I dunno if we'd even get the 10 days or of it!

What's the end goal here?
Talks of easing restrictions even though cases will rise... but when does it all stop?
Covid is going nowhere, the vaccine does not present transmission... even if every adult gets vaccinated, then what?

When can we be permitted to take these fucking masks off?


Somebody sent me this hour long video. I don't have time to watch it right now, but it might be of interest to some of you.

QuoteThis hour long discussion shines new light on the political and medical decisions that have been taken over the past 18 months and calls into the question the real motivation behind lockdowns, mask mandates and the rollout of the vaccination programme.

Joining our host Sara Haboubi are Mattie McGrath (Independent TD), Dr. Micheal McConvill, Dr. Martin Feeley, Dr Vincent Carroll, Melissa Ciummei (investor) and Paddy Hennessey (Irish Nurses for Transparency and Openness).

The discussion took place at the beginning of this month.

Mattie is the far right now

Catch up

Quote from: astfgyl on July 05, 2021, 03:38:39 PM
Who gives a fuck about the number of mutations on the spike protein? It's just another angle to try keep the fear going and the variant shit has went up a notch since the renaming. Take the delta one for example, plenty of cases, fuck all hospitalisations, fuck all deaths. Take the Kent variant we were so scared of, fuck all deaths fuck all hospitalisations again. The fucking thing is seasonal so all the variant bullshit is simply bullshit until the winter illness season kicks back in and then whatever variant is in vogue will be blamed for extra deaths and more restrictions and booster shots and oh shit this one dodges the vaccine and oh no the unvaccinated can spread this one to the vaccinated and fuck we better give all the kids the vaccine as well just to be sure we can keep the schools open. Yeah it's seasonal. Imagine that, it's just like every other endemic respiratory virus doing the rounds including the several other coronaviruses which cause a common cold in people all over the world every year. Fucking variants, pure bullshit and go fuck with em. THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF VARIANTS ALREADY. Each new one of concern is of political concern

Meanwhile the segregation of society based on social status is going well in Ireland, where the VIP section of the pilot gig can mingle freely and der untermensch are in some sort of fucking sheep pen. For a seasonal virus which almost no one catches in the summer anyway just like all the other ones. Makes sense.

Filthy common scum, look at em.

I was going back through this thread looking for a video I'd linked along the way and the amount of I told ye so in this thread is nuts. I'd forgotten most of the things I wrote but fuck.

Anyone waking up yet?

By any chance was it the video of yer man on spring break talking about vaccines and then boosters and then more boosters?

Imagine being the Husband of a wife caught by the Cervical cancer misdiagnosis scandal and having to see Tony "key to Dublin city"'s spud head in the news every day.

Quote from: Giggles on October 28, 2021, 11:18:56 AM
By any chance was it the video of yer man on spring break talking about vaccines and then boosters and then more boosters?

It was! Lol


Going for lunch in San Francisco with your 5 year old? Better make sure the dirty lil fucker has the injection!

Everyone in my house got the virus except me and I am the only one who isn't vaccinated.

Quote from: mickO))) on November 09, 2021, 11:34:41 AM
Everyone in my house got the virus except me and I am the only one who isn't vaccinated.

You could have already had it before. I was in a similar situation last year, all my mates got it but I didn't. I'm pretty sure I already got it from being up the front at the last Exodus gig in Dublin. Was there with my mate who lost his sense of taste/smell a couple of days afterwards, so he most likely got it.

In other news, you can buy a fake irish covid cert on the dark web for about 3 fiddy https://www.breakingnews.ie/ireland/fake-irish-covid-certs-being-sold-on-dark-web-for-e350-1210748.html

Quote from: Giggles on November 09, 2021, 04:06:13 PM

In other news, you can buy a fake irish covid cert on the dark web for about 3 fiddy https://www.breakingnews.ie/ireland/fake-irish-covid-certs-being-sold-on-dark-web-for-e350-1210748.html

How is that possible though as the EU cert has the digital signature?

Quote from: Giggles on November 09, 2021, 04:06:13 PM
Quote from: mickO))) on November 09, 2021, 11:34:41 AM
Everyone in my house got the virus except me and I am the only one who isn't vaccinated.

You could have already had it before. I was in a similar situation last year, all my mates got it but I didn't. I'm pretty sure I already got it from being up the front at the last Exodus gig in Dublin. Was there with my mate who lost his sense of taste/smell a couple of days afterwards, so he most likely got it.

In other news, you can buy a fake irish covid cert on the dark web for about 3 fiddy https://www.breakingnews.ie/ireland/fake-irish-covid-certs-being-sold-on-dark-web-for-e350-1210748.html

How exactly does one get on the dark Web? Youd imagine it'd riddled with special branch?