#285 March 18, 2020, 09:20:59 AM Last Edit: March 18, 2020, 09:25:00 AM by Pedrito
Nice one.

I went through, probably what you all went through, maybe a week ago here in Spain...jesus I have no idea of time at. Best thing you could do is not read any of the poxy messages you are being sent because half of them are bollox. Get yourselves some tins of beans, some good shit to read and listen to etc etc and things start to take on a rhythm of their own after a few days.

Sorry BSC, I perhaps should have clarified and not mixed in different comments.

The neurofen thing isn't a Cork story, just that people here are aware of it (the source I'm not aware of). I was just joking to the wife that I wouldn't be surprised if an infamous radio talk show host here was propagating it. Mental story a few years back where he was up in court for pleasuring himself on a flight from London while sitting next to a reporter from the Examiner. His defense was that the neurofen plus was to blame for going full mental, not the gargle.

My fake news issue related to the panic brigade just forwarding messages last weekend about "knowing someone in" the army / gardai / hospital service that a big announcement was to be made last Monday morning at 11am, the country was going into lock down and you should stock up on bottled water (because essential services will be cut off for some reason??). These are the exact same space cadets that do IT Dept heads in I imagine for not ever having any cop-in at all. "I don't know, I just..." I think they'd just forward any oul crap so people should just take things they hear with a good dose of salt. I extend that to everything at this stage by default so apologies if it seemed I was dissing you and your reasoning but things can have unintended consequences for others, e.g. gout sufferers.

Ok it's about time I kicked off actually working from home today...  :-[

No man you're bang on the button. Loads of absolute nonsense being sent around and I've been guilty of it too. Take everything with a pinch of salt and check the offical story constantly.

On a related note a military truck just passed by advising people to stay in their houses over the megaphone..surreal.

Then you read stories like this...there's something wrong with people who probably hardly ever talk to their neighbours at the best of times and then feel the need to get together after 1 day of being told to stay indoors. RTE must be full of absolute mongs.


I'm in work today. I'm surprised, to be honest. I thought after Leo's speech everything would be shut down but some sites are still operating. It feels like a wind down, though. I'd be surprised if any sites are operating next week.

Just heard my aunt's in self-isolation, waiting to be tested. She's in her 60s and diabetic so I hope for her sake that it's just a cold.

Hope she's ok, mate.

Hearing they've closed school's in Wales and Scotland. Not long for England and norn iron to follow. They say if they shut it will be til August. That's the summer 2020 exam series gone.

Quote from: Carnage on March 18, 2020, 12:52:47 PM
Just heard my aunt's in self-isolation, waiting to be tested. She's in her 60s and diabetic so I hope for her sake that it's just a cold.

Same with my bother showing symptoms and is waiting to be tested. Lovely thing to hear when you are 4500km away from home. 

Quote from: Snare on March 18, 2020, 09:38:11 AM
Sorry BSC, I perhaps should have clarified and not mixed in different comments.

The neurofen thing isn't a Cork story, just that people here are aware of it (the source I'm not aware of). I was just joking to the wife that I wouldn't be surprised if an infamous radio talk show host here was propagating it. Mental story a few years back where he was up in court for pleasuring himself on a flight from London while sitting next to a reporter from the Examiner. His defense was that the neurofen plus was to blame for going full mental, not the gargle.

Which lead to the absolute best piece of graffiti ever, no questions asked

Quote from: Snare on March 18, 2020, 12:53:17 AM
Yep a lot of fake news not helping things. People passing messages willy nilly like the fools learned nothing from spam email in previous events. "I know a guard, blah blah fucking blah...", fuck sake, sick people scare mongering and driving all the sheep into stores to stock up on water etc, christ. It's the same morons passing social media messages as before without thinking. Think before we propagate people.

I wouldn't not take neurofen etc based on hearsay. My own take on this is Cork radio host Neil Prendiville getting revenge after his neurofen Plus, lad in the hand episode on an aer lingus flight a few years ago that he blamed on the drug.

I absolutely detest the smarmy Blueshirts, but I must admit I'm really impressed by their press conferences and addresses, actually showing great leadership for a change, fair play.
A good few years Mr snare 2010!

I've been watching over https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/?fbclid=IwAR0h-FL0VHEo4ixHW6wbOFNMIjqY75OxCdJKw_2wL7QX15BJYTJTflk2G5k

Now look, I know it's China so you'd never know what they are hiding but they haven't had a recorded new case in a a whole now.  What is really crazy is that Italy is set to pass them out with the number of deaths total.  Both showing around the same number on seriously crit.

Quote from: Aborted on March 18, 2020, 11:38:02 PM
I've been watching over https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/?fbclid=IwAR0h-FL0VHEo4ixHW6wbOFNMIjqY75OxCdJKw_2wL7QX15BJYTJTflk2G5k

Now look, I know it's China so you'd never know what they are hiding but they haven't had a recorded new case in a a whole now.  What is really crazy is that Italy is set to pass them out with the number of deaths total.  Both showing around the same number on seriously crit.
I call bullshit on those Chine stats, as well.

Smells like bullshit to me. They are trying to change the narrative now and it's up to the rest of us to put massive pressure on them now to change their ways. We've had a number of viruses come out of the same part of the world, all related to their wet markets and ways they treat endangered animals. The results are catastrophic, our economies are going to be in the toilet, and no PC tipping around the subject is going to change things. I think Trump is bang on the money calling it the Chinese Virus. It's got nothing to do with xenophobia and everything to do with pinpointing what government has allowed this whole shit show to happen.

We should all be a whole lot more pissed off about this than our medias are portraying. I'm on my tearrace here in a town of 300,000 people. You could hear a pin drop. The police go up and down the streets making sure nobody is on the street. A guy aas arrested last night for being outside with no excuse right across the street from me...that's not a world we want to live in.

And if we need a history lesson lets look.at SARS from Wikipedia:

'In late May 2003, studies from samples of wild animals sold as food in the local market in Guangdong, China, found a strain of SARS coronavirus could be isolated from masked palm civets (Paguma sp.), but the animals did not always show clinical signs. The preliminary conclusion was the SARS virus crossed the xenographic barrier from palm civet to humans, and more than 10,000 masked palm civets were killed in Guangdong Province. The virus was also later found in raccoon dogs (Nyctereuteus sp.), ferret badgers (Melogale spp.), and domestic cats. In 2005, two studies identified a number of SARS-like coronaviruses in Chinese bats.[14][15] Phylogenetic analysis of these viruses indicated a high probability that SARS coronavirus originated in bats and spread to humans either directly or through animals held in Chinese markets'.

Ring a bell?

Awful fuckery.. and that's pretty much china for ya. They seem to have such a hold on so many things business wise that they get a free pass.

They really couldn't give a fuck