Quote from: hellfire on June 24, 2020, 06:29:15 AM
Quote from: Giggles on June 23, 2020, 09:33:11 PM
Is this offensive?

Everything is

Apparently so, because the makers of the game have banned this card from the 10th june, 26 years later. Along with some others.

#376 June 24, 2020, 07:10:19 AM Last Edit: July 18, 2020, 07:31:52 PM by mugz

Yeah man, we get it. Boring.

Travellers just drove onto site and robbed a con saw  in front of the whole site. I just had to remind myself that they are the real victims. Kumbaha my lord, kumbayah!

I'm just going to kick back and enjoy all these woke points that will surely roll in.

Your PC points will be transferred to my account.

Was the word 'Pikey' introduced to Ireland by the film 'Snatch'? Or has it always been used in the west? It was always 'knacker' 'round our way, but that, confusingly, is used to describe anti-social hoody wearers from deprived areas.

I always liked the Polish word for those types of people, 'dres'. Literally 'tracksuit'.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 24, 2020, 10:22:54 AM
Was the word 'Pikey' introduced to Ireland by the film 'Snatch'? Or has it always been used in the west? It was always 'knacker' 'round our way, but that, confusingly, is used to describe anti-social hoody wearers from deprived areas.

Ya, knacker is mainly used for a scumbag down my parts too.

This thread seems as good a place as any to put this:


 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

The fear of women is strong in this one

Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 24, 2020, 10:22:54 AM
Was the word 'Pikey' introduced to Ireland by the film 'Snatch'? Or has it always been used in the west? It was always 'knacker' 'round our way, but that, confusingly, is used to describe anti-social hoody wearers from deprived areas.

I always liked the Polish word for those types of people, 'dres'. Literally 'tracksuit'.

I think you're right about Snatch, I never heard the term 'pikey' used much in Ireland before the film was released. And definitely in Cork, the term knacker was pretty much used to describe what are elsewhere known as chavs, scumbags, scrotes, etc, as well as Travellers. I can remember them being referred to as tinkers as well, which means I'm really showing my age.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on June 24, 2020, 09:33:01 AM
Yeah man, we get it. Boring.

Travellers just drove onto site and robbed a con saw  in front of the whole site. I just had to remind myself that they are the real victims. Kumbaha my lord, kumbayah!

I'm just going to kick back and enjoy all these woke points that will surely roll in.

bit of a paradox really. If we refer to them as belonging to a particular ethnic group it's racist, yet they have ethnic minority status so to not refer to them as such is to ignore their rich heritage as the true knights of the road.

So when we are feeling sorry for them and their plight they are members of the traveling community, but if we are talking about anything that might be construed as negative, they are no one. Hope that clears it up.

Quote from: mugz on June 24, 2020, 07:10:19 AM
Quote from: Ollkiller on June 23, 2020, 10:00:08 PM
Quote from: mugz on June 23, 2020, 06:53:26 PM
I'm appalled anyone finds this realm 'happy'. but I'm not surprised. I'll be glad to go. When you're dead you don't have to compromise. I'll probably end up in hell with Jordan Peterson.

Used to think like that myself. The world is just set up so fucking wrong it would drive you round the bend.

But you can make yourself happy by weeding out all the shit from your life and help people or create something or just enjoy simple things. You've only got one shot at it. Don't fuck it up.

my neighbour's wife is dying of blood cancer; even if  you win at the game of life, you still lose. that's the real kicker- it's a game of winners and losers where everyone loses.

Yup were all gonna die. See when there's something you can do absolutely nothing about it's redundant spending anytime worrying about it. Spend your energy on something you can alter.

Energy is only an imaginary construct placed in front of your eyes by the evil lizard overlords of the 196th dimension to fool you into thinking that your illusory experience is happiness. Don't be fooled.  Smash the system and don't forget your proper pronouns.