I was reading in the paper a while back about Iraqis, Pakistanis and Poles and what have you playing hurling at various levels (hon the lads!), who gives a fucking shit? Fair play, I think it's brilliant. A buddy of mine is extremely thankful for the Nigerian fanny being responsible for this new generation of Irish footballers coming through, and I couldn't agree with him more. That's integration, and 'race' which nobody has any control over (although if one can identify as a woman...), is totally irrelevant. Respect the culture, behave and integrate, at least to some extent, and there are absolutely no grounds for complaint.

Sustainable numbers are a given.

I've already been called a Nazi once this week :)

Quote from: Pedrito on October 22, 2020, 12:40:31 PM
They're just twisted, there's no reasoning it out. There's plenty of them around but thankfully as an adult you can decide to cut them out of your life for the most part.

Yeah thankfully. It's easy to fall into for some folks though. Sure I posted something in another thread that I'd sourced on twitter and in my innocence didn't know that it was tied into some hateful cunts because I'd never heard of them. I've tried to be careful since but I can see how one might fall down the rabbit hole. The old algorithm has a way of pulling people in and polarising them. Saying that though, common sense surely has to kick in and I often say it but that is the reason I scratch my itch on here as it isn't the echo chamber that most of the rest of the web is. Now I think of it, the "web" is a great name for it, but it is down to ourselves not to be of the mindset of the flies.

Regarding culture, who wants to see the homogenising of societies worldwide? I wouldn't want to think that I'd visit Paris and it be the same shit as visiting Warsaw or London or Dublin or wherever. There is beauty in diversity and it is to be celebrated not demonised. So I want Ireland to feel Irish and that shouldn't see me labelled as right wing or anything else. I don't want other countries to feel Irish if I go to them or what is the point of it. So integration is a good thing and that is what I was getting at talking of the young fella and his pals.

This mightn't make sense but it's something that keeps popping up in my head again and again..

So I went onto O'Doherty's twitter there..jesus fkn christ. Honestly, I need a shower after that. But it kind of confirmed something to me. I always had a feeling that Ireland would actually display way more of this right leaning stuff, than just about anywhere else if given time. We're a very nationalistic people, and I would include myself in that, but it was only a matter of time before that rebel spirit and love of our own was subverted by EU policies, immigration policies etc. I wondered how Sinn Féin, for example, would balance the whole 'Ireland for the Irish' stance with the modern world of migratory populations etc. And the crazy thing is that that nationalistic vibe which actually advocates highly left leaning policies, being greatly influenced by Russian/Marxist ideals would be flipped on itself by this new world we are living in. As of yet SF, for example, seem to have avoided any of it but one would wonder how long a wholly nationalistic party can hold back the current mood in the western world which is very much set up against nationalism and traditionalism.

Just to be clear, I'm not taking sides here or saying one is right or the other is wrong..that's actually by the by in many ways. I'm simply riffing on an idea and feel free to pull it apart.

What I'm more getting at is the shift from what was the 'good' in our country i.e. nationalism, traditionalism, Irish, GAA, Brits out, rebellion, roguery and anti-establishment, and very much pro-freedom values to this modern set up of lads like Leo and Micheál tightly ensconced behind an ultra tight PR machine whole implementing EU directives to the letter. A new 'good', yet something that has come upon us rather than having been decided by us. Again, I'm as much a proponent of the EU as the next lad. It has given me a life, a job in another country, ot has so much going for it. Yet this tide, and these Gemma O'Dohertys...is this a fringe reaction or what is it? How do we answer these accusations she's throwing around of the Irish being cancelled out, when she is appealing to something that was the driving force of our society for so long..the need and desire to be Irish and free etc etc. It feels like so many things have been flipped on their heads in recent times that it's hard to make sense of it all.

Am I making any sense here? And before anyone says anything..fuk Gemma O'Doherty. What a horrible yoke she is.

I imagine that sort of existential crisis must be true of every country in the EU. Europe is an old continent, each country has its own particular history, however intertwined that may be with its neighbour. It's a strange compilation of unique cultures that are yet bound by the common thread of, what? Christianity? I'm not sure what Italy has in common with, for example, Norway. Not much on the surface, and it might only be that each place identifies as being proudly European. Brainfarting here myself.

