Quote from: mugz on June 04, 2020, 05:05:01 PM
I'm aware this is the other side of the same coin of the mainstream news, but I'll put it out there for balance's sake. I'm aware it's just a slightly more niche nonsense, and I'll never really know what's going on, or how  real anything is.


Things like that intrigue me all the same, had a similar thing shown to me in the corona virus reporting. The prevalence of the number 33 in so much of the news articles.

Logically I tell myself it's nonsense, but there's a part of me that has this 'heebie jeebies' feeling that something is afoot.

I could just be mental though, and that's grand.

anyone doing neuroscience as a career will tell you they have no fucking idea how it all works, but I'm pretty sure they give a main story and a  smaller side story or 'revelation' but both stories act as cement for what happens in the real world, whatever that is.

my tactic is to be aware of it all, but disregard it at the same time.

Quote from: mugz on June 04, 2020, 05:56:10 PM
anyone doing neuroscience as a career will tell you they have no fucking idea how it all works, but I'm pretty sure they give a main story and a  smaller side story or 'revelation' but both stories act as cement for what happens in the real world, whatever that is.

my tactic is to be aware of it all, but disregard it at the same time.

well, they'll tell you they have no idea, if they're honest; most academics are just as jockish in their own way as rugby lads or gangsters in sports cars, or anyone else narcissistic/driven/competitive.

Why put the effort into being aware of it all, only to disregard it?

Having looked at things like the Lavon Affair, and seeing false flags are very much a reality, along with the works of the likes of Edward Bernays, it seems likely that at least some of what we see as reality isn't entirely as it seems.

It's a curious one though, as I'd very much prefer to be wrong about that.

Well, it's just disgruntlement really, the need to have a basic understanding of how life works, even if it won't really help you in any way. Most of life is experiences you don't want to have which are then forgotten about  only to leave small bits of psychological damage which turn up again at a later date.

if people are being forced to have socially distanced funerals for relatives whose causes of death are being lied about, that seems serious enough to mention in some small way that things are weird and ritualistic and creepy.

Quote from: mugz on June 04, 2020, 06:19:32 PM
Most of life is experiences you don't want to have which are then forgotten about  only to leave small bits of psychological damage which turn up again at a later date.


The repetition of things always gives me that creepy feeling. "The new normal" being one of them, it just feels off, hearing it everywhere.

I can't actually remember any other meme-phrases, due to not having been a young person for a while now. we must have had them back in the day but I just can't recall.

I feel pretty much as you lads do on the whole thing and have been saying it from the beginning that there is something very "off" about how all of this is playing out, although I can't pinpoint what it is exactly. Some sort of manipulation of how everything is presented is the general feeling but I just can't entirely organise my own thoughts around it with all of the conflicting information available.

The Surgisphere thing coming out over the last couple of days is another example of my general suspicions but I'll wait to see how that pans out.

#1073 June 04, 2020, 07:32:18 PM Last Edit: June 04, 2020, 07:34:46 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Anything like a false flag operation takes an awful lot of effort. When you're dealing with many millions of agents in a dynamic system that is over-saturated with information, to the point that no human mind could ever assimilate and process all of it, why would you bother orchestrating domestic false flag operations? Just wait for one or a few of the agents to do something ridiculous (the statistical probability of this happening on a regular basis is enormous, given the size of the population), and then just spin it whatever way you want. Suggesting George Floyd and Chauvin were paid actors, or whatever; perhaps things like that were done in the past, but why bother now? Once you have begun to understand the extent of the network you're working with, you also begin to realize just how vulnerable to unpredictable randomness any precision covert strategy would be. Again, I'm talking domestically here, because there are certainly still covert overseas operations, but in somewhere like the US or the UK or France or Germany, in any country with both a sufficiently large and politically divided population as well as the means to flood the data space with too much perspective and information to be properly weighed up, you can direct your energy much more efficiently towards amplifying randomly occurring ripples into directed waves that will wash swathes of the population one way or another.

The idea that Sandy Hook or the Bataclan or any of these things were orchestrated false flag operations is, as far as I'm concerned, simultaneously an over-estimation of the competence and reliability of those who would be complicit in staging them, and an under-estimation of how well we now understand population dynamics (in no small part thanks to work on psychological herd mentality by Edward Bernays and his uncle Sigmund). Sooner or later, something mental will happen and someone will film it, or there'll be enough people who witness it and instantly start tweeting about it in real time, and when that happens, political interests working towards a power shift in one direction or another just need to be already prepared to angle it the way they see fit.

