Listening to this at the minute.

The Scott Walkers of black metal. What an utterly bizarre album and so ahead of it's time. Even the production style is odd I think for '95, almost doesn't sound like it's from that period (or is that just me?). Anyway, class!

Scott Walkers of black metal is the perfect description.  Haha. Eccentric beauty.

This, DHG - Kronet and Kvist are 3 albums that I find compliment each other perfectly.

I can't really get into Kvist. The first song is cool but the rest seems to go over my head.  Must revisit. I love the album artwork, I must admit.

The tracks Stupet into Svartedal should be enough do the trick. If not, who knows!?

I'm the opposite to you Andy; been into Virus for years, but have stupidly ignored this project. This album isn't just right up my street, it's like I've found it squatting in my gaff. Ah, sure isn't life only grand, still discovering albums that can blow you away this deep into the game!

Kvist on here now for the first time in a little while. Stupet playing as I type. All the ingredients are there but I can never seem to remember anything about the record from one listen to the next. It's decent, just lacking in killer hooks or something. It might be an album that clicks with me on my 100th listen! Actually picking up a bit of an Emperor buzz that never jumped out at me before.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 07, 2020, 01:10:24 AM
I'm the opposite to you Andy; been into Virus for years, but have stupidly ignored this project. This album isn't just right up my street, it's like I've found it squatting in my gaff. Ah, sure isn't life only grand, still discovering albums that can blow you away this deep into the game!

I've liked the bits of Virus I've listened to so I'll have to grab some of the reissues Duplicate Records have put out. I always thought Carl- Michael Eide was the mastermind behind VBE but Vicotnic was. Weird how CME really ran with the style on the Virus stuff.

'Min Tid Skall Komme' by Fleurety on now. Another oddball little gem. Kind of a similar production in some ways to 'Written in Waters'- it's dry and unadorned sounding. They have a different take on things but possess a similar sense of mischievous adventure to my ear. 

VBE next up.

Need to give that a right go. Did nothing the few times I threw it on.

It's a cracker. I haven't heard another album quite like it.

I made it through it anyway. It was fine but still not particularly arsed about it.

Beyond Dawn - Pity Love on now. This sounds cool so far.

Quote from: open face surgery on November 07, 2020, 09:43:14 AM
I made it through it anyway. It was fine but still not particularly arsed about it.

Beyond Dawn - Pity Love on now. This sounds cool so far.

Pity Love is the business.

Finally got around to Written In Waters today, for the first time.  Very good, will definitely fire it on again soon, I feel this will only get better with repeat listens.  Some bits obviously seem jarring on the first go, but that's a mix of going in blind and the production style.  Clear to see the influence they had on the likes of DSO and DHG.

The main dude in DHG played guitar and grim vox in VBE  ;)