What about the science of the orgasmic, dopamine drenched self satisfaction one gets from tying the knot of that post with those last two lines, implying a deep understanding of not-quite-inaccessible-but -a bit- yeah philosophy and a deft, elegant mastery of various evolutions of Latin.

Must be like keeping your hands away from your Mickey for a week, lashing 5 selfish lines of bonnie Prince Charlie up your hooter and having it away with your self!

And now, if you thought it was complex up until this point, read the cluster-fuck of first-person accounts this is about to become:


QuoteGloria Nkencho, will tell Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission (Gsoc) investigators that her brother knocked on the door and she answered.

Ms Nkencho will tell investigators gardaí had surrounded her brother by this stage and that she asked them to leave him alone and said he had mental health issues. The sister was then ushered back inside the house by gardaí and the door was closed over but not shut.
Garda sources confirmed the sequence of events described by family members

QuoteGardaí had been called to the house on a previous occasion following a psychiatric incident involving Mr Nkencho.

Following this, Mr Nkencho's family had sought help from their local GP and the HSE. It is understood they were still waiting on the HSE to provide mental health supports at the time of the shooting.

The HSE was not immediately available for comment last night.

And, just to finish up, another fabrication - which should have been suspicious to anyone thinking about the situation with a cool head - put to rest:
QuoteVarious claims that Mr Nkencho either had machete or a butter knife are also false, gardaí confirmed. He was carrying a kitchen knife.

Quote from: Bigmac on January 05, 2021, 09:33:11 AM
Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on January 05, 2021, 08:57:25 AM
Very quiet.... Looks like the forum is exhausted from the Afro-Gate shenanigans.  :laugh:

Off you go:

If ever a few cracks of lightning needed to strike.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on January 05, 2021, 09:34:10 AM
What about the science of the orgasmic, dopamine drenched self satisfaction one gets from tying the knot of that post with those last two lines, implying a deep understanding of not-quite-inaccessible-but -a bit- yeah philosophy and a deft, elegant mastery of various evolutions of Latin.

If I thought it was inaccessible, I wouldn't recommend it to people as a starting point to Nietzsche. And since I know some of the people I'm discussing with here have actually already read it, well, it's no different to you dropping a mention to whatever history tomes you and some of the other forum history afficionados may have read which I would have no clue about.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on January 05, 2021, 09:35:04 AM
And now, if you thought it was complex up until this point, read the cluster-fuck of first-person accounts this is about to become:


QuoteGloria Nkencho, will tell Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission (Gsoc) investigators that her brother knocked on the door and she answered.

Ms Nkencho will tell investigators gardaí had surrounded her brother by this stage and that she asked them to leave him alone and said he had mental health issues. The sister was then ushered back inside the house by gardaí and the door was closed over but not shut.
Garda sources confirmed the sequence of events described by family members

QuoteGardaí had been called to the house on a previous occasion following a psychiatric incident involving Mr Nkencho.

Following this, Mr Nkencho's family had sought help from their local GP and the HSE. It is understood they were still waiting on the HSE to provide mental health supports at the time of the shooting.

The HSE was not immediately available for comment last night.

And, just to finish up, another fabrication - which should have been suspicious to anyone thinking about the situation with a cool head - put to rest:
QuoteVarious claims that Mr Nkencho either had machete or a butter knife are also false, gardaí confirmed. He was carrying a kitchen knife.
I smell a €5m lawsuit against the state coming up.
And it was bruddah Emmanuel that said it was a butter knife. Yo!

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on January 05, 2021, 09:41:29 AM
Quote from: Caomhaoin on January 05, 2021, 09:34:10 AM
What about the science of the orgasmic, dopamine drenched self satisfaction one gets from tying the knot of that post with those last two lines, implying a deep understanding of not-quite-inaccessible-but -a bit- yeah philosophy and a deft, elegant mastery of various evolutions of Latin.

If I thought it was inaccessible, I wouldn't recommend it to people as a starting point to Nietzsche. And since I know some of the people I'm discussing with here have actually already read it, well, it's no different to you dropping a mention to whatever history tomes you and some of the other forum history afficionados may have read which I would have no clue about.

Still, felt good though, right? :)

Quote from: Bigmac on January 05, 2021, 09:44:22 AM
Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on January 05, 2021, 09:38:54 AM
Quote from: Bigmac on January 05, 2021, 09:33:11 AM
Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on January 05, 2021, 08:57:25 AM
Very quiet.... Looks like the forum is exhausted from the Afro-Gate shenanigans.  :laugh:

Off you go:

If ever a few cracks of lightning needed to strike.

Or for the Garda to have consistency in their response to protests during level 5 lockdown.

This back in October when the lockdown stipulations were nowhere nearly as severe.
Our police force really are racist after all. Dayum....

Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on January 05, 2021, 09:43:22 AM
And it was bruddah Emmanuel that said it was a butter knife. Yo!

