Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on October 18, 2020, 08:02:19 PM
1) Had a teacher done any level of equivalent thing with respect to Jews or gays or blacks, he would have been suspended or fired the next day.

2) Instead, the institution said he had done nothing wrong

1) That's speculation. Those groups don't take offence the same way as Muslims. I doubt a rabbi would be teaching people to go out and scalp a fucker.

2) Did the institution say he did nothing wrong purely because of the outcome or because they genuinely believe it. If the latter, then it wasn't a case of a singular teacher gone rogue, doing something totally against the ethos he was working in, and if that institution believed he was in the right, I'm sure many institutions would be in agreement. Surely learning institutions are where we should put more value in, over governments who have to be more guarded in what they say.

It's not speculation. It's based on my knowledge, over the last 11 years, of how the law is applied. A teacher, in any circumstance, presenting material that may be offensive to Jews, gay people, etc., would be sanctioned immediately. Your rabbi/scalping comment is indication you don't get my point.

You said the teacher was wrong. The institution said the teacher was not wrong. Maybe you're wiser than those folks so.

Or maybe you're just getting bogged down in nonsense when the point is illustrated simply below.

"An Islamic extremist beheaded a lad.

'Yeah but the teacher was being problematic'

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on October 18, 2020, 08:27:47 PM
It's not speculation. It's based on my knowledge, over the last 11 years, of how the law is applied. A teacher, in any circumstance, presenting material that may be offensive to Jews, gay people, etc., would be sanctioned immediately. Your rabbi/scalping comment is indication you don't get my point.

Two in a row!

You are no match for this lad Chris

He's saying it's not an even playing field for Muslims in France. Taht they can't wear a burka in public etc. But it's not the same thing. Gays don't tryband live by another law. Most religious people keep things secular these days but (some)Muslims are trying to have their cake and eat it. Is the Burka just a piece of clothing or is it a way to subjugate women. French law says the latter. That's why freedom of expression is not a viable argument. So let's not confuse things here.

If the woman wants to wear a burka is it ok? And no I can't see myself ever agreeing with beheading as a form of protest.

Come on, to fuck. It's a horseshite argument! These are the actions of a severely brainwashed or simply insane human being. There can't be too many normal non- radicalized Muslims who can view a beheading for such a trivial misdemeanor seriously. If your religion is so fragile that any minor infraction against it results in war, then please,  please, please remove yourself from civilized society. Either fucking jihad yourself or get out of the modern, civilized world. It's that bloody simple. How any rational person can take this shit seriously,  and view the victim of this inexcusable crime as the problem needs to remove their head from their woke rectum.

I know a couple of the Islam boys in town here and I can't see any of them going along with that either. The radical lads in this case are basically the creationists of their buzz. Most people in the world are actually pretty rational. The burka thing was only me saying it should be freedom of choice was all

Quote from: Emphyrio on October 18, 2020, 08:33:26 PM
The institution said the teacher was not wrong. Maybe you're wiser than those folks so.

Haha, such naivety to think that they were motivated by wisdom! If only we lived in that world. Sorry, it's all of you who know French politics and current affairs better than me, my bad; the state's hands are white as driven snow, and there are no vested interests or bad faith at play which run deep to the heart of French collaboration and Françafrique, my bad, my bad.

Your post yet again shows every cunt that you are as ignorant as you are arrogant. You make no points, just chanting what you read on the guardian. G'wan and fuck off lad.

Ah come on lads, your tête-à-tête is great entertainment. Don't ruin it by turning sour

#1003 October 18, 2020, 10:34:22 PM Last Edit: October 18, 2020, 10:36:17 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Quote from: Caomhaoin on October 18, 2020, 10:07:37 PM
Your post yet again shows every cunt that you are as ignorant as you are arrogant. You make no points, just chanting what you read on the guardian. G'wan and fuck off lad.

I have read nothing on the Guardian about this. Why on earth would I, fluent in French and living in France for over a decade, turn to the fucking Guardian to learn about a murder in France? Gombeen talk. Emphyrio is arguing his side well, which is no doubt why you are in awe of his mysterious powers. But while what the teacher did does boggle my mind as someone who teaches and has lived in France through several Islamist tragedies and the enormous force of censorship of similar humor touching other "minority" groups (including the firing of one of Charlie Hebdo's own longest standing cartoonists in 2008 under accusation of anti-semitism), it is only to be expected that when you have a teaching body running into the tens of thousands, errors of judgement may occur. What is problematic is the institutional response. The institutional response when it comes to Islam is nothing like the institutional response when it comes to Judaism or the gay community, etc. I think you just can't really understand the ubiquity of, especially, the Jewish and Muslim "questions" until you've lived here. It certainly came as a total shock to me how much space they both respectively occupy in the press, in political discourse, though of course with totally different tones: WWII Nazi collaborationism is dealt with from a place of total shame, but colonialism with utter and far-reaching denial of wrong-doing (hence my mockery at the idea of the French institution knowing and/or admitting to what wrong-doing really is). The echoes of all that reverberate down the decades, and are amplified within the Muslim community by simple things like censorship of African origin comedians who mock zionism but defense under the flag of "liberty of expression" of French comedians who mock Islam. Both should be defended, neither should be censored. Maybe I'll repeat that, so that even the thickest skulls get where I'm coming from and understand how far from that France really is; Both should be defended, neither should be censored. 

All things considered, I don't think there is any other country in the western world where more fertile conditions for radicalizing young muslims have been historically established and are currently maintained. Maybe I'm wrong on that one, but I don't think so.

You are wrong on that one, as you are on most yin's.