Saw a pic of a big queue for a chipper in Howth earlier. Fucksake. How are people not getting it at this stage?

Quote from: mickO))) on March 22, 2020, 10:24:11 PM
Bettystown has been rammed all week. It's the fact that people are being told not to go out that they want to. I have friends preaching about keeping distance then they are posting picture online of them over at someones house with a gang. They seem to think that because they are playing monopoly and not partying that it's ok.

People like this that are gonna cause a full lockdown. is people like that who will fuck this up even more for the rest of us.
My friends are one of those people.....they are speaking against others who are walking around the Drogheda centre, and then they go to the rammed beach themselves, and complain why are all these other people over there too.......

Quote from: Trev on March 22, 2020, 04:50:14 PM
Went out for a drive earlier. Hordes of people at Glasnevin Cemetery, cars parked nearly the whole length of the thing. Guessing it's for mothers day but cop the fuck on. If you've a parent in there they won't be going anywhere

I live just behind the main cemetery in Sligo and yep, hapes of people in there today.

Lads its so fucking infuriating seeing and hearing about this shit.

This is why governments step in with shit like lock downs, you can't fucking trust these fucking idiots to do something as simple as staying inside unless necessary.  I want to take a fucking hurley to these dumb ass fucks... it's unreal.

Slap some big fines on these idiots and any gangs out actin the bollox need a swift kicking or the classic snooker ball in a sock routine.

It should have been a lockdown from the start. The lesson from other countries is that nothing else works. No point blaming it on actions of given individuals, the job of governments is to predict it and act with it in mind. Lockdown, nothing less will do.

#365 March 23, 2020, 12:24:17 AM Last Edit: March 23, 2020, 02:25:03 AM by Pedrito
Russia closed its borders with China on January 30th and look at the results. Some of the stories I'm hearing where I live are fucked up tbh and I really hope I'm not in a 'I told you so' situation soon. Hopefully Ireland won't be effected in the same way.

Lockdown is barely adhered to here in madrid. Barely. Some auld spastic came to he door earlier to have a whinge at the bird. I shouted 'fuck off' (at the cat) a few times, not a bother on them. Unreal hi

#367 March 23, 2020, 03:23:14 AM Last Edit: March 23, 2020, 03:45:14 AM by Thorn
Chuck Billy and the wife and some of the Testament roadcrew now tested positive apparently.
On a brighter note, so has  Weinstein.
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

We need Weinstein alive to testify against all his buddies.

Unsurprisingly, lycra clad idiots who jog on my walk are immune to social distancing, and will gladly huff and heave up from behind you at about an inch, lest they break their precious times.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on March 21, 2020, 12:57:06 PM
I find Donald Trump, as usual, a huge source of entertainment by baiting the liberal media by calling it the 'Chinese' virus.

Kung Flu

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on March 22, 2020, 11:26:22 PM
It should have been a lockdown from the start. The lesson from other countries is that nothing else works. No point blaming it on actions of given individuals, the job of governments is to predict it and act with it in mind. Lockdown, nothing less will do.

You hit the nail on the head there chief 👌🏻

It's easy to make those claims in retrospect.  Nobody knew what we were dealing with for a couple of weeks and if the country went into immediate lockdown because of a virus in China,  everyone would have gone insane and not taken it seriously. I think that the government here have actually played this one quite well in keeping peoples' fears and panic in check while at the same time implementing easy to follow and effective instructions.  That's how I see it anyway.

We need to get over blaming the government for the poor decisions of individuals. Unless you're a fucking moron, for some time it has been quite obvious what the correct course of action was and you shouldn't need the government to force you not to be a fucking thick.

That's it exactly. The guidelines are fairly simple and straight forward and if people follow them it might save a full on lockdown scenario happening which would be a total fucking cunt of a situation.