Quote from: Giggles on November 09, 2021, 04:06:13 PM

You could have already had it before.

I don't know don't think I had it before. I had a very mild cold for the last two weeks and maybe that was it, if it was so much for the unvaccinated will be hit hard when they get it.

Quote from: Blackout on November 09, 2021, 05:58:27 PM

How exactly does one get on the dark Web? Youd imagine it'd riddled with special branch?

All you need is a special browser to get access use to be TOR not sure if that is still the same. It is not surprising people are selling fake certs because people are starting to realize these certs are never going away and the restrictions are only going to get worse.

It will be interesting to see how people react once they start forcing the boosters which by the looks of it is going to start soon. .

Me ma was just telling me the husband of a friend has been in ICU for two months with it, wasn't vaccinated. She (the wife) only got vaccinated once he'd been moved from ward into ICU, both of them early 60s. Two months is a long time to be taking up an ICU bed because you didn't want to get vaccinated. And, unless you're extremely unlucky, have preexisting comorbidities, or are over 60 or so (holy christ, does this stuff still have to be repeated almost two years in????) then the chances of it going through you with either mild or no symptoms is the most likely outcome, vaccination or none.

A good portion of the sceptics would get it done eventually if it wasn't for all the bullshit propaganda and 'second class citizening'. Push it too hard, resistance. These goons don't read their history.

Their tactics don't help alright, but history doesn't help all that much when it comes to dealing with conspiracy theorists and anti-vax movements.

Also doesn't help that a lot of conspiracies deemed too ridiculous have actually come to fruition (vaccine passports etc)  Meaning a lot of the nuts have some effective propaganda.

Yeah, there is certainly a bit of a point there, no denying it. Still though, half of those in ICU in Ireland at the moment are unvaccinated, and at some point people also have to take personal, familial, and civic responsibility on board themselves.

Did it before, but just to recall what "half in ICU are unvaccinated" more or less boils down to in terms of Ireland's adult vaccination rate: Say out of 1,000,000 adults you have 960,000 vaccinated, 40,000 unvaccinated, and 100 going to ICU every couple of months. 50 of that 100 are coming out of the 40,000, the other 50 out of the 960,000. Now, based on those figures, which group should the average adult, especially in the older brackets, choose to be in? Our pooor brains weren't designed for statistical thinking, but the odds are clear as day once you break them down in a way that's easier to mentally manipulate.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 09, 2021, 06:51:13 PM
Two months is a long time to be taking up an ICU bed because you didn't want to get vaccinated.

On the flip side of that, my friend knows a lad in her town who is suffering complications with an enlarged heart as a result from the Pfizer injection. He didn't want to get injected, but his family and friends were harassing him to get it, and he said "fuck it, I want to be able to enjoy a few pints".
It's a small town, only 800 or so and apparently the nurse said that he was the 3rd or 4th young person (early 30's) in the town who got this enlarged heart condition from the Pfizer injection.

He had zero medical issues before, totally healthy lad. An enlarged heart is a hefty thing to deal with because he wanted to enjoy a few pints  :-X

Quote from: pete on November 09, 2021, 04:37:46 PM
Quote from: Giggles on November 09, 2021, 04:06:13 PM

In other news, you can buy a fake irish covid cert on the dark web for about 3 fiddy https://www.breakingnews.ie/ireland/fake-irish-covid-certs-being-sold-on-dark-web-for-e350-1210748.html

How is that possible though as the EU cert has the digital signature?

From the article:
QuoteThe price includes a digital certificate containing a custom QR code, which will display the buyer's name when scanned.

It also includes a realistic-looking, printed HSE vaccination card. "Full Irish vaccine passport, not recorded on database," customers are told, meaning the code could not easily be cancelled by health authorities.

They're also offering fake negative pcr test results, or fake documents saying that the owner has already recovered from the virus.

Supply and demand.

Quote from: Giggles on November 10, 2021, 04:45:12 PM
On the flip side of that, my friend knows a lad in her town who is suffering complications with an enlarged heart as a result from the Pfizer injection. He didn't want to get injected, but his family and friends were harassing him to get it, and he said "fuck it, I want to be able to enjoy a few pints".
It's a small town, only 800 or so and apparently the nurse said that he was the 3rd or 4th young person (early 30's) in the town who got this enlarged heart condition from the Pfizer injection.

He had zero medical issues before, totally healthy lad. An enlarged heart is a hefty thing to deal with because he wanted to enjoy a few pints  :-X

The real risk of heart inflammation from the Pfizer vaccine is about 1 in 50,000 for young men. The chances of four young men in one small town developing it are not non-existent, but highly, highly improbable, more improbable than, say, that element of the story being Chinese whispers.

Quote from: Giggles on November 10, 2021, 04:52:00 PM
Quote from: pete on November 09, 2021, 04:37:46 PM
Quote from: Giggles on November 09, 2021, 04:06:13 PM

In other news, you can buy a fake irish covid cert on the dark web for about 3 fiddy https://www.breakingnews.ie/ireland/fake-irish-covid-certs-being-sold-on-dark-web-for-e350-1210748.html

How is that possible though as the EU cert has the digital signature?

From the article:
QuoteThe price includes a digital certificate containing a custom QR code, which will display the buyer's name when scanned.

It also includes a realistic-looking, printed HSE vaccination card. "Full Irish vaccine passport, not recorded on database," customers are told, meaning the code could not easily be cancelled by health authorities.

They're also offering fake negative pcr test results, or fake documents saying that the owner has already recovered from the virus.

Supply and demand.

I read some more yesterday and there were examples of fake certs for adolf Hitler and mickey mouse or something, that when scanned did pass, to prove that they could create qr codes that could be validated with digital signature.

So there seems to be an investigation into whether there was a leak of the private key or just someone with access to a system issuing them.

I imagine more probable that someone got access to an unprotected signing service.

Interesting though:

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on November 10, 2021, 05:19:14 PMThe chances of four young men in one small town developing it are not non-existent, but highly, highly improbable, more improbable than, say, that element of the story being Chinese whispers.

Chinese whispers or not regarding the other supposed 3 or 4 people, the point I was making is that this one dude definitely has a very real heart complication as a result from taking a "safe" injection that he didn't want, but felt forced into getting by pressure from his friends, family and government.

That's fucked up.

He was extremely unlucky, that's all, and hopefully and most likely he'll make a full recovery. There's a higher incidence of exactly the same heart inflammation condition among young male COVID patients than there is from vaccination.

The one minority that isn't worth defence.  :laugh:


Government looking to extend covid restrictions beyond February.

The SCAMdemic needs more Greek letters thrown at it...  :laugh: