#540 April 02, 2020, 02:47:14 PM Last Edit: April 02, 2020, 03:58:19 PM by The Butcher
And if you have a computer/laptop at home ->


People that used to have SETI@home will know how this works but if any of you have idle CPU laying about, this program will use that (plus idle gpu time) to computationally research coronavirus. Download and install!

Some thoughts on looking at the graph back there.

Is it a fair assumption that a very successful virus would ideally not kill its' host in order to sustain itself over time? Perhaps the UK's assertion that a sort of herd immunity will be the outcome is realistic in the long run as judging by the amount of slight variations so far, this thing is mutating or attempting to mutate at an astounding rate. I suppose I should take into account that if that graph were to be extended over 20 years or so, it could possibly end up looking a lot more linear.
I'm all for mitigation by the way, as if it were given time to mutate to a less deadly version of itself while infecting as little people as possible, a lot less people would have to die from it before it became more benign and also it would give a greater chance of treatment for those who do get the deadlier version. But then does it have less time to mutate as it infects less people and thus stay in its' deadlier form for longer and can mitigation only delay the inevitable and would it result in the exact same number of lives potentially lost, just over a longer period of time?

Any truth that the Chinese wet markets are open again ?

Who knows what to believe with that lot, I've heard they are 'getting back to normal' but sure you wouldn't put it past them to say that and sit back and see if other countries will follow suit and make things worse.

Also I see Taiwan (who could have sold millions of them to Europe) 5.6 million facemasks to the european union.

How much did Ireland have to pay China for extra medical supplies? ..200 Million Euro

That was for what's coming in from the second planeload on, wasn't it? The first planeload (which landed last Thursday and about which nothing was heard) was donated for free.

One thing that this whole situation has really brought to the fore for me is my general mistrust of everything

After three weeks of working from home, my crowd have announced we're going on a four-day week with accompanying 20% pay cut for three months. Could be worse.

Quote from: Juggz on April 03, 2020, 09:49:46 AM
After three weeks of working from home, my crowd have announced we're going on a four-day week with accompanying 20% pay cut for three months. Could be worse.

Without asking too much info on your company etc for obvious reasons, why are they cutting back to a 4 day week if everyone is working from home and things are otherwise going as normal? (if they are)

We've been told to expect similar. Although there are whispers ours will be the 20% cut only we get to keep our 5 days working, giving them cheaper labour.... not nice but seems most industries on their knees so have to suck it up. I'm in oil and gas and the 20% cut here versus the job losses stateside  makes the cut sting that bit less.

Quote from: Aborted on April 03, 2020, 10:02:46 AM
Quote from: Juggz on April 03, 2020, 09:49:46 AM
After three weeks of working from home, my crowd have announced we're going on a four-day week with accompanying 20% pay cut for three months. Could be worse.

Without asking too much info on your company etc for obvious reasons, why are they cutting back to a 4 day week if everyone is working from home and things are otherwise going as normal? (if they are)
I work for a medical device company. Elective surgery has largely stopped globally so sales are way, way down. No demand, no need for supply. Production is still going on in the factory, albeit scaled back with a stripped down staff. All staff not directly involved in manufacturing, like me, I work in IT, will be on the 4-day schedule.

Quote from: Juggz on April 03, 2020, 10:27:27 AM
Quote from: Aborted on April 03, 2020, 10:02:46 AM
Quote from: Juggz on April 03, 2020, 09:49:46 AM
After three weeks of working from home, my crowd have announced we're going on a four-day week with accompanying 20% pay cut for three months. Could be worse.

Without asking too much info on your company etc for obvious reasons, why are they cutting back to a 4 day week if everyone is working from home and things are otherwise going as normal? (if they are)
I work for a medical device company. Elective surgery has largely stopped globally so sales are way, way down. No demand, no need for supply. Production is still going on in the factory, albeit scaled back with a stripped down staff. All staff not directly involved in manufacturing, like me, I work in IT, will be on the 4-day schedule.

Ahh kk I see. Well hopefully no further drops  :)

My company emailed around last night that they'll be looking at potential lay-offs and restructuring of non-critical roles over the next week. I've been moved into the finance department from Monday, once I've done some re-training. Not sure whether to focus on being moved or being considered non-critical is the bigger worry for me, not great for anyone's anxiety. On the one hand I'm thinking that if they are re-training me and moving me then they aren't likely to can me a few weeks later, on the other I'm thinking that maybe long-term my job might not be there. Trying to stay positive knowing that we've plenty of savings and my partner is a hospital pharmacist means I'm likely in a better position than many with regard to fulfilling rent and bills, but my first job out of uni was sacked off when the banks went bang in 2008, so I've always had a lingering fear of redundancy for my entire working life.

Hope that everyone on here is doing well, sounds like more people's circumstances are starting to change again. I wonder if the government or banks have mentioned something to business for a few companies to start making moves like this? I'm not suggesting anything conspiratorial, but I'd reckon they've communicated their likelihood to extend this lockdown more than once.

QuoteBay Area thrashers Death Angel confirmed reports at the end of March that drummer Will Carroll was in intensive care, suffering from the coronavirus, and had been hospitalized for a couple weeks at that point. Today, they posted the following update:

"BEASTMAN LIVES! We are so fucking grateful! Thanks to every one of you beautiful people for the positive vibes and support. We love us some Will Carroll!!!!"

Carroll is on the road to recovery and has issued the following statement:

"'Rumors of my death have greatly been exaggerated'. I thought I'd start this post with a Mark Twain quote. But in all seriousness I can't over express how everyone's outpouring of love, support and positive energy was so important to me. Without getting too spiritual or sappy I honestly think you saved my life.

When I was in a coma I was for 12 days your positive energy somehow got me through. I know I'm strong and resilient but not that strong. During my coma the doctors told me they had to pump my lungs of all fluid which was the equivalent of 5 pounds of beer they thought I was a goner for sure.

It's a hell of feeling talking to people who thought you weren't going to make it. It completely blew my mind when I got a message from one of my idols Jay Jay French (Twisted Sister). A man who I don't even know. Maybe he saw a picture of my TS tattoo. That just shows he's pure class.

You know, when I was a kid I used to think TS's lyrics were 'Fuck you, it's us against them' but maybe that's a bit shortsighted. I think they're more about the value of life and not squandering it.

As I start this new chapter of my life I look forward to getting my chops back up to speed and getting some new files from Mr. Rob Cavestany which will eventually be DA's 10th record. Until then I have the arduous task of learning to walk and eat solid food.

I love you all and thank you."

Re the Chinese PPE delivery, I see that the mask material is too heavy, the gown material is too light and the sleeves are only 3/4 length, FFS! Not the complete delivery but a pain in the arse regardless. No wonder the first batch was free! Nearly a waste of all the logistics put into getting it and distributing it.