Yep. Feels like the government is booting up for a recession. Cuntish.

I'm no Leo fan but I thought he was great in his address. Very sobering stuff. I'm genuinely fearful for some more vulnerable members of family and neighbours, as I'm sure most reasonable thinking people are. Hopefully the better case scenarios prevail.

I thought the complete opposite it was awful he offered absolutely no new information or nothing positive only told people that it's going to last months instead of weeks so everyone who was worried about paying bills will worry even more now.

Should have waited until he had at least one positive to offer the people.

They didn't think twice about bailing about the banks pity the citizens are not so lucky.

I thought he did very well, surprisingly. No, not much new info was forthcoming but at least he came across as honest and didn't try sugarcoat anything. Thought he was gonna announce a full lockdown so I suppose it was anticlimactic in that sense, if that's what one is after.

I'm more worried about the thought of a recession on top of a housing crisis, we get through the virus the country is fucked anyway.

I think the world will be a very different place in 6 month's time. No point speculating. This is beyond anything in my lifetime and I'm an old cunt.

Nothing new, bit a few points to digest a bit further.

I think the fact it's Patrick's Day and we're all bored off our tits was the main reason for Leo doing this tonight.

#277 March 17, 2020, 11:10:19 PM Last Edit: March 17, 2020, 11:20:10 PM by leatherface
I am in the south of Spain and have had to start working from home through a university here. The streets are on lockdown, cops everywhere threatening to fine people for leaving their homes without necessity. People are on their balconies every night cheering and applauding to celebrate nurses and hospitals, as well as generate some kind of cheer.  Events are unfolding so fast sometimes it's hard for me to keep up with it all. Trying to maintain sanity and keep life as 'normal' as possible, music and books are the order of day. I might leave to take out rubbish or buy food and whatever supplies from local shops. The staff in those shops wearing masks. This is proper surreal😕.

#278 March 17, 2020, 11:40:00 PM Last Edit: March 17, 2020, 11:46:41 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Someone mentioned Nurofen earlier. Word circulating in France is that, unless necessary for another condition, avoid anti-inflammatories if symptoms manifest. First 4 admitted to intensive care in Bordeaux were quite young, one only 26, all had taken anti-inflammatories. Not enough evidence to show causal link yet, but if avoidable, avoid.

#279 March 18, 2020, 12:12:58 AM Last Edit: March 18, 2020, 12:16:21 AM by Carnage
That'a been going around for a few days and has since been debunked, though they're advising caution nonetheless, as there are still so many unknowns about this thing:

#280 March 18, 2020, 12:53:17 AM Last Edit: March 18, 2020, 01:14:51 AM by Snare
Yep a lot of fake news not helping things. People passing messages willy nilly like the fools learned nothing from spam email in previous events. "I know a guard, blah blah fucking blah...", fuck sake, sick people scare mongering and driving all the sheep into stores to stock up on water etc, christ. It's the same morons passing social media messages as before without thinking. Think before we propagate people.

I wouldn't not take neurofen etc based on hearsay. My own take on this is Cork radio host Neil Prendiville getting revenge after his neurofen Plus, lad in the hand episode on an aer lingus flight a few years ago that he blamed on the drug.

I absolutely detest the smarmy Blueshirts, but I must admit I'm really impressed by their press conferences and addresses, actually showing great leadership for a change, fair play.

This came straight from the anaesthesist general at intensive care in Bordeaux in an interview published this evening and others have said the same in the last few days, all reported from interviews with reputable media sources. All say a causal link hasn't been established but best to choose, for example, paracetamol first. That BBC article says the same.

The similarities in the Cork, Toulouse (both described as false in BBC article) and Bordeaux stories are interesting, I'll see what I can find. Not impossible the Bordeaux one is the origin story and factual.

Gonna be interesting if my gout flares up, as the strong Nurofen is the only thing (unless I have access to Difene, which I don't at the moment) that eases the pain.

I thought Leos speech was just may help to push it home to the previous  pub/cheltenham  brigade to kop on..but it was slim in detail regarding real help on the finances side...the banks better step up to the plate over this...although just before this really blew up at least one was trying to push through contactless charges..they have since put it in hold though...

Quote from: Carnage on March 18, 2020, 01:45:49 AM
Gonna be interesting if my gout flares up, as the strong Nurofen is the only thing (unless I have access to Difene, which I don't at the moment) that eases the pain.

If you have a flare up of gout, take ibuprofen. If you start showing coronavirus-like symptoms, don't. Consulted all the pharmacists from the lab this morning and they agree it's best to avoid unless necessary for a pre-existing condition:

"In general with breathing problems NSAIDs is never a good idea. Inhibition of COX induce increasing amount of substrates for leukotrienes (=bronchocostriction)."