And the queues there! If ever there was evidence of stupidity.

Queues right down the dual carriageway in Drogheda this afternoon for Mc Donald's. No doubt the announcement to close was made by Mc Donalds hoping for this kind of response they could have easily just shut without notice.

I'v e always known people in general were fairly stupid, but seeing all of the people in this country who have zero respect for the lives and livelihoods of others is really disheartening. I imagine most people on here have been trying to do the right thing in general since the beginning, and I truly believe we could have avoided locking down completely by taking the correct precautions as individuals but there are always loads of cunts who are too clever to look at what is happening everywhere else and cop the fuck on.

On the testing side of things I was reading of the Irish company who have developed a pinprick test that can give a result in 15 minutes by eye. That would be a game changer regarding testing and I hope it can get rolled out as quickly as possible. Theoretically, the whole population could be tested and isolated accordingly very quickly and efficiently with something like that. From what I read from 10 days ago, they said it was ready to be delivered to Irish hospitals in 10 days, so I expect that will come along very soon.

I haven't been keeping up with figures here or anywhere else the last few days other than looking for good news stories, as I feel that beyond doing the right thing as much as we can we are pretty powerless here and it's depressing to think about the future at the minute

Big bawdy Boris is making an announcement at 8.30pm. Shut down imminent?

... yes

10 lads standing on a high wall, the first lad jumps off and breaks his legs. 2nd lad the same, 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th same again.  Surely one would think, having seen what happened to the last 9 lads the 10th wouldn't jump off, he'd be smarter. No. He jumps off and also breaks his legs.

That is pretty much how I feel about all of those clever people who can't see what is happening everywhere else and won't try their best to avoid the same thing happening to them. So depressing because I love my (admittedly limited) freedom and can't stand the thoughts of it being taken away. I also can't stand the thoughts of lives being lost needlessly due to the stupidity and ignorance of others, but here we are. Fuck sake. Why did any other country not think they would end up in the same place as Italy?

Quote from: Juggz on March 23, 2020, 11:44:49 AM
My Italian lady has just sent me a video of Italian mayors shouting at people on the streets in violation of the lockdown.

Good powerful video that. The flamethrower and barber comments were brilliant.

On a positive note, I drove past a teenage couple sitting on a wall "together" last evening but they were a good 2m apart. Of course around the corner I saw 3 teen lads walking very closely together to undo the good vibes!

Britain waking up far too late, closed the schools eventually on Friday and the other side of the same weekend go full lockdown. This after allowing mass gatherings to continue for ages, eg Madrid CL fans, life gamblers at Cheltenham. Of course we played our in part in going to both events...

I know of people still going on holidays to known hotspots until very recently. Some people still visiting their cousins several times in the past few days, kids of split parents staying in 4 houses (parents and grandparents on both sides because "they're young and strong" apparently - my hole) and then the same kids mixing with others in their estate. Metal buddy of mine visiting his parents last night "but only for a little while", despite both of them having underlying health problems  and him after being with plague carrying kids for the weekend. All because we're untouchables apparently. Christ on a bike, the positive vibe from that teenage couple must have been a mirage. This will be the year that breaks The Darwin Awards...

Arlene reckons people should follow the new restrictions in order to save lives, which is nice, I suppose. I eagerly await her autobiography "Yes I  Can, If Boris Johnson Says It's OK".

The Olympics have finally been cancelled. I dunno what kinda retards they have making the calls that it took them this long.

Justin Trudeau and the Liberals have a minority Government in Canada. The Liberals and all the other parties agreed to a bill to help people out who are in trouble now. They are suppose to pass the legislation right now but it came out late last night that Trudeau snuck in a clause that was not discussed with the other parties that his party will gain majority power when it comes to spending, tax etc. for the next two years.  What a scumbag using this crises to his own advantage and still all the Canadian MSM are reporting on is Trump.

It's almost like he is some sort of successful politician.

No different to Varadkar playing politics in the middle of all this, withbhus declaration that he's willing to form a national government but with the exclusion of Sinn Féin. An empty suit, size: cunt.