Quote from: Ollkiller on June 10, 2020, 09:55:35 PM
These nuts have got films banned but Trump and Johnson have cost thousands upon thousands of lives in the last few weeks by totally fucking up their response to Covid-19. Yes censorship is wrong, dying is worse.

So did the leaders of China, Turkey, Spain, Sweden, Italy..............




Have a look. Essentially nothing that could be called an artistic endeavour is banned today. Censorship was far, far worse in the past, in more conservative times. Media outlets may decide not to show something, but there is almost nothing that you are not allowed purchase and watch in private, meaning not censored. Screening decisions today are made on the basis of risk-benefit with a view to revenue and nothing else.

Straw Dogs, Texas Chainsaw etc were banned cos they were "shocking", this new censorship isn't coming from that place so I don't think it's a fair comparison.

Ah Jaysus, forgot about Reservoir Dogs and Natural Born Killers. And that was the 90s! but again, that was down to shock factor.

It's not just films though is it? It's dissent, non-culturally mainstream opinions. Not legally 'banned', obviously, but to all intents and purposes. Who was that guy who was crucified for having a David Irving book on his bookshelf in the background on a zoom call? I can't mind the lads name, but the point stands. Anyone in their right mind knows that David Irving is a debunked holocaust denier, a spastic, but so what? I have a Kate Chopin novel and the Communist Manifesto on mine!

The cancelling of Milo and these lads because of antifa behaving like a pack of animals and the campus authorities just pulling their pants down and giving it up. Isn't that censorship, mob-rule style?

Quote from: Emphyrio on June 10, 2020, 10:10:02 PM
Straw Dogs, Texas Chainsaw etc were banned cos they were "shocking", this new censorship isn't coming from that place so I don't think it's a fair comparison.

This new "censorship" doesn't exist. Only product choices by media outlets. Maybe that will change. And maybe later there'll be such a conservative backlash we end up in Gilead!

No platforming is a travesty, I totally agree. Know who has the best rhetoric on that subject? Chomsky! Manufacturing Consent, seriously worth your time if you're concerned about where things appear to you to be going.

Go on lads, take on the end-of-level boss.

We're fucked the whole lot of us.

Get on your fucking knees! Scabby white cunts the lot

Whenever I hear Chomsky mentioned, I always think of Peter Capaldi's brilliant turn as the 'oooh so clever professor' in Peep Show😂



He's a legend, and from comments I see around online, more and more rejected by liberals, precisely because they just don't get his anarcho-democratic intellectual principles relative to free speech at all.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on June 10, 2020, 08:52:51 PM
Yep, tax these billionaires who enigmatically swan through the world, not as mere citizens, but demigods.

I didn't mention tax but if only it was that easy. I know the comment was in jest but there's a "demigod" billionaire in Australia that builds apartment blocks, Harry Triguboff, who took it upon himself to unilaterally decide that Australians needed to live in high density high rise sh1tholes, but he most certainly doesn't live in one himself. Chap is in his late 80s now and still hasn't amassed enough wealth to the detriment of society.


Another example - two clowns who run Atlassian software import crowds of vulnerable desperate immigrants to write their code for cheap, but they live in adjacent harbour side mansions, not in some 30 storey tower.

Implications of ignoring these "demigod" twats - It's the American way of thinking, individuals first, society doesn't factor in. Why invest in the training of societies next generation when you can just import someone from somewhere else. We don't have to care about ensuring that XY and Z is earning enough, we just want it done at the cheapest price point possible. Extrapolate these values across the world and it's developing Uber Eats gig economy and it is pretty clear where the cultural values behind these policies originate. Great for wealthy individuals, completely destructive in terms of a society and ordinary people to perpetuate themselves and their cultural values into the future in a cohesive manner. We've seen it in Ireland with the housing/homelessness situation, our housing market has gone global to vulture funds for nearly a decade and has f**ked a whole range of people yet here we are, discussing the outrage over some corporate marketing whores doing their best to appeal to a target audience with little or no risk involved. We need to assign value to more human centered metrics than just the economic success of the Harry Triguboffs in the world.

The right/left thing is a cunt. I would find Chomsky equally as listenable as someone like Dave Rubin for example..I'm just plucking a name here. They might have a lot that they don't agree on but they would be able to have a civil conversation, I'm sure, and probably agree to disagree etc. You could add in your Jordan Petersons of this world to that.

No, the issue is the rest of the cretins going around roaring in people's faces about absolute bollox. Shep is right there, it is manufacturing consent but it's being done in the strangest way. It has decided that the old conservative values that people used get up on their high horses about and roar in people's faces about are too predictable and now it's decided to run with this new, supposedly left leaning, virtue signalling farce that we see.

Being outraged about abortion or the lack of religion is simply just seen as out of date. What's hip now? Gender, race etc etc. If this was the value system of 50 or 60 years ago the same Netflix or Amazon or Youtube's of this world would have been supporting going to Nam, keeping any discourse on race down, pushing the American Dream. They don't care about the rest of us, the really don't care what state society is in as long as shareholders are happy and profits keep flowing in.

And that's not anti capitalist or pro Marxist or even the other way around, it's just showing that these behemoths, be they mulitinationals or ideologies or whatever they are don't really care HOW they win power as long as they win it, be that political, economic or whatever. It's all the same power grab just in different guises.

Quote from: The Butcher on June 10, 2020, 10:40:21 PM
Quote from: Eoin McLove on June 10, 2020, 08:52:51 PM
Yep, tax these billionaires who enigmatically swan through the world, not as mere citizens, but demigods.

I didn't mention tax but if only it was that easy. I know the comment was in jest but there's a "demigod" billionaire in Australia that builds apartment blocks, Harry Triguboff, who took it upon himself to unilaterally decide that Australians needed to live in high density high rise sh1tholes, but he most certainly doesn't live in one himself. Chap is in his late 80s now and still hasn't amassed enough wealth to the detriment of society.


Another example - two clowns who run Atlassian software import crowds of vulnerable desperate immigrants to write their code for cheap, but they live in adjacent harbour side mansions, not in some 30 storey tower.

Implications of ignoring these "demigod" twats - It's the American way of thinking, individuals first, society doesn't factor in. Why invest in the training of societies next generation when you can just import someone from somewhere else. We don't have to care about ensuring that XY and Z is earning enough, we just want it done at the cheapest price point possible. Extrapolate these values across the world and it's developing Uber Eats gig economy and it is pretty clear where the cultural values behind these policies originate. Great for wealthy individuals, completely destructive in terms of a society and ordinary people to perpetuate themselves and their cultural values into the future in a cohesive manner. We've seen it in Ireland with the housing/homelessness situation, our housing market has gone global to vulture funds for nearly a decade and has f**ked a whole range of people yet here we are, discussing the outrage over some corporate marketing whores doing their best to appeal to a target audience with little or no risk involved. We need to assign value to more human centered metrics than just the economic success of the Harry Triguboffs in the world.


I wasn't posting in jest at all.  I was being serious.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on June 10, 2020, 10:49:21 PM
I wasn't posting in jest at all.  I was being serious.

That's the closest we hit to the original topic in at least 20 pages.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on June 10, 2020, 10:49:21 PM
I wasn't posting in jest at all.  I was being serious.

Agree with your original comment too.