#1035 October 22, 2020, 09:20:21 AM Last Edit: October 22, 2020, 09:22:22 AM by Pedrito

Horrendous. These people are fucked in the head. I get that people are aggrieved with the government and the system but it's one thing talking on a theoretical level, but others just can't seem to stop acting like tramps. I suspect plenty Irish people have questions and certain gripes about the way things have gone in the country in recent memory. The question of immigration is certainly one that requires constant discussion, if not to safeguard those who emigrate from other countries also.
There's also an aspect of a country retaining its traditions etc etc...but this stuff? I get that the Brits for example might want sovereignty and to be free of the EU..fine, no problem, but these types seem to always twist the narrative to suit their hate filled vomit.

Horrendous. Poor woman. I always scoffed at this idea of 'the welcoming Irish'. Yes, plenty of lovely people around, but an equal amount of pure scum, and you could apply that spectrum to any nationality. But I still can't help but feel that these people are a bottom feeding minority of fanatics and the less airtime that is given to the them the better for everyone. Am I wrong in that? Maybe..hard to know.

A bottom feeding minority who resort to actual thuggery, but gorged on rhetoric from the kind of commentators that are all too regularly quoted as paragons of wisdom by certain folk here.

Give me a fucking break, Chris. There's an equal amount of retards on the left who are scumbags and believe that in their self righteousness they are free to intimidate and destroy all and sundry.  I'm sure they are happy to justify their own cuntish actions by quoting your very own heroes, too. The simple fact is that scum is scum, no matter what their politics are.

Quote from: Pedrito on October 22, 2020, 09:20:21 AM

Horrendous. These people are fucked in the head. I get that people are aggrieved with the government and the system but it's one thing talking on a theoretical level, but others just can't seem to stop acting like tramps. I suspect plenty Irish people have questions and certain gripes about the way things have gone in the country in recent memory. The question of immigration is certainly one that requires constant discussion, if not to safeguard those who emigrate from other countries also.
There's also an aspect of a country retaining its traditions etc etc...but this stuff? I get that the Brits for example might want sovereignty and to be free of the EU..fine, no problem, but these types seem to always twist the narrative to suit their hate filled vomit.

Horrendous. Poor woman. I always scoffed at this idea of 'the welcoming Irish'. Yes, plenty of lovely people around, but an equal amount of pure scum, and you could apply that spectrum to any nationality. But I still can't help but feel that these people are a bottom feeding minority of fanatics and the less airtime that is given to the them the better for everyone. Am I wrong in that? Maybe..hard to know.

Pure knacker scum. There is nothing political about what they are doing, they are just total braindead cunts.

That Longford story...Christ. It's Irish people copycatting certain unsavoury UK elements.

I have reservations, strong ones, about uncontrolled migration, but that kind of intimidation is sickening. It's extremely un-Irish. I had, wrongly, obviously, believed we were a relatively benign country for Eastern European's to come to.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on October 22, 2020, 10:24:10 AM
Give me a fucking break, Chris. There's an equal amount of retards on the left who are scumbags and believe that in their self righteousness they are free to intimidate and destroy all and sundry.  I'm sure they are happy to justify their own cuntish actions by quoting your very own heroes, too. The simple fact is that scum is scum, no matter what their politics are.

Except in fringe individuals with more or less no real platform, there is nothing on the left to compare to the kind of widespread dehumanizing terms like "swarm", "invasion", "parasite", etc., with the notable exception of how a lot on the left speak of the police. The police, however, can be considered to be generally better prepared to deal with scum than random immigrants. One rhetoric punches down, one punches up. Take your pick.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on October 22, 2020, 11:07:13 AM
Quote from: Eoin McLove on October 22, 2020, 10:24:10 AM
Give me a fucking break, Chris. There's an equal amount of retards on the left who are scumbags and believe that in their self righteousness they are free to intimidate and destroy all and sundry.  I'm sure they are happy to justify their own cuntish actions by quoting your very own heroes, too. The simple fact is that scum is scum, no matter what their politics are.

Except in fringe individuals with more or less no real platform, there is nothing on the left to compare to the kind of widespread dehumanizing terms like "swarm", "invasion", "parasite", etc., with the notable exception of how a lot on the left speak of the police. The police, however, can be considered to be generally better prepared to deal with scum than random immigrants. One rhetoric punches down, one punches up. Take your pick.

I'm with McLove on this . Despite protests to the opposite you sometimes display a certain 'look the other way' approach when it comes to certain sections and certain attitudes. The above is a perfect example, where the killing of police doing their jobs, the complete demonisation of hundreds of thousands of honest people who go about their work to the best of their abilities is torn to shreds because of incidents like the George Floyd case. Yes it's horrendous what happened but the disregard for all those others doing the right thing is a similar approach that these racist arseholes take when they blame everyone for the actions of the few.

I would include cancel culture and other tactics of the far left with these horrendous freaks who go around stoking up reeentment against people from certain backgrounds and minorities. It's the same thing all of it. Scum are scum. Discussing theory and ideas is not the same as the reality of fanatics both on the left and right acting out their rage. Or maybe that's the way I read your posts?  I'm open to correction, and I'm not 'having a go' per se, rather pointing out the similarities.

