Quote from: Caomhaoin on October 18, 2020, 10:36:19 PM
You are wrong on that one, as you are on most yin's.

Okay, so tell me which country and/or countries are more favorable to the radicalization of young muslims, you who complain about me just saying stuff with supposedly no backing.

Jaysus H Christos man. Would you drop the incessant need to always be right.  :laugh:
Your life will be so much easier.

Chopping someone's head off (murder) is never right under any circumstances. Ever!
Don't care how marginalised those Moslem fucks are in France. They can stick their shitty backward religion up their shitty arses while they're at it too.
The only mistake France made was allowing the shitheads to follow them back to France.

Swear to gawd.... how anyone in this day and age, with all the information we have at our fingertips, lets religion dictate their lives is beyond me.
If yon Moslems want to be stuck back in the middle ages, let them. Don't be expecting the rest of us to follow suit or be dictated to because of their backward ways and religion.
Touchy cunts..!

Radical Islam is a cancer, particularly malignant in France. We can stand around forever looking at scans and saying, "Yes, it's definitely cancer that's causing the damage." Or, we can think about how to prevent the cancer occurring and, in keeping with the most up to date research in medicine, work with society to help it heal itself, since the strategy of cutting it out has limited success long term. But, yes, it's definitely cancer, well done everyone.

It's a cancer that's preventable by them not being dickheads. And yet we're expected to bend over backwards to accommodate them?
It wouldn't be reciprocated in a Moslem country for us, that's for sure.

"Us"? Who's "us"? Has there been an Islamist attack in Ireland that I'm unaware of? Or are you still on a "we're all one with the universe" buzz from your trip?  ;)

'Us' as in Westerners....  :abbath:
Good honest to goodness white people.

The French equivalent of the Home Secretary has just announced that they're going to be rounding up an unqualified number of individuals who (translated quote) "don't necessarily have anything to do with the current inquiry but to whom we wish to send a message."
In other words, the plan is to let the police rough up a few dozen Muslims against whom they have no lawful charge but who have been critical of the French government while not being white. Glad to see the government here are learning from the past.

Fucking hell. Let's change their dark ages attitude by reintroducing some version of the Spanish Inquisition.

One would think with all of the supposed enlightenment in the world (radical Islamic warriors excluded) that we wouldn't be heading back to medieval times. Yet here we are. Rational debate is the new heresy. I wonder what the message will be? Thumbscrews.. broken on the wheel..?

Now, on the other hand it could be that these lads set to be rounded up are known radicals and though they might not have anything to do with this particular instance, it might be a sort of prophylactic to round up the known agitators, perhaps?

Quote from: astfgyl on October 19, 2020, 03:46:56 PM
on the other hand it could be that these lads set to be rounded up are known radicals

Some of them no doubt will be, otherwise they'd never manage to sell it to the electorate. This way, they keep the right happy by seeming to go beyond what is necessary, without losing the nominally left, by having including a few indisputably justified targets. They've also announced that they'll be dissolving several associations too, whose total members number up into the tens of thousands. Can a fella get some generic Orwell quotes up in here?

Yeah, I was just looking at both sides of the argument. I think the notion of rounding up folks before they have actually done anything is a tough one to go along with. Fair enough if some criminal investigation brings them into focus and is dealt with in proper fashion, but the rounding up first and asking questions later is very WWII and seems rather unpalatable to say the least. This will surely end in the further radicalisation of those who may have been sitting on the fence.