The EU has brought brilliant opportunities and has done Ireland well, no doubt about that. We are a prosperous country now, a desirable one I'm sure,  and we have the freedom to move around a vast landmass unimpeded to chase work, chase skirt, whatever it is you're after. That's all fantastic. But what is the greater cost? How much of our own sovereignty has been sacrificed for that?

There is probably an entire thread's worth of discussion on this topic.

Bit early to come up with a response but ya, very interesting question. Interesting enough for its own thread for sure. It's, again, the way a few of us would be or have been self-confessed left of centre leaning and yet the left in society no longer seem to represent us, yet Gemma et al are a horrible bunch. I don't really see any politician or party represent where I am, politically speaking.

I agree with O'Doherty on a few issues, mainly immigration (I don't think her stance is extreme, at least judging from what I've read) but so many  of the remarks she comes out with are so moronic that it is almost impossible to identify with her. There is fertile ground for a reasonable, alt-light (not a typo) alternative but she is certainly not it. Her piss poor performance in the elections she has stood for demonstrate this.

Pete is right about the hyper sanitised Pro-EU government with the tight-as-a-drum PR machine. It's not what we are used to. I have little time for Sinn Féin's politics outside of the nationalist/cultural side of things but they were the people's choice, and maybe they should have been given a go. It was quite unpalatable seeing the scramble to form any kind of coalition to keep them out, formed between arch-enemies 'for the good of the country'.

Brain farts all round this morning :)

You express shock at what happened to that Polish woman, and then say you agree with O'Doherty's views on immigration. Right.

#1057 October 24, 2020, 12:57:34 PM Last Edit: October 24, 2020, 01:00:26 PM by Caomhaoin
Give me a fucking break.

Controlled immigration, not uncontrolled immigration. That's O'Doherty's position. What is the issue with that? If I read anything which is extreme, I would condemn it unequivocally. I have a kid with a polish woman and I live in a foreign country, so I'm hardly for 'sending all dem fukkers home', which is moreover crystal clear from several of my posts.

Holding this quite reasonable position has nothing whatsoever to do with expressing an opinion on disgraceful thuggery and intimidation.

Which, as usual, you know perfectly well, but pretend not to.

Why do you do this?

O'Doherty's position on immigration is intimidation, demonization, and persecution of immigrants themselves.

Is it? I haven't read her espouse anything like that. Of course I'm open to being educated, and try not to wheedle what I've stated as some kind of defence of a repugnant individual, as is your wont.

Did you read the story about the Polish woman?? It's an O'Doherty story at base.

She said 'Irish people are becoming a minority in their own country'. It's not an original comment, it's something she's gotten from various European commentators vaguely on the same political wavelength as she is. It might have some merit (as a factual observation, as opposed to the possible implicit message) in Mälmo, plusiers d'arrondissements in Paris, and certainly in many Lancashire towns, it's a completely bogus claim in Ireland.

Nevertheless, it doesn't necessarily  amount to your analysis of her position. Nor can she be held accountable for scumbags behaving like scumbags.

She's a tit, a dim-witted attention seeker, but even a broken clock is right twice a day. 'Controlled immigration' is neither unreasonable nor extreme. Her twitter feed, conversely, is spasticated, as is the vast majority of what she says about false flags, her Wuhan coronavirus bullshit etc.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on October 24, 2020, 01:45:59 PM
Is it? I haven't read her espouse anything like that. Of course I'm open to being educated, and try not to wheedle what I've stated as some kind of defence of a repugnant individual, as is your wont.

I've been following that bint on social media for a while. What Chris said is totally accurate. She's a vile creature who demonizes foreigners all the time.   Also people who have called her out getting multiple harassing calls from patriots. Sometimes after said bint called for it.

Yeah, she's so much in favour of controlled immigration that she loses her bin at a Lidl ad that had the utter audacity to have a Brazilian lad in it. Which once again led to a torrent of abuse for that couple, like the Polish woman, and she couldnt give a fuck about it

Or go marching with signs saying "Ireland for the Irish", definitely sounds like someone with a nuanced view of immigration policies

I get what Kev is saying but I decided to focus in on her a little and she's all racist jibber jabber. A headbanger with none of the nuance required to discuss movement, immigration, identity etc in an adult, open and progressive way. Again, the centre ground needs to be fought for. My previous point was on how we might strike a balance between the old and new world we live in. That takes thought, cool heads etc.