Ain't nothing "blacker" than whiteface.!

#2012 February 24, 2021, 09:36:03 AM Last Edit: February 24, 2021, 09:53:56 AM by Black Shepherd Carnage
The Coke stuff is all highly ridiculous, btw, but there is still a fundamental issue that the whole concept of "whiteness" that all these diverse parties are trying to grapple with is, it seems to me, not understood at all, not even abstractly, by everyone getting outraged by it and repeating the "replace white with literally any other ethnic or minority group...yadda yadda yadda."

I know people who take pride in having mush for brains don't care, but for everyone else, there is something in there to be grasped, and which in part explains why the whole discussion, from both sides, has become such a clusterfuck.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on February 24, 2021, 09:31:34 AM
And yet, that woman isn't even "black"
Try telling that to those fawning over Kamala Harris.

Man, it's one great pleasure having you scurrying around the internet to prove shit.
Don't ever change lad...  :laugh:

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on February 24, 2021, 09:36:03 AM
The Coke stuff is all highly ridiculous, btw, but there is still a fundamental issue that the whole concept of "whiteness" that all these diverse parties are trying to grapple with is, it seems to me, not understood at all, not even abstractly, by everyone getting outraged by it and repeating the "replace white with literally any other ethnic or minority group...yadda yadda yadda."

You certainly have a point there. And like most things on here, I don't think any of us are actually outraged, but it's just the realm of the ridiculous that seems to be more prevalent and accepted. Lots of this PC stuff is pretty niche and wouldn't ordinarily even cross our minds or paths in the day to day but the Coke thing, while not a big thing, per sé, is a worrying sign of the times.

#2017 February 24, 2021, 11:26:37 AM Last Edit: February 24, 2021, 11:50:02 AM by Blackout
Certainly won't be buying Woka Cola anymore anyway.

Imagine being lectured on anything by Coca Cola?? The brand that brought mass diabetes to the world.

And that's all wokeness really is, a nice smokescreen for corporate to sit behind dining on the juicy meat while the rest of us beat eachother to death with the bones they throw us. We must be the most manipulated generation this world has ever seen. Even the ones who profess to be smart can't even see that they are only mouthpieces for these vested interests.

Quote from: Pedrito on February 24, 2021, 11:37:49 AM
Imagine being lectured on anything by Coca Cola?? The brand that brought mass diabetes to the world.

On the other side of that coin; imagine this being the thing that drove you to "boycott" Coke. Absolute nonsense, left, right, and centre...pun intended.

I don't think anyone likes the idea of being lectured to by a brand, so I definitely see people boycotting Coke.

Quote from: Emphyrio on February 24, 2021, 11:58:54 AM
I don't think anyone likes the idea of being lectured to by a brand, so I definitely see people boycotting Coke.

That's what I mean; imagine being so self-absorbed that, after all the decades worth of multifarious crimes to the planet, society, and the species committed by the Coca-Cola company, it would be a perceived insult to one's own ego that would tip it over to publicly declaring a personal boycott. But then sure, isn't that just another expression of the very human condition that really does unite all of us homo sapiens!

I love Coke, but I know who my massah is  :laugh:

What I'm saying is we(as a society) are always obsessed with this superficial veneer, the dramatic story. And yet when we dig down we will discover the real shenanigans that aren't being addressed.

Let's take the whole 'racism' in Ireland debate lately. Supposedly we have a big issue with it, and of course there are assholes. That said, I've often heard of people being attacked in Donegal for coming from Dublin and the likes. My pont being that an asshole will always find a way, be it colour, county, gender whatever.

So if we look at 'racism' in isolation we might say we have an issue. But the we see that housing is a massive issue in Ireland. We look at other countries with similar populations and the same issues don't exist. Then you look at a figure like '1 in 4 politicians in Ireland are landlords' and you then you see why one narrative might being pushed to hide a much deeper issue. It suits them perfectly to allow this issue rage on in the media as long their own arses are covrered. Housing shouldn't be an issue in our country full stop. Neither should broadband access, education or transport but these things are allowed fester because they serve a certain portion of the population.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on February 24, 2021, 12:05:08 PM
Quote from: Emphyrio on February 24, 2021, 11:58:54 AM
I don't think anyone likes the idea of being lectured to by a brand, so I definitely see people boycotting Coke.

That's what I mean; imagine being so self-absorbed that, after all the decades worth of multifarious crimes to the planet, society, and the species committed by the Coca-Cola company, it would be a perceived insult to one's own ego that would tip it over to publicly declaring a personal boycott. But then sure, isn't that just another expression of the very human condition that really does unite all of us homo sapiens!

Oh totally, we get what we deserve.