Quote from: hellfire on April 20, 2020, 07:51:05 PM
The father got out of hospital today with it. Weak as a kitten of course. Full recovery expected soon.

That's great news, a relief for all of ye

How long do you guys give it before money and greed take over and places start slowly reopening under the guise of being 'essential'

I think it has to come. Economic survival and perpetual lockdown don't go hand in hand but nobody wants to be remembered as the Taoiseach who brought great death. We'll continue flying in circles for a while but, sooner or later, I think the call will be made and doors will open up again. They're all praying like fuck for a vaccine. It isn't going to come from Jesus, sadly.

Human vaccine trials starting in Oxford today. Green shoots and all..

Quote from: Aborted on April 22, 2020, 10:05:04 PM
How long do you guys give it before money and greed take over and places start slowly reopening under the guise of being 'essential'

My guess is that will be the thing that happens from 5th of May. Not all in one go of course but I expect a lot of workplaces to open sooner rather than later more than any of the personal freedoms will come back. Surely the social distancing and limited range will apply for quite a while. There is no way the government can keep paying people 350 quid a week and I'd imagine a lot of shit will kick up if people are forced onto the dole by the governments own shutdown order. I don't see any way that will work when there won't be the tax base there to actually pay for the dole. Something has to give and money will almost certainly be the deciding factor, over other things like health and mental health.

There's never been a coronavirus before but according to the Bill Gates funded BBC the Jenner Institute in Oxford, also funded by Bill Gates, has come up with a vaccine in just 3 months and have said they're 80% confident the vaccine will work. Hip-horaah, we're saved....

BBC News - Coronavirus: First patients injected in UK vaccine trial

See I hate when that shit goes out because idiots read it and will start bull rushing out again. Oh it's fine.. everything is cured so I can go to the pub again.

Well, not if the pubs are closed they can't. But it's all going to become very hard to police very soon.

Quote from: Aborted on April 22, 2020, 10:05:04 PM
How long do you guys give it before money and greed take over and places start slowly reopening under the guise of being 'essential'
You need to draw the line somewhere, though. As usual the discourse around this has developed into extremes. You have the numbskulls in the U.S. proudly flouncing all isolation measures, but people have extreme views on the other side too.

A lockdown was only ever meant to flatten the curve and take the strain off our health systems. However a sizeable minority of people have proactively gotten into policing this as a hobby - being Johnny Citizen has never been easier in a sense - and now seem to think we can't actually live the way we used to again until we eradicate coronavirus. This is fantasy. Without comparing the dangers of the two strains, imagine saying "we're going to keep a million plus on the dole until we've found that nobody catches seasonal influenza anymore".

I know that's not what you're saying, but I've spoken to numerous people with that kind of an attitude. I'm down for isolating for another few weeks or months myself. I'll do what's asked of me. But one thing that fucks me off is this "So it's the economy over lives is it?" maxim. At a certain breaking point, the economy is lives. At least some measures will need to lift. Don't get me wrong, I don't expect to be going to the pub for the rest of the summer. Drinking on the roof of my gaf is cheaper anyway  ;)

After one month of coronavirus lockdown, more than 50% of Los Angeles is now unemployed ->

Was reading that the five weeks worth of jobs destructions / furloughs since the onset of COVID19 pandemic is now greater than all jobs destroyed in all U.S. recessions from 1953 through 2009. I said at the start of the thread I thought there was a recession coming close anyway and covid19 pushed it into being. I don't think most people could stomach another decade of cuts and setbacks after 2008/2009 crash.

Economy aside, saw this and might be something positive ->

But I'd rather see peer reviewed studies....but not Trump as he suggests irradiating people's bodies with UV light or injecting them with bleach or alcohol to deal with COVID19. Reckon we will hear about some of his supporters dying due to this dangerous nonsense being spouted..

If this is hanging around for a long time, there's a decent chance any of us could catch it over the next 18 months. Think I mentioned this before but more studies coming out for Omega 3 / Vitamin D3 which I think are something to pay heed to (my 2 daily supplements).

