"The novel 2019 coronavirus is nature punishing the human race for keeping uncivilized living habits. I, Shi Zhengli, swear on my life that it has nothing to do with our laboratory". - Shi Zhengli

The father got out of hospital today with it. Weak as a kitten of course. Full recovery expected soon.

Quote from: hellfire on April 20, 2020, 07:51:05 PM
The father got out of hospital today with it. Weak as a kitten of course. Full recovery expected soon.

Good to hear man  ::)

Quote from: hellfire on April 20, 2020, 07:51:05 PM
The father got out of hospital today with it. Weak as a kitten of course. Full recovery expected soon.
Good stuff.

Nice one, Hellfire.

Pretty chuffed myself. Thanks lads.

That is good news indeed.

Good stuff, hope he has a speedy recovery from it.

"The only means to fight the plague is honesty." Albert Camus, The Plague (1947)

Phuck you ChinaVirus....  :abbath:

#761 April 21, 2020, 03:50:58 PM Last Edit: April 21, 2020, 09:23:02 PM by astfgyl
A look at the updated graph with the latest deaths attributed to the correct days is optimistic viewing. It appears to have been steadily dropping over the last week. Also the number of new infections per day is following a similar trend. Where it will all end, who knows, and I still think there is likely to be a spike one of the days as the death rates should naturally follow a similar trend to infections only lagging behind by a week or two but I guess we won't know that until it happens. The clearing of the testing backlog is great news as we will have much more of an idea where we are at.

It's nice to see the language changing over the last couple of days towards the idea of getting things reopened and getting people back to work. I don't expect massive changes from May 5th regarding personal freedoms but I'd be surprised if it didn't involve some form of businesses opening. Perhaps at a reduced rate, but it will be interesting to see how the likes of Germany and Denmark fare out over the next 2 weeks as I expect ourselves to follow a similar pattern should it be a success for them.

It will be interesting to say the least that even with things coming back a bit, that social distancing and lack of gatherings will probably be the new normal for quite some time to come and I wonder how the world will look in 12 months time. It will be interesting to see how governments and authorities react to the new degree of social control they have been presented with. From what I hear and read, things like weekend A and E admissions have fallen off a cliff, arrests are way down too. How to respond to that coming back as things get going again will surely have to be looked at. The indirect effects of this virus will be discussed for a long time.

Lastly, good to hear about Hellfire's father. Must be some relief. Hopefully a lot more stories like that to come in the near future. Or even better hopefully a lot less stories like that, as less and less people need to be hospitalised due to falling infection rates. Fingers crossed.

Further to that comment "8377 people diagnosed with Covid-19 in Ireland who did not require hospital treatment have recovered from the virus, Dr Tony Holohan confirmed tonight.
That is 55 per cent of 15,186 confirmed cases."

Christ on a bike, our own rightwimg nutters replicating Trumppies outside the Four Courts today...


Assholes, put the new Garda spit masks on the lot of them and walk them across the road and over the edge...

And who else but John (Anything For A Headline) Waters and Gemma (Oh Just Fuck Off) O'Doherty would be the focus?

This being shocked and apauled bullshit... Crack down hard on these cunts simple as.