I'm assuming he wasn't choking them because they were Deafheaven fans but because he was mental.  But who knows.

Quote from: Necro Lord on February 05, 2020, 12:12:15 AM
Choking Deafheaven fans is something every real man should do. In fact I don't think you can be a real man unless you've choked at least four Deafheaven fans to death.

It was you, wasn't it?  ;)

Jesus, this thread really grew legs. Don't get on here that much, so I'm only checking back in now.
In hindsight it looks like a rant, but I'll have to study the responses for a few weeks  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

lmao I don't have quite enough money to waste on seeing bands I don't like but hey it could've been fun

Great thread.

Chuffed to find out that I must be high in the running for ultimate Irish metal wanker seeing as I'm both a pig molesting muck savage who gets wrecked at gigs AND a cuntish elitist who drunkenly stares menacingly at tourists and mainstreamers  while wearing an obscure band t shirt whose illegible logo the victim doesn't recognise and feels intimidated by.

I think so. I remember the one and only time I was in the Venue in Belfast. Must have been. 2001.
I remember paying at the door and there was this fat 16 year old on a pair of crutches leaning against the wall smoking a cigarette.
He took a drag and then said to me with a smug look on his face "I saw Sabbath live with Ozzy". (I was wearing a black Sabbath T-shirt)
His face crumbled with disappointment when I just said "so've I" then turned around and ignored him.

I would have loved to said "you want a trophy or something?" but then he wouldn't have known I had seen Sabbath and he would think he was better than me.

Should have finished off by kicking the crutches from under him.. #livinyourbestmetalheadwankerlife  :-*

I think what's been proven with this thread is that metalhead wankers (specifically Irish ones) are the absolute peak of human evolution.
It's all downhill from here.

Quote from: Aborted on February 06, 2020, 12:03:39 PM
Should have finished off by kicking the crutches from under him.. #livinyourbestmetalheadwankerlife  :-*

And shout "you didn't see that coming, did ya?"
Then forced him to do the chuffle shuffle.
Serves him right for being a fat cunt.

I've been thinking about the original question, and yes would have to be the answer. I love metal and I'm quite fond of wanking. I'm currently fapping myself silly with a Manowar lp sleeve. The papercuts are worth it.

#85 February 11, 2020, 01:27:51 PM Last Edit: February 11, 2020, 01:33:15 PM by Airneanach
I'd say wankers at an Irish metal show is just symptomatic of wankers at any Irish gig in general. We're either stumbling around langers or standing there with the arms folded for two hours because it's on a school night and the brain wasn't allowed a few scoops. Smaller gigs is where it's at for me, these days. You'd try and cultivate a measured, meditative mindset going into the 3 arena but there's going to be a knob goblin creep out at some point in the show who just tests your patience.

For me it's still on the better end of community based scenes, and a lot of outsiders would concede that too. So to that extent for every Tuborg farting dungeon master, I'd still take metal gigs any day over the scores of house sets I've been to that are precursors to gaf parties, festivals that preen the "everybody connected!" maxim, filled with wankers who think enlightenment is a half a tab and tent sex away etc. And I love my dance music. I'm a psychedelic casualty. Over the hill, though.

Not sure how serious the suggestion is, but I loath this "people who go around dressed like a metalhead all the time" shit too. Is it that bizarre insecurity about being associated with others who share your interests that some people have? I've gotten it from the wrestling fanbase, too, where there's definitely a huge overlap.

Listen, I don't wear Emperor or Siege of Limerick t-shirts to the office to impress anybody. I wear them because they cost about a tenner and last twice as long as a blank shirt you'd pay 20 squids for in H&M. Cvzy and cvst effective. 

Quote from: Doctor Crippen on January 31, 2020, 01:19:58 PM
Regarding the punk scene, punks are the biggest elitists out there, "you don't have this limited edition picture disc? You're not a real punk"

I don't know any punks who talk like that, are you sure you are not mixing them up with cunts? Most punks I know and grew up with, bought records when they could, the same as the people I hung around with who were into heavy metal. That is a bit of push that auld statement man

I gotta agree with you,  in my opinion punk bands and crowds tend to be the soundest. We get booked by punk promoters even though we're nothing like punk, they are in general sound and open to other acts.
Play the Academy July 13th

Hip Hop fans actually are ridiculously supportive of each other and welcoming, like the artists all go each others gigs. Metal people are competitive and almost want everyone to fail it feels like.
Play the Academy July 13th

Quote from: StrangersWithGuns on February 11, 2020, 01:55:58 PM
Quote from: Doctor Crippen on January 31, 2020, 01:19:58 PM
Regarding the punk scene, punks are the biggest elitists out there, "you don't have this limited edition picture disc? You're not a real punk"

I don't know any punks who talk like that, are you sure you are not mixing them up with cunts? Most punks I know and grew up with, bought records when they could, the same as the people I hung around with who were into heavy metal. That is a bit of push that auld statement man

I gotta agree with you,  in my opinion punk bands and crowds tend to be the soundest. We get booked by punk promoters even though we're nothing like punk, they are in general sound and open to other acts.

Aye the punk scene is quite sound now. Wasn't about 20 years ago. Very judgemental asshats in that scene years ago. But there's judgmental fucks in every scene I suppose. And most metal heads are sound. Just the bigger gigs get the gobshytes out.

Quote from: Doctor Crippen on January 31, 2020, 01:19:58 PM
Regarding the punk scene, punks are the biggest elitists out there, "you don't have this limited edition picture disc? You're not a real punk"

I don't know any punks who talk like that, are you sure you are not mixing them up with cunts? Most punks I know and grew up with, bought records when they could, the same as the people I hung around with who were into heavy metal. That is a bit of push that auld statement man

Even funnier since, here on the continent (France and Spain anyway), you're not a "real punk" unless you live on the street with an enormous dog. How's that for elitist standards!