Mentioned in the TV thread that I'd watched the Mexican series An Unknown Enemy recently. We see in that just how messy covert operations are, not forgetting that everything we know about covert CIA and FBI operations, etc., we know precisely because it's a messy, unreliable way of doing things. Stuff goes wrong, and the truth is found out surprisingly quickly, and although in the long run no one seems to care, it can end a powerful politician's career. But if you're actually not involved in the original act, if you just have eyes set up everywhere so that you can opportunistically leap onto the best contender and spin it... or, as the case may be, let your opponent grab it first, having decided your best advantage is to spin what you have already predicted they will do with it. That's what we're seeing with Trump, who obviously couldn't ever pass himself off as the protector hero of blacks - nor would he want to, strategically speaking - but he can cast himself as the protector hero of middle America, "SILENT MAJORITY!", as he Tweeted yesterday or the day before. In that sense, I don't think it's credible to believe that one side is staging such things against the other side, since the ultimate voter-number advantage is very evenly matched between the opposing spin networks. In which case, and I guess this is where mugz is coming from, the staging (whether or not involved in this specific latest example) would be on yet a higher level, and the ensuing maelstrom of info-flooded perspective bashing is just something to make us feel like there is something going on that is alterable and worth getting upset over. While in fact, all that appearance of malleability and political agency on this "citizen" level is precisely what is keeping more profound things safe from interference and, thus, relatively speaking, immutable and reliable for the select few who play at that "elite" level and couldn't care less whether there's a white conservative male or a black transgender woman in the White House. You get a glimpse of the psyche of such people in The Unknown Known, the documentary about Donald Rumsfeld. He and you do not live in remotely the same world.

Personally, I'm pretty zen about it all too, deep down. I have a brain that works in certain ways and is addicted to debate and provocation, but various life experiences have left me with an observer perspective over that "me" too, and I'm totally fine with whatever is happening at a given time, and also fine with how attached my thoughts become to things I know are transient. We're neurotic, overly convoluted biological animals born of a cosmos unified in ways we can't begin to comprehend; that we exist at all, let alone in the mode we do, is such a fascinating and peculiar thing, all the shit we get up to is just part and parcel of that, and when we die, we'll just get recycled back as raw material into the stuff generator. I don't worry that some grand conspiracy is being weaved against me by organisms that are possibly even more neurotic than me, but the possibility of it makes for some incredible observations of what we strange animals are capable of.

It's nice to know I'm not the only one.

It's like there's just no respite for us, that keeping us in a heightened sense of anxiety or conflict is desirable.

What better way to have us at each others throats, than to keep us locked up for months, then at the drop of a hat have thousands out protesting, knowing we'd turn on each other for doing so.

It just all feels so unnatural.

It's hard to straddle the line of reasonably questioning these things, and tin foil hat territory. But yeah, I just have this sense I can't shake that it's all just not as it seems.

But again, it'd be nice to be wrong, because the alternative is rather disconcerting.

Cheers, some good food for thought.

I'll check out The Unknown Known, sounds right up my street. Nice one.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 04, 2020, 07:32:18 PM

I don't feel as if any of this is set up exactly as a false flag either. As you say, the logistics required to put it all in place, and the unpredictability of the results make that seem a bit too tough to be realistic. It's more of a feeling I get that as soon as something happens it is spun in so many different directions by so many conflicting interests that the reality of any given situation gets lost very quickly. It is the nature of how everything is connected and something like the proverbial butterfly effect comes into play pretty quickly. I don't think the Covid and subsequent reaction was planned as such, just now that it's here there are so many ways to distort the reporting of it and that is certainly happening.

My general feeling around it all being a bit off is that if I were to invest the time and effort into chasing it all down it would likely come down to money and profits at the base of a lot of the herding. That is the covid I'm talking about. I have little doubt that the Floyd and Chauvin thing is being used to further other agendas as well but I'll keep that one in its' own thread.

Your last paragraph is like a journal you have kept from a trip of some sort.

if you know human psychology, it's not expensive to do lots of subtle small things to get a big response

It's not even the money, I just think that the more actors involved the less likely something would be to work. The truth would surely out from somewhere.

Then again, I'm convinced the planes are involved in geoengineering or similar and that would involve a lot of actors on a massive scale and so far I don't think a single pilot has come out whistleblowing on that one, so maybe.

you assume everyone has/needs their own localised sentience. you also assume things involve lots of people but you just need to give the impression of a big event; if you did a headcount or took account of computer graphics etc you could change the world with a few thousand people