The brother has clearly proven himself an unreliable witness, but in any case that will be explained away (rightly or wrongly) by trauma.

The importance with the idea that it was a machete is the connotations of savagery it naturally evokes. Of course an African would wield a machete, wouldn't he? Well, yes, if you have a particular image of Africans in your head, it seems natural, even though you know he's been living in a suburban Irish neighborhood since he was 7, meaning that of all the blades he might have easy access to, "machete" would be fairly low down the list.

I'll give the Spanish peelers this, they just come in mob handed for whatever protest or dodgy situation, riot vans, alsations and way more manpower than is required. Very unusual for protests to get out of hand.

I wouldn't have shed a tear if they had got in amongst those feminists who just HAD to have their 'women's day' March whilst everyone else was inside wanking and watching YouTube.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on January 05, 2021, 09:35:04 AM
And now, if you thought it was complex up until this point, read the cluster-fuck of first-person accounts this is about to become:


QuoteGloria Nkencho, will tell Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission (Gsoc) investigators that her brother knocked on the door and she answered.

Ms Nkencho will tell investigators gardaí had surrounded her brother by this stage and that she asked them to leave him alone and said he had mental health issues. The sister was then ushered back inside the house by gardaí and the door was closed over but not shut.
Garda sources confirmed the sequence of events described by family members

QuoteGardaí had been called to the house on a previous occasion following a psychiatric incident involving Mr Nkencho.

Following this, Mr Nkencho's family had sought help from their local GP and the HSE. It is understood they were still waiting on the HSE to provide mental health supports at the time of the shooting.

The HSE was not immediately available for comment last night.

And, just to finish up, another fabrication - which should have been suspicious to anyone thinking about the situation with a cool head - put to rest:
QuoteVarious claims that Mr Nkencho either had machete or a butter knife are also false, gardaí confirmed. He was carrying a kitchen knife.

So what are you saying here? He shouldn't have been shot? 6 shootings since 1998 and they just got trigger happy all of a sudden? A kitchen knife can absolutely be the size of a machete, I have knives in my kitchen the length of Katanas. What's the game here? We need to apologise for saying machete instead of lengthy bladed knife? Smoke and mirror bullshit that has nothing to do with the wider issue at play here.

Also, just to add another element into this discussion. We have seen horrendous numbers of stabbings in the last few years in London in particular with the numbers of African or African heritage youth being incredibly high. Are we meant to bury our heads in the sand about that issue? Is it not reasonable to, in an adult way, draw some similarities and hope that we won't have the same issue in Ireland with a completely new and very distinct demographic coming of age in our city. The constant dismissal of any type of discussion on such  topics as nothing more than 'white nationalism' or the likes, is simply painting over the cracks as far as I'm concerned.

And before you get up on your high horse and start pulling lumps.out of every little detail of this post, can you simply read the thing with a calm head and think about it before responding(Black Shep in partucular). The inability to discuss, to worry, to speculate, the silencing and shouts of racism etc does absolutely nothing to put normal, non racist, ordinary joe bloggs who want to live in a safe community's minds at ease. I would also add that I've talked to family members, lots of people back home in the past week, and nobody is roaring blue murder about black lads this and that. They're just shocked that a young lad has been shot and the reaction that it sparked and every one of them just want people to get the fuck along.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on January 05, 2021, 09:24:07 AM
Quote from: The Butcher on January 04, 2021, 07:24:21 PM
All discussion is utterly useless!


That's a good introduction to that book. In terms of how we reason, and how we (very poorly) revise our beliefs in light of new information, that whole psychological perspective explains perfectly why spreading misinformation is cost beneficial to interested parties, regardless of how solid subsequent refutations are.

For instance, people get it put in their head that Nkencho had 32 previous convictions (or whatever) and, unless immediately met with doubt or rejection, automatically work this into their psychological and social explanation for the global sequence of events. Then later, when they are told by reliable authorities (more reliable at least than the initial source) that he actually had no previous convictions, they'll still end up telling themselves - with no basis whatsoever for asserting it - something like "Well, he'd probably done as many things that deserved convictions but got away with it!"...or was let off, or whatever reason their brain will spontaneously invent so that their overall belief revision is as minimal and as economical as possible. It's why, if you're interested in the mechanics of reasoning, you kind of have to take as a starting point that one of the primary functions of your "mind" is to lie to you, heuristically, about the world. Since mentioned in another thread, this is also one of the core ideas in Nietzsche's The Joyful Science, la gaya scienza.

Genuine question, not taking the piss:

Do you ever think maybe you're exhibiting the same traits yourself?   

I'm really not saying anything there, beyond filling in details from the official sources as they come.

Obviously a kitchen knife can be as dangerous as a machete. But just conjure up these two images side by side: "Nigerian with kitchen knife", "Nigerian with machete". Which is closer to being a racial stereotype??