Supermarkets and pharmacies are open, nothing else. Still every stubborn auld bastard in the neighbourhood walking around though.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on March 13, 2020, 06:53:59 PM
What could be bullshit? Which country? Spain declared a national state of emergency today, no BS about that!

Guess it could be true so. My whole next two weeks worth of work has cancelled on me so I'm actually worried about that. I hope if there is a lockdown they have some safety net in place for people.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on March 13, 2020, 05:52:05 PM
It's the whole country according to the bird, the principal problem he'll have is that every day more countries are banning travel from Spain. It's 60 at the moment.

Yeah that makes sense. Sure I said to the lad all well and good to head off and then get yourself quarantined.

Was due to go away today up to northern Spain near the border of Portugal. Owner of the hotel called and said we'd be better off not going because we might find it hard to get back into Madrid province on Sunday. Every other guest had cancelled. For a country like Spain (which relies so much on tourism and whose economy will take a massive hit) to put these measures into place is really saying something. Went out for a run there this evening. Most bars and restaurants closed. People are around mainly doing a bit of exercise but generally the streets are quiet.

The hype is real. I've had quite a few people telling me about relatives or friends who have been hit with the virus and it's not a pretty picture. The hospitals are working round the clock. So, do yourselves a favour and don't go down the blasé route with it all, especially if you have kids or elderly parents. I know they're saying kids aren't affected but until they come up with a cure for this fucker, I'd be as vigilant as possible. If your boss is being a cunt, maybe it's time to pull out the 'sick voice' and let him go fuck. Settle in, get some canned beans and pull the stomach out of yourself/watch netflix/do some pressups.

More or less lost my job today, as there's nothing happening and there'll be less on with all of this, and the probable lockdown on Monday. Might get a few cash hours a week but as it is, it's into the dole office on Monday.

'Pull the stomach out of yourself' 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Any of ye who know this man will know that he talks exactly like this in the flesh!

Quote from: Pedrito on March 13, 2020, 07:53:44 PM
I know they're saying kids aren't affected but until they come up with a cure for this fucker, I'd be as vigilant as possible. If your boss is being a cunt, maybe it's time to pull out the 'sick voice' and let him go fuck. Settle in, get some canned beans and pull the stomach out of yourself/watch netflix/do some pressups.

A baby tested positive for it on Tuesday not too far from where I live.

Quote from: Carnage on March 13, 2020, 08:13:37 PM
More or less lost my job today, as there's nothing happening and there'll be less on with all of this, and the probable lockdown on Monday. Might get a few cash hours a week but as it is, it's into the dole office on Monday.

Sorry to hear that what do you work as?

Have a felling if things get much worse ill lose my job as well my company already sent an email around today talking about finances  and how we need to be vigilant with chargeable hours which is not a good sign. The dole won't even cover my rent if I lose my job.

Jees sorry to hear about anyone losing their jobs over this..I sincerely hope things work out ok for you all...

Quote from: mickO))) on March 13, 2020, 08:50:20 PM
Sorry to hear that what do you work as?

Cheers. I work with a lad who makes saddles. No interest in that at all, and I do very little in that regard as it's a highly skilled job, but I do more behind the scenes stuff, plus some online stuff and I think I was the shop manager (it's quite informal). Hopefully we'll come out the other side alright, bit tough for a while but there's talk of letting the company go bust and starting a new one, to write off mounting debts.

I'm well aware that plenty of people are having a harder time of it because of all this, at least I have the mortgage paid and no kids to support.

I heard an interesting one last night. A girl I know was speaking with a lab tech who said said that the first case of the virus in Ireland was back in Oct. And all those really bad cases of the flu people have been getting since that period was the coronavirus, they just didn't have a name for it until it became a much bigger thing.

#176 March 14, 2020, 06:33:25 AM Last Edit: March 14, 2020, 06:36:37 AM by Thorn
I wouldn't doubt that at all, that dose I had before xmas must have been 6 or 7 weeks long and nothing would shift it, worst respiratory problems I ever experienced.
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

I had it about 5 weeks ago, i couldn't leave the house if I wanted to for a full week. Have had 'mild' broncituis since. On meds to get rid of it now thankfully

My brother is a nurse in Scotland. They've had to cable tie the hand sanitizers to beds etc cause they keep getting knicked

Quote from: Aborted on March 14, 2020, 05:23:58 AM
I heard an interesting one last night. A girl I know was speaking with a lab tech who said said that the first case of the virus in Ireland was back in Oct. And all those really bad cases of the flu people have been getting since that period was the coronavirus, they just didn't have a name for it until it became a much bigger thing.

A theory that's been going around for a while now, I'd well believe it if not for the sudden explosion of cases currently.