Had never heard Somewhere Far Beyond until this week. Giving me a major power metal horn. Had only heard, and loved Nightfall before, which is an untouchabl album for me. Just creating an appreciation  thread. Savage bloody band that I know very little about for reasons unknown to myself.

Always had a soft spot for Blind Guardian. I do not particularly like power metal, and they are unlike anything else I listen to, yet I love giving them a blast every now and then.

Nightfall in Middle Earth is a classic, and I like the 2 newest albums At the Edge of Time and Beyond the Red Mirror. Resisting the urge to sing along like a tool while listening to some of their songs can be quite difficult.

Love everything they did until A Night at the Opera and not that fussed after that.  Hard to pick a favourite album.  Some killer songs - Majesty, Valhalla, Welcome to Dying.

They've recently rereleased their back catalogue on vinyl and it has taken some restraint not to go all in and replace the CD collection... I did replace a dodgy copy of Tales From The Twilight World though.

Battalions of Fear and Follow the Blind are both savage albums. Much more thrashy than later efforts as their talent hadn't caught up with their ambition yet.

imaginations from the other side is my favorite of theirs. pure thrashy but melodic as fuck.

I'm in the same boat as Anvil. Really love all their stuff but I stopped paying attention when "Night at the Opera" came out. "Follow the Blind" is fantastic 80s speed metal goodness, and "Imaginations from the other side" is great for something on the more melodic side. Would love to see them live, but they seem more suited for a huge festival rather than a tiny indoor gig over here.

They did a great set at Wacken a while ago. Decent set with a mix of all different albums.


Quote from: Hambeast on December 08, 2018, 12:26:27 PM
Would love to see them live, but they seem more suited for a huge festival rather than a tiny indoor gig over here.

I 'd prefer to see them in said tiny gig, the times they played in Dublin were brilliant. Still a huge fan, but I think since A Night at the Opera, they've just been trying to overcomplicate the whole thing a bit too much.

Quote from: Mower Liberation Front on December 08, 2018, 08:30:51 PM
Quote from: Hambeast on December 08, 2018, 12:26:27 PM
Would love to see them live, but they seem more suited for a huge festival rather than a tiny indoor gig over here.

I 'd prefer to see them in said tiny gig, the times they played in Dublin were brilliant. Still a huge fan, but I think since A Night at the Opera, they've just been trying to overcomplicate the whole thing a bit too much.

Amazing band, like said everything up to A Night at the Opera I love, not been bothered since then. Seen them several time at festivals over the years but the best show was in Sydney to about a thousand people, just a epic and powerful in a small venue setting

Pedrito..? Pedrito....? Where art Thou?

Really liking the new one. Lot more direct that the last few. Hansi and co must have been watching End of Evangelion when they were trying to come up with the artwork though.

#11 September 17, 2022, 08:36:59 AM Last Edit: September 17, 2022, 08:44:52 AM by Thorn
It's class isn't it, all the fat cut away, all the (well, most of the) bells and whistles gone , couldn't have hacked another one like the last one to be honest. Great set of tracks, going to be very near the top of my end of year list no doubt. But, and it's a big Kardashian size butt, the artwork, particularly inside the booklet, is bloody atrocious.
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

I'm not really digging the new one too much. I like the fact they got rid of the orchestral stuff but it feels like it's missing something.

Ah here, that glorious Slash on a cliff top lead break in 'Let It Be No More', so damn good
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

So now that I'm irredeemably hooked, don't suppose anyone has a copy of Nightfall on vinyl they'd be willing to part with for less than a ton?  :laugh:  :abbath: