#15 February 20, 2020, 07:53:59 PM Last Edit: February 20, 2020, 07:59:28 PM by Makeshiftatomsmasher
"I always hated the production on Slowly We Rot, it sounds really flat to me. Admittedly, I haven't heard the remaster but I thought Cause Of Death sounded much better, apart from the muffled cymbals (a few of Scott Burns' albums are like this, Human and (the worst culprit) Harmony Corruption spring to mind)."

I just love the murky-ness  of it. The remaster is horrible clean flat modern job. It's ok for super tech bands with loads going on in the riffs. Not so much Obituary.

Altars Of Madness. It's got a cold, sterile sound - with too much reverb on the vocals - that I don't actually like but I can't imagine a more layered, warmer production suiting it at all. I like it despite its sound.

Symphonies Of Sickness. Too murky for my liking but again, suits the music perfectly, in a way that Necroticism's clearer sound wouldn't.

I think BATS has a worse production, funnily enough, but it wouldn't work without it.

Quote from: Juggz on February 20, 2020, 09:37:43 PM
I think BATS has a worse production, funnily enough, but it wouldn't work without it.

I love the production on that, even it probably qualifies for this thread. Kinda claustraphobic feel to it, especially the drums.

Another one: Horrified. I know it's essentially a demo given a wider release, and so it's basic and raw, but it's absolutely lerfect for it.

Nuclear Assault: Game Over. Really 'dry' sound to that, but it's an almost perfect thrash album (Mr. Softee Theme, eh... what?), as '80s as it gets for me.

Godflesh - Streetcleaner
The minimalist production just adds to the bleakness.

My top pick of the lofi BM stuff would be Filosofem,  personally.

AJFA a great example there. Could only ever associate it with that tin box recording.

Suffocation - Breeding The Spawn. Maybe its the fact that the production on this reminds me of the 'Human Waste' ep, but I love the weird production on this album.

Akercocke - Rape of The Bastard Nazarene. Production is completely lifeless and the drums sound like shite, but it sits really well with the weird Voivod-style riffs on the album.

BEHEXEN "From the Devil's  Chalice"
While not that poorly produced, the sound on this is overly bouncy to the point of questioning whether something is up with my headphones. Doesn't detract however as it is just a brilliant example of the style.

I'm really not a fan of the production on Focus by Cynic, but can't imagine it any other way

A lot of the early thrash stuff had fairly ropey production, Hell Awaits, Pleasure to Kill... wouldn't have them any other way though

Devin Townsend - "Physicist"
I love it, and it suits the overall tone of the album, but it is technically awful and generally wouldn't work at all with anything else.  But it makes that album what it is, rough and ragged but overblown and pure Devy.  From reading online it seems he hates it now and thinks the production is atrocious.  I even prefer the old version of Kingdom on it, the new ones are too polished.