A total of 49 studies with 3641 patients were included in the review and meta‐analysis (Omega-3 fatty acids lowered the risk of infection by 40%, reduced sepsis risk by 56%, and decreased both ICU and hospital stay by ~2 days in hospitalized patients)

Vitamin D3 (Study links in the youtube video description) ->


For what it's worth, friend who works in "Big pharma" was saying more than likely we will find a combination of existing drugs that will help combat it rather than hoping for a vaccine first. He says big pharma is moving towards gene therapy rather than vaccinations as this is the way forward but those won't be ready until at least 2025.

I honestly wonder will anyone inject bleach. I wouldn't be surprised if someone does it. I wonder does the Vitamin D explain why Australia has such low numbers? Hopefully so, as I could certainly do with something to cling to. Somebody said to me today "When this is all over, we will have some party". "When?" I said, "I think you mean if". Cue the wind going straight out of her sails... "yeah....... if ".

I'm not anti vax at all, but I would be very reluctant to take any vaccine against this, it having been pretty much rushed through with no study of any long term effects. I'd be worried about some sort of Gulf War Syndrome type situation. The idea of a cure for those who get sick with this is much more appealing to me, but now I think of it that would probably similarly rushed through although it naturally wouldn't be given to anyone who wasn't actually sick so it still appeals more to me.

How happy we will all feel if we wake up some morning and the headline is "Cure Found". Saying that, lots of things look promising. Ivermectin being the latest one. I live in hope anyway.

Quote from: astfgyl on April 24, 2020, 03:39:46 PM
I honestly wonder will anyone inject bleach. I wouldn't be surprised if someone does it. I wonder does the Vitamin D explain why Australia has such low numbers? Hopefully so, as I could certainly do with something to cling to. Somebody said to me today "When this is all over, we will have some party". "When?" I said, "I think you mean if". Cue the wind going straight out of her sails... "yeah....... if ".

I'm not anti vax at all, but I would be very reluctant to take any vaccine against this, it having been pretty much rushed through with no study of any long term effects. I'd be worried about some sort of Gulf War Syndrome type situation. The idea of a cure for those who get sick with this is much more appealing to me, but now I think of it that would probably similarly rushed through although it naturally wouldn't be given to anyone who wasn't actually sick so it still appeals more to me.

How happy we will all feel if we wake up some morning and the headline is "Cure Found". Saying that, lots of things look promising. Ivermectin being the latest one. I live in hope anyway.
This situation isn't affecting you much....  :laugh:

Fair point!

Yeah it's frying the head off me to be fair. The erosion of personal freedom and the inevitable mass buyout that is coming along with probable years of recession and mass unemployment coupled with the fact that I am helpless to do anything about it is just not doing my head any good at all. Where I work has a bit to do with it as I am constantly exposed to the whole idea of it and I find it tough to get used to people jumping out of my way and watching everyone looking suspiciously at each other and seeing what fear does to people in general is disheartening. The greed. The fucking greed. And that is all without getting sick or losing anybody to this, which of course is a possibility and so many worldwide haven't been so lucky.

Having my life seemingly dictated to me by an unelected prick isn't helping either, even though it seems on the face of it that the government aren't making too bad a fist of it (for now) to be honest. Or are they? I don't know, all I see or read or hear is pushing one agenda or the other and who knows what is actually the truth in anything anymore. Not me anyway. The whole thing around the constant messages of support over the speakers telling me what a hero I am, even though all I'm doing is turning up to work as I always did. If I'm such a hero, pay me like one and fuck up about it. And the constant voices and signs telling everyone to do this that and the other and everyone following the lines on the ground and standing in the correct box all feels very weird and feels like an experiment in mass social control (whether it is or not is beside the point, it still feels like it) Everything feels like the dystopian future I have seen in so many futuristic science fiction movies over the years. And David Lynch is directing the media.

I know I'm always on this thread, but bouncing my thoughts around here and discussing or even having them shot down here and there as well is helping a bit. I also don't really feel like there is an agenda being pushed here, just discussion so I come here to bang on about it.

So yeah, fuck. I really hope for the cure.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on April 23, 2020, 11:33:59 PM
Well, not if the pubs are closed they can't. But it's all going to become very hard to police very soon.

The pub closure thing is terrible and I rarely frequent them these days. A lot won't reopen.  The longer this drags out less and less of them will. Let's face it tourists don't come here because we're a grand bunch. The majority come here to get trashed and take a few photos.