#420 March 24, 2020, 04:22:25 PM Last Edit: March 24, 2020, 04:33:33 PM by mickO)))
2 wankers destroying 2 different countries. In Canada even if you have majority power spending and taxation still has to be passed and voted on through the parliament. He is basically trying to rewrite the constitution. Was asked about it this morning and did his little dance were he regurgitates a rehearsed answer that doesn't address the question at all then ran back inside his house and won't be seen again until tomorrow.

Quote from: Carnage on March 24, 2020, 03:57:34 PM
No different to Varadkar playing politics in the middle of all this, withbhus declaration that he's willing to form a national government but with the exclusion of Sinn Féin. An empty suit, size: cunt.

Jesus, that one had slipped by me. Outrageous fucking behaviour.

Said the same thing today when asked after the press conference. Despicable beheaviour.

Quote from: Aborted on March 23, 2020, 01:38:41 PM
Quote from: Carnage on March 23, 2020, 01:25:38 PM
Just got word that my nephew's been referred for testing. He's 5 and asthmatic, having trouble catching his breath in bed, but otherwise OK. Could be nothing, but his dad's a porter in UCHG so who knows?

My aunt's still waiting for results on her test, around a week now.

Shit man, hope the little guy get better and its not virus related.  Must be horrendous sat there waiting on results and anyone thats been near you recently then waiting.. and so on down the line.

Cheers. Called out to the house earlier, spoke to them through the window. He's fine since, on steroids and his inhaler etc. It's a precautionary thing at this stage, just waiting for the test, which could take up to a week plus the same wait for the results.

Neither of my sisters can go into work as they've been in contact with him, which is a (financial) pain but necessary, obviously. Fingers crossed.

Still no results for my aunt.

Anyone else affected like this? I hope you're all coping well. (Trying not to sound all Metal Family bro about it.)

Yes my brother was suppose to get results yesterday still no word from them.

Unsurprising with the backlog, and health service employees are (rightfly) getting priority.

Went for a stroll when I got in from work and I've never seen so many guards in Maynooth.  Three vans doing laps of the town.

Girl living with me just  telling me about how in one of the other stores connected to her work.. a guy there bought a cheap flight to the UK (10er return) and went there the weekend just gone.
Calls in to the job asking if its ok to come in to work after that..

There ya have it lads...

There you have it,  someone somewhere might have done something apparently.

My missus is an ICU nurse, wasn't feeling great so went in to work to get tested and they said the results are ready in 24-36 hours.

Apparently they're setting up dedicated areas in all the hospitals just for staff, and hoping it will have the knock on effect of getting results for the regular public earlier as they won't be spending time sorting out prioritising the front line workers

I'll have been waiting a week for my test tomorrow. Still no word other than a text I received yesterday to say that I'm in a que. The most annoying part is that I signed off the dole just before this happened. Now I can't go to work, and the dole just went up to €350. Double sting! But at least I still have my health and nobody close to me is infected. Yet.

#431 March 24, 2020, 10:06:52 PM Last Edit: March 25, 2020, 12:26:59 AM by Carnage
Ths dole are operating on a pay first, ask questions later basis, as everyone's in need of it at the moment and if they process everything by the book it'll take months to get through. Ring them and see what they say but I gather it's a fairly straightforward online process.

If yiz can't go to work then surely you're eligible, regardless of when you started?

The dole has been pushed up to 350 a week that's not bad.

Quote from: mickO))) on March 24, 2020, 11:51:51 PM
The dole has been pushed up to 350 a week that's not bad.
The bigger the payouts now, the more years of higher USCs we'll be paying. This unfortunately, isn't free money from our beloved government.