Quote from: Carnage on March 23, 2020, 01:25:38 PM
Just got word that my nephew's been referred for testing. He's 5 and asthmatic, having trouble catching his breath in bed, but otherwise OK. Could be nothing, but his dad's a porter in UCHG so who knows?

My aunt's still waiting for results on her test, around a week now.

Shit man, hope the little guy get better and its not virus related.  Must be horrendous sat there waiting on results and anyone thats been near you recently then waiting.. and so on down the line.

It's a shit situation to be in for them no doubt but this has been going on for longer than a few weeks. People just ignored it and still ignore the warnings and advice given. If anyone puts the country into a bad place it'll be because of them rather than the government.  The spread of this  is simple due to idiots as is the continuous spread of it.

A lockdown needs to be put in place and/or heavy fines that should literally implement it as an 'idiot fine'.

I'm sure it'd be a nice thing for a  garda to say 'im fining you under the covid 19 act of being a fucking idiot"  ::)

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on March 23, 2020, 01:21:56 PM
1000 cases so far, a lot when you account for population.

And that's only the confirmed cases. The actual figure is bound to be higher because not everybody has been tested. I've been waiting 5 days for a test now, was told to expect a call between now and Wednesday. Somebody said their aunt is waiting a week for the results? So if I'm waiting a week to get tested, and a week to get results, that means that the 1000 figure is potentially 2 weeks behind what the actual number of positive cases are.

Some images from spain, such as below.. just  showing how fucking dumb people are..

Apparently coming out of shops and just dumping them on the floor

Quote from: Giggles on March 23, 2020, 02:47:38 PM
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on March 23, 2020, 01:21:56 PM
1000 cases so far, a lot when you account for population.

And that's only the confirmed cases. The actual figure is bound to be higher because not everybody has been tested. I've been waiting 5 days for a test now, was told to expect a call between now and Wednesday. Somebody said their aunt is waiting a week for the results? So if I'm waiting a week to get tested, and a week to get results, that means that the 1000 figure is potentially 2 weeks behind what the actual number of positive cases are.

My brother was tested on Saturday and is expecting the results today.

Quote from: Giggles on March 23, 2020, 02:47:38 PM
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on March 23, 2020, 01:21:56 PM
1000 cases so far, a lot when you account for population.

And that's only the confirmed cases. The actual figure is bound to be higher because not everybody has been tested. I've been waiting 5 days for a test now, was told to expect a call between now and Wednesday. Somebody said their aunt is waiting a week for the results? So if I'm waiting a week to get tested, and a week to get results, that means that the 1000 figure is potentially 2 weeks behind what the actual number of positive cases are.

All true, but comparatively speaking that aspect doesn't change much since there's essentially only South Korea who are getting even close to complete population testing. You can multiply the figures for most countries by about 10 if you want to try to account for every carrier, including mild (either so mild they don't report or so mild they just get told to stay at home untested if they do report, usually by phone) and no symptom individuals.

I wrote a big post last night and deleted it after because I suppose I didn't want to come across as a hysterical oul wan.


I estimate early February a Chinese lad I train with spent an hour after class spilling his guts out to me. A normally cool and stonyfaced lad, he was jittery as fuck, close to hysterical at times, telling me all about the virus as I told him it was all grand and 'shur amn't I a charming Irish lad and shur we know it'll work out, begodandgegorrah'. So he stopped coming training a few days later, orders from the folks back home, he's 25 and they tend to respect the family's wishes etc. I moseyed along on my way.

Now 6/7 weeks later we're going through the exact same thing he was talking about. It's actually freaky how accurate his predictions were.

I have a mate who had it last week, his mother is in hospital with it. Lots of them stories. They started prioritising people who they would try to save the other day...family of man with down syndrome told he wouldn't be prioritised...lots of heartwarming stories like that.

The army has built a makeshift hospital in our hometown that can hold thousands of people. 7 of the 9 floors of the local(massive) hospital are dedicated to coronavirus. A workmate of a friend has lost 7 of her wider family to the virus..mostly older, but including her younger brother(I have no idea of they have some underlying issue in the family). Videos of lads in space suits walking into gaffs just up the street and loading a coffin into the van alongside the other ones..and I don't even live in Madrid anymore. I live in a city of 300k people.

So, I'm really hoping our lack of population in Ireland will help but then you read about the young lad who was.meant to.be self-isolating, got bored, met his friends and all 5 had to be rushed to hospital with one suffering a severe athsma attack. Some people need to be fucked in the Liffey.

Quote from: mickO)))

My brother was tested on Saturday and is expecting the results today.

Well that's good, hopefully my results are a bit faster than 1 week.


Told to go home and that#s it.. these fucks should have all been fined on the fucking spot instead of just lettin em off. Fuckin mongs

Quote from: Aborted on March 23, 2020, 02:48:33 PM
Some images from spain, such as below.. just  showing how fucking dumb people are..

Apparently coming out of shops and just dumping them on the floor

Same type of shit happening here. My mother was at a shop a couple days ago and said that people were just leaving the store provided gloves in the trolleys when they leaving.  The sheer thoughtlessness of some cunts is staggering.

Italy overtook China's death toll 4 days ago. Looks like they'll have doubled it by tomorrow.

The continent is really fucked, no doubt about it. Lockdown makes sense with the numbers they are seeing. Being on an island might be the thing that helps us.

It could have been :-\ Seriously, get ready for the daily shocks, they're just around the corner.

Well MacDonalds is closing so that's the first real shockwave.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on March 23, 2020, 06:10:48 PM
The continent is really fucked, no doubt about it. Lockdown makes sense with the numbers they are seeing. Being on an island might be the thing that helps us.

It should be the thing that helps us but when you hear there is still planes galore flying in to Ireland every day you wonder have we fucked that piece of fortune away?