Quote from: mickO))) on January 04, 2021, 06:32:04 PM
Protests in Drogheda today over the shooting.
All masked and maintaining the correct social distancing protocol we hope?

Then they'd have simply stated it came from Gran Torino or 4chan.

I'm not saying there isn't a far-right in Ireland, just that the media have done themselves no favours by not naming the source of the misinformation, because it honestly seems they don't have any.

To then point the finger at one side without evidence, is surely a little concerning.

Quote from: Bigmac on January 04, 2021, 06:40:29 PM
Then they'd have simply stated it came from Gran Torino or 4chan.

I'm not saying there isn't a far-right in Ireland, just that the media have done themselves no favours by not naming the source of the misinformation, because it honestly seems they don't have any.

To then point the finger at one side without evidence, is surely a little concerning.

They don't know where they originated from. That is extremely difficult to establish with any kind of accuracy. It will take a digital forensic investigation to trace back to their true first appearances on-line, or in mailing or private messaging circles. What they do know is what accounts have been sharing them without checking their validity. I know you're big into your conspiracy theories, so out of curiosity, what are you thinking? I can't buy that it was a left-wing black-propaganda (unfortunate term in the circumstances, I know), since it's fairly well established that even after being solidly discredited, the long term effects of misinformation remain skewed towards the slant of that misinformation. That leaves trolls, 4chan type trolls... but 4chan is basically a breeding ground for the far-right and...high-level sociopaths!  :abbath:

As regards the shooting. It's an unfortunate situation where a lad with mental issues gets killed. Dosent matter really what was going on in his head, he was a threat to people's lives so I find it reasonable for the force used. Now when the official account comes out that view may change. Do Irish cops have tasers? Like I know that sometimes doesn't stop people but just wondered were they used on him.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on January 04, 2021, 06:23:24 PM
I have no social media accounts anymore so I can't open that.

That may have a kernel of truth to it, but I'd imagine, and I'm speculating, that the numbers are of more concern than the colour of the skin.

I used to, until about six months ago, follow The National Party, Irish freedom party and Gemma and so forth. From my experience they are all about the colour of a person's skin.

I see nothing wrong in not wanting mass illegal immigration (which i dont think we have anyway) but to me, the followers of those parties are fucking wasters who instead of doing something to improve their own life, have to blame the black foreigner for the own ineptitude and their own prejudices.

Apparently a taser and pepper-spray were used to no avail.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on January 04, 2021, 06:53:40 PM
Apparently a taser and pepper-spray were used to no avail.

Fair enough. Looks like they went through the protocols so.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on January 04, 2021, 06:47:51 PM
Quote from: Bigmac on January 04, 2021, 06:40:29 PM
Then they'd have simply stated it came from Gran Torino or 4chan.

I'm not saying there isn't a far-right in Ireland, just that the media have done themselves no favours by not naming the source of the misinformation, because it honestly seems they don't have any.

To then point the finger at one side without evidence, is surely a little concerning.

They don't know where it originated from. That is extremely difficult to establish with any kind of accuracy. It will take a digital forensic investigation to trace back to its true first appearance on-line. What they do know is what accounts have been sharing it without checking its validity. I know you're big into your conspiracy theories, so out of curiosity, what are you thinking? I can't buy that it was a left-wing black-propaganda (unfortunate term in the circumstances, I know), since it's fairly well established that even after being solidly discredited, the long term effects of misinformation remain skewed towards the slant of that misinformation. That leaves trolls, 4chan type trolls... but 4chan is basically a breeding ground for the far-right and...high-level sociopaths!  :abbath:

I would think that if they don't have evidence, they should have said they are concerned about lies being spread, rather than lies being spread by the "far-right".

The "far-right" skew seems to just add fuel to an already fairly volatile fire, so it makes it an irresponsible move by them. But it does beg the question how most of the national publications were told to skew their reporting in this manner.

As for conspiracies, the initial digital forensic information I can glean from it, is that it originated somewhere in the region of Bordeaux.

Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on January 04, 2021, 06:38:25 PM
Quote from: mickO))) on January 04, 2021, 06:32:04 PM
Protests in Drogheda today over the shooting.
All masked and maintaining the correct social distancing protocol we hope?

Don't worry I'm sure they will be suitably vilified by the national media. Tomorrow's headline "Covidiots". Can you believe the selfishness of them at a time like this?

Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on January 04, 2021, 06:38:25 PM
Quote from: mickO))) on January 04, 2021, 06:32:04 PM
Protests in Drogheda today over the shooting.
All masked and maintaining the correct social distancing protocol we hope?

The virus doesn't target Black Lives Matter protesters. Did you not learn anything from the peaceful protests in the US last summer?

Very quiet.... Looks like the forum is exhausted from the Afro-Gate shenanigans.  :laugh:

Quote from: The Butcher on January 04, 2021, 07:24:21 PM
All discussion is utterly useless!


That's a good introduction to that book. In terms of how we reason, and how we (very poorly) revise our beliefs in light of new information, that whole psychological perspective explains perfectly why spreading misinformation is cost beneficial to interested parties, regardless of how solid subsequent refutations are.

For instance, people get it put in their head that Nkencho had 32 previous convictions (or whatever) and, unless immediately met with doubt or rejection, automatically work this into their psychological and social explanation for the global sequence of events. Then later, when they are told by reliable authorities (more reliable at least than the initial source) that he actually had no previous convictions, they'll still end up telling themselves - with no basis whatsoever for asserting it - something like "Well, he'd probably done as many things that deserved convictions but got away with it!"...or was let off, or whatever reason their brain will spontaneously invent so that their overall belief revision is as minimal and as economical as possible. It's why, if you're interested in the mechanics of reasoning, you kind of have to take as a starting point that one of the primary functions of your "mind" is to lie to you, heuristically, about the world. Since mentioned in another thread, this is also one of the core ideas in Nietzsche's The Joyful Science, la gaya scienza.