What about anyone who doesn't toe the party line getting branded as a Nazi, a homophobe, a misogynist, an Islamaphobe... A TRANSPHOBE! Horseshite of the highest order and that's the mainstream you're looking at there.

What's irritating is that despite people who might read certain commentators you have an issue with openly criticising the knacker behaviour of those retards, you can't help jumping up on the high horse and wagging your finger. Surely this is something all reasonable people can agree as being completely beyond the Pale.

You just have to look at the Spanish civil war to see how extremes on both sides lead to total chaos. I'm sure there are plenty more examples. The middle badly needs to start speaking up more instead of being drowned out by the schoolyard tactics of tehe left and right. The issue right now, however, is that the left's tactics have been absorbed into the mainstream to such an extent as to almost be classed as normal. In other decades the right held the middle ground. Silencing, shaming, accusations with no evidence..the battle for common sense needs to happen quickly or we're fucked.

Again we return to the cesspit of social media where moderation gets you nowhere, but it's become the new town square so that's where ideas get howled out.

#1045 October 22, 2020, 11:34:36 AM Last Edit: October 22, 2020, 11:36:17 AM by Pedrito
Quote from: Caomhaoin on October 22, 2020, 10:33:41 AM
That Longford story...Christ. It's Irish people copycatting certain unsavoury UK elements.

I have reservations, strong ones, about uncontrolled migration, but that kind of intimidation is sickening. It's extremely un-Irish. I had, wrongly, obviously, believed we were a relatively benign country for Eastern European's to come to.

Not to tar all Dublin taxi drivers with the same brush, because plenty of them are great human beings, but I've been audience to some of the most insane racist rants ever as a passenger in a taxi. I told one lad to pull over that I wasn't listening to his shite for another second. It's like anywhere. The Spanish are the warmest, nicest people ever, but you get the same lad or lady everywhere..wankers, small minded cunts spewing venom. And Ireland, my jesus...I can t imagine it's plain sailing for anyone of colour in our beautiful country. Them lads that ride the rickshaws around Dublin.
I've seen them attacked on a few separate occassions in Dublin city and the venom and abuse hurled at them by horrible Dublin gutter rats. Would make your blood boil. But, and it's a definite huge, but, for all of that bad shit, I think there are so many welcoming and really good, fair people around that actually go out of their way to project the complete opposite of that. So..a work in progress. Can't let the scum drag us down. Drown them out. They'll always be there but we just got to rise above it.

I'm sorry to burst your bubble, Pedrito, but if you've read anything by Jordan Peterson or Douglas Murray, then you are in league with those racist gutter rats who have never seen a book, but are also avid readers of their work. You are LITERALLY a Nazi.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on October 22, 2020, 11:21:09 AM
What about anyone who doesn't toe the party line getting branded as a Nazi, a homophobe, a misogynist, an Islamaphobe... A TRANSPHOBE! Horseshite of the highest order and that's the mainstream you're looking at there.

What's irritating is that despite people who might read certain commentators you have an issue with openly criticising the knacker behaviour of those retards, you can't help jumping up on the high horse and wagging your finger. Surely this is something all reasonable people can agree as being completely beyond the Pale.

I think I've been quite consistently critical of silly label branding, particularly "nazi". There is a definite and undeniable type of conservative rhetoric whose clear aim is to get the hard-done-by natives to blame their lot on anything other than the real cause. You may say that on the left, there's a tendency to get the same types of people not to take responsibility for themselves and blame others too, but again, there is a distinct difference between the blame targets, which isn't a justification in toto, but is meaningful in terms of real world physical consequences, nonetheless.

Anyway, you're both right to tone me down a notch; certain elements of that story touched a nerve I guess.

A lot of that old shite takes place in the larger towns and cities where the scumbags have a bit of safety in numbers going on. About 10,000 around the area I live in. Plenty of Eastern Europeans, Blacks, Syrians, English and whoever else but because the town is small everyone seems to integrate after a while. The syrian lads are the latest group around and as usual everyone is a bit iffy at first and giving out about the mosque they built but then a few lads get to know them and after a while they all just get on with it, working with them and living beside them. My own young lad hangs about with Irish English Polish Latvian Nigerian and Syrian lads and they don't give a fuck what colour or nationality they all are. They only care if they want to play soccer or hurling or not. I honestly think that's to do with the size of the town and the fact people's attitudes in general have softened up over the years. The extreme left and the extreme right are both wrong, no matter which ideologues they use to back up their thick views. Unfortunately those who shout the loudest seem to get the most attention these days but I think anyone who really has a brain will fall somewhere in the middle, and that is the vast majority but they don't really shout about it so no one notices them. And like every group in the world anyone can find, some lads are not sound and some are, regardless of where they come from.

Read that Longford story there and it is sickening. How anyone can be so stupid as to make a target of a woman like that to make themselves feel better about their own rotten life is beyond me. They must have no inner monologue to be able to carry on with that and not go home and cry themselves to sleep for the awful piece of shit that they are, and no political ideology can possibly excuse it. What does get my curiosity going is wondering what it is these idiots think that they are achieving by picking on her. What is the actual source of their anger?

They're just twisted, there's no reasoning it out. There's plenty of them around but thankfully as an adult you can decide to cut them out of your life for the most part.