Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on February 12, 2020, 10:07:57 AM
Quote from: Doctor Crippen on January 31, 2020, 01:19:58 PM
Regarding the punk scene, punks are the biggest elitists out there, "you don't have this limited edition picture disc? You're not a real punk"

I don't know any punks who talk like that, are you sure you are not mixing them up with cunts? Most punks I know and grew up with, bought records when they could, the same as the people I hung around with who were into heavy metal. That is a bit of push that auld statement man

Even funnier since, here on the continent (France and Spain anyway), you're not a "real punk" unless you live on the street with an enormous dog. How's that for elitist standards!
Bring them over here and try letting them live like that. The auld báisteach agus sneachta wouldn't be long knocking the punk outta dem.  :laugh:

The new version of the squat? 😂

on the topic of metalheads being assholes!

I don't think its worthy of a thread of it's own but is anyone following the Stoned meadow of Doom drama? I don't know too much about the lad but liked the channel. He's getting a bad one....some people are going all out on him. Shite enough if the channel gets ruined....but im sure there's others.

Quote from: uncle flacid on February 19, 2020, 06:16:51 PM
on the topic of metalheads being assholes!

I don't think its worthy of a thread of it's own but is anyone following the Stoned meadow of Doom drama? I don't know too much about the lad but liked the channel. He's getting a bad one....some people are going all out on him. Shite enough if the channel gets ruined....but im sure there's others.

Plenty of similar channels up, 666MrDoom and Rob Hammer being two main ones.

The lad on SMOD is getting tore apart now for some odd antisemitic comments that came up and general right-wing views.  Serious arguments in shit tons of doom groups about it.  But if you strip back these comments, and his political views, the lad is still a complete arsehole and anyone looking at this for a few years knows it.  I haven't a clue how it took until now for people to back away from him.  A brief overview on stuff happening since 2015:
- Stole reviews for blurbs on his uploads.  Denied it and blocked the journalist on all social media when contacted to add credit.  Owned up when it was presented to some Doom FB groups.
- Asked bands to sign an exclusive 'exposure contract' that let him keep all ad profits from uploads and forced the bands to remove their vids from other uploaders pages.  When he got pulled on this he fucked the bands out of it for talking about it and removed their videos from his channel.  Apparently he has since changed the contract.
- Issued DMCA requests on other channels to have them removed in a monopoly attempt to force traffic to his channel / bands to upload with him.  Was called out on it in a huge FB thread in the largest Doom group, he made an absolute arse of himself (I was in the thread at the time) and way more shit came out, including:
- Ran a festival where he asked bands to pay to submit an application to play.  I think it was $50 a submission. He gave out to anyone who asked what it was for, more fool on anyone who paid to submit to it.  I don't know the full ins and outs of the gig but a few bands online complained about how it was run, not getting paid and poor setup.

Across all of this, generally acted like an arsehole.  Plenty of stuff coming out now about it, him fucking bands out of it for not uploading with him, general egotistical shit about how the whole doom scene would be ruined without him, how bands start up just to get featured on his youtube (lol) and then setting up a closed FB group / echo chamber where he bans anyone who doesn't lick his hole.  If bands asked him to remove their videos he'd flip, plenty of screenshots of him telling bands they would be nothing without him, etc.  But - so many people stood up for him through all of this because they got YouTube traffic off it.  Bands turned a blind eye to him because of the huge subscriber count on his channel.  The lad contributed very little and made thousands in ad revenue monthly off the backs of other peoples music.  It took these other comments for the larger community to realise what he's like but he has always been shitty and shady.

