this one a gift for the missus)

It can be pretty handy Scobes stocks a bit of non-metal stuff, and it's also an amusingly totally random selection he has.

The Doors is a great album in fairness. I can take or leave The Cranberries.

Same as man, which is what makes it the perfect vinyl gift for her; she won't be able to suspect it's secretly as much for me as her!

Doors s/t is phenomenal alright, looking forward to that arriving. I listen to all their albums regularly enough, but this'll be the first to have on record.

Quote from: open face surgery on April 14, 2021, 01:27:37 PM
Arghoslent arrived along with a nice Swastika embroidered flag for hanging out the front of the house. For anyone that doesn't know me, I'm joking. I hate embroidery.

It's a pity Argohslent  were so political. Talented bunch but the chances of a European tour or decent sales were pretty low.

Hot Shower or one of those fests are the only chance you'd have of ever seeing themselves or GBK over this side.

Yeah, not sure it'd be worth sitting through a weekend of  sitting through a weekend of  black metal homage to uncle Adolf just to see them.

There are always one or two bands at HS that look appealing, but yeah, a full weekend of sieg heilery might be a bit exhausting. Not sure my arm would be up to the task.

The amount of drool from the clientele would be very off-putting.

I don't mind listening to NS themed stuff when it's good. The good stufff probably only accounts for a tiny fraction of a percent of the overall output. Can't imagine spending the whole weekend listening to lads bleat on about Jew's, blacks and whatever else.