Caomhaoin are you wanting to give The Donal suction?  :laugh:
Deep Down Six Feet, Is Where I Like To Eat

'Just lay back and think of Carol Vorderman Daddy '

Quote from: Caomhaoin on August 13, 2020, 04:07:49 PM
Speculation, pure and simple. I'm not denying that Pence may have helped Trump in the way you have stated, but I haven't seen any data. Only slogans. Why he chose him may seem a no-brainer for you, but Trump is entitled to choose whatever running mate he sees fit. No group was excluded from the field.

It's another thing entirely to make a big song and dance about how progressive Biden is by loudly snd publicly announcing that the field for selection would only be open to 'women of colour'. Cringe!

Pence was totally brought in to shore up the Christian vote. You go the field was open. Ha. Now the 1 thing about Harris is Trump can't do the usual line of they're weak on crime cause she was fuck wasn't weak on crime as attorney general.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 13, 2020, 02:43:28 PM
Quote from: Ollkiller on August 12, 2020, 11:42:38 PM

Biden and Harris first press conference together. You have to skip in a bit on before it starts. No Sleepy Joe here.

Maybe not, but his bit about the little black and brown girls was not only cringe, but almost impossible not to perceive - within the political arena - as a calculated and cynical flourish. It's the "nice" political equivalent of the villain explaining his entire strategy even though it was perfectly obvious from the plot!

Yah a good few cringe moments. I was more on about he talks like a presidential candidate. With coherent sentences. It says a lot when out of 350 million people these are the 2 best candidates you could come up with. As Americans are so big on slogans Biden should just run with "I'm not that guy".

If Trump used the slogan "Make America Great Again Again"  he'd have my vote.

The man would have made a killing during the Celtic Tiger

Quote from: Ollkiller on August 13, 2020, 09:41:58 PM
Quote from: Caomhaoin on August 13, 2020, 04:07:49 PM
Speculation, pure and simple. I'm not denying that Pence may have helped Trump in the way you have stated, but I haven't seen any data. Only slogans. Why he chose him may seem a no-brainer for you, but Trump is entitled to choose whatever running mate he sees fit. No group was excluded from the field.

It's another thing entirely to make a big song and dance about how progressive Biden is by loudly snd publicly announcing that the field for selection would only be open to 'women of colour'. Cringe!

Pence was totally brought in to shore up the Christian vote. You go the field was open. Ha. Now the 1 thing about Harris is Trump can't do the usual line of they're weak on crime cause she was fuck wasn't weak on crime as attorney general.

Open in the sense that specific groups, white people and men in this case, weren't excluded publicly. It's the 'look how progressive we are' angle, because the other lad hates women and brown people. Even though that accusation is verifiably false.

She wasn't easy on crime, Rice seemed the better candidate to me though, hard as nails. She might have been a bit 'too' black though, who knows?

I don't think Pence hates women as such, he's just doing that overtly Christian thing where he exhibits the emotional maturity of a 13 year old when one of those vagina-wielding lunatics has the temerity to be in the same room as him.

Yeah but that's fair enough though.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on August 13, 2020, 06:41:20 PM
'Just lay back and think of Carol Vorderman Daddy '

I doubt The Donald knows who she is, (better for her).
Deep Down Six Feet, Is Where I Like To Eat

Listen, it's all a crock of shit is politics, but the point the Democratic party decided to make was "We can put together a list of VP candidates from among only coloured women and still have each of them be perfectly eligible for the position." That was how it shows that the Democrat party is progressive; we can allow ourselves to exclude white men and yet still put forward a panel of highly qualified individuals. Sure, it's all posturing, but this is why it works. Calling it "racist" is missing that point.

#1016 August 17, 2020, 09:17:09 PM Last Edit: August 17, 2020, 09:19:45 PM by Ollkiller
For anyone that's interested The Democratic convention starts tonight until Thursday with notable speakers from Michelle Obama, Clinton, Harris, Sanders, Pelosi etc with Biden rounding it off with a keynote speech on Thursday. Also tonight a group of republicans are speaking at the Democratic convention.

The republican GOP convention starts next Monday until Thursday with notable speakers from Pence, Flynn, the first lady, Haley, Trump Jr and Ivanka etc with Trump rounding it off on Thursday.

Steve Bannon today arrested on fraud charges for funneling funds from the Build the Wall campaign.  Is that 5 or 6 of Trumps cabinet that have been arrested now.  Drain the swamp me fucking hole.

Trump sacked him, years ago. Jaysus some of ye are like the carrion birds working for Mashed and The Guardian!

Quote from: Caomhaoin on August 20, 2020, 06:33:30 PM
Trump sacked him, years ago. Jaysus some of ye are like the carrion birds working for Mashed and The Guardian!

Don't read the guardian and actually haven't the first clue what Mashed is. What it is indicative of is a person hiring dodgy lads, without the proper pre clearance I'd imagine as well. Top jobs that should go to the best person at the role are filled by lackeys. Case in point. The Education Secretary. Fuck me...