Would I be being a wanker Irish metalhead by pointing out you just made an on-topic topic doubly off-topic?  ;) :abbath:

I dunno lads, in my experience there is no higher proportion of cunts and troglodytes at metal shows than at any other show. I'd say a big portion of the bad behaviour is more down to lads with poor social skills, people who don't get out much losing the run of themselves and folk who can't handle the drink.
As for snobbery with regards to certain bands, or people perceiving the Irish metal scene as competitive (a sentiment I've seen repeated over the years) I personally don't see it. I've often been branded by my peers as elitist or snobby when discussing music but its really just I personally don't mince my words, if I don't like something I'll be honest. I don't care that the majority of people view the music I play and enjoy as garbage and neither should anyone else. Listen to what you like and fuck everyone else! I view anything else as disengenious.
I think a big portion of people branding certain aspects of the metal scene in ireland as elitist is just people who can't handle the fact that not everyone who moves in the same circles as you will like your music and unfortunately a portion of them won't beat around the Bush if they think it sucks. Just because you share a genre doesn't mean people will automatically like your music. Sure some people can be cutthroat when engaging online but I personally couldn't give a toss if anyone likes my bands output and neither should anyone else. Make and listen to music because you like it and don't worry about whatever the lad with the patch jacket thinks 😂

#96 February 19, 2020, 10:41:02 PM Last Edit: February 19, 2020, 10:43:55 PM by Eoin McLove
I disagree.  I think music (and possibly all art) should be made by consensus.  Suss out from a broad spectrum of listeners what their favourite DM band is.  Then go to your lab,  input the data,  and find the exact midpoint between Six Feet Under, Demilich, Children of Bodom, Amon Amarth and Swallowed, and then go and write those exact songs.  If, under those scientifically rigid and uncontestable standards you don't become immediately famous with your digital download only double album,  then you have every right to call people elitists. 

Just remember,  don't add a single iota of personality of creativity into the mix or it may become contaminated and unusable.

😂 I'll bear that in mind next I sit down to write.

Quote from: RICK-MCQUICK on January 30, 2020, 06:36:39 PM
I love metal, but hate 99% of metalheads in Ireland.

So you have met/observed/conversed with every single metalhead in Ireland have you? And you actually genuinely hate 99% of them?

Quote from: Giggles on February 20, 2020, 06:25:25 AM
Quote from: RICK-MCQUICK on January 30, 2020, 06:36:39 PM
I love metal, but hate 99% of metalheads in Ireland.

So you have met/observed/conversed with every single metalhead in Ireland have you? And you actually genuinely hate 99% of them?

He has a point. I see myself as a 1 percent-er in the Irish metal community as well.

#100 February 20, 2020, 01:03:23 PM Last Edit: February 20, 2020, 01:16:46 PM by RICK-MCQUICK
Quote from: Giggles on February 20, 2020, 06:25:25 AM
Quote from: RICK-MCQUICK on January 30, 2020, 06:36:39 PM
I love metal, but hate 99% of metalheads in Ireland.

So you have met/observed/conversed with every single metalhead in Ireland have you? And you actually genuinely hate 99% of them?

Well I actually reckon that it could be over 99% if we're being pedantic about it, perhaps 99.5%+.

Take Metallica at Slane for example. 80,000 capacity if I'm not mistaken, so 1% = 800. Definite wankers left in that single percentile.
So if we take 80,000 as our count and now look at the Voodoo Lounge size gigs (~400 or so), I still find these to have a sizeable, yet admittedly much smaller wank count.

Nixer - Shall we form an Irish metalhead <1% wanker alliance? I'll get us Zakk Wylde style vests done up  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

If the numbers are that high, do you ever think you might be the problem? Just saying   :P

Quote from: Eoin McLove on January 31, 2020, 10:55:08 AM
It's what you said.  You think that people are trying to out-metal you with their t-shirts and discussion of old and obscure bands.  In my experience, when I go to gigs,  I meet up with other metal heads who I probably haven't seen in a while,  we have a rake of pints (oppressive elitist pints by the looks of this thread) and catch up by discussing metal bands old and new.  If that is somehow offensive to someone else for some obscure reason, well,  I dunno... tough shit.  It's a metal gig!

I like when people bring up bands I don't know. A lot of the time I check out these bands. I got accused of being an "eletist prick" years ago and "not supporting the Waterford scene". Lamb of God and the like don't exist in my universe, I don't care if you love them. I'm also not turning out to see some loathsome toss by a band who think Slipknot are the apex of extreme metal.

Try living in Sligo where if you're not frothing at the mouth to see a Metallica tribute for the 875th time you're asked "I thought you were supposed to be a rocker, bbboooooyyyyyyyy?".