I seen Carcass mentioned a bit in the upcoming albums posts. Surprised to see more than a few still hold Surgical Steel in high regard. Thought it was "grand" upon release but once you got over the fact that Carcass were back I've listened to it less frequently and proper haven't spun it in well over a year.

There was nothing there to leave me frothing at the mouth with anticipation for a new record.

Anyone else underwhelmed?

I really liked it at the time and played it pretty regularly. There was nothing groundbreaking about it alright, just good solid metal.

Having said that it's been years since I gave it a listen and don't really have any inclination to take it out again. Might give it a spin later and see how it holds up

It's hardly one I'd reach for but spinning it again, yep, it's good. I don't think I was exactly blown away by it at the time but I still like it, some songs more than others, and I still think parts of it are weirdly reminiscent of prime Megadeth in the riffing department. I've also finally slowly come round to "Heartwork" as well. I'll be curious what the next album is like but I'm not exactly waiting with baited breath.

Isn't "Reek" 30 years old next year?

Surgical Steel was nothing jaw-dropping but it did bring a warm glow of "nice to have them back" with it. It's a solid album for sure.

Strangely i was very underwhelmed when I first heard it, but when I went back to it later it grew on me.

It came out just when I was getting into Horrendous. Ecdysis and Anareta were just so much better than Surgical Steel, I never got more than halfway through it.

For an old originator band , SS was a very  good album,compared to plenty of other bands from the same era it was as good as we were going to get.
I really enjoyed it.

See I don't really buy that. It was hyped to fuck and although it's not atrocious, it's the first Carcass album that adds nothing to their musical journey

I dont think  it was hyped at all,,it got good positive reviews,were you expecting Symphonies part 2?

The old board was full of people creaming themselves over it just as an example.

Course I wasn't expecting Symphonies 2. Genuinely wondered where they'd go as they've never really repeated themselves but they played it Uber safe with Surgical Steel, touched on all eras without adding anything new.

I'm really wondering if those that enjoyed it then still hold it in as high regard?

The only Carcass album i could never fully get into was Swansong it had a few good songs but also a few dull ones aswell. Enjoyed Surgical when it came out and still give it a listen now and then its an enjoyable catchy album i think. Would love if the new one sounded like Necrotism or symphonies but i very much doubt it will. But i would be happy with a surgical Sounding release anyway.

It was great too see them back and the album is good but you will never have it as a goto album.

#12 November 30, 2018, 10:49:35 PM Last Edit: November 30, 2018, 11:25:37 PM by leatherface
I thought 'Surgical Steel' was ok, sound was a bit too clean (to these ears) but decent enough. Closer to 'Heartwork' than anything else in their back catalogue. I would still rather listen to 'Heartwork' over it though.

I wonder if this next album could bring back a little more of the 'Necroticism' sound,  that filthy , low end production.

#13 November 30, 2018, 11:06:57 PM Last Edit: November 30, 2018, 11:08:52 PM by Pedrito
It was gick.  They were incredible back in their day. Necroticism is an untouchabme album 

It's a good comeback album, nothing more. Similar to, say, Sol Invictus, which is a good Faith No More album but hardly up there with their best. I think it's a bit much to expect any band, after a lengthy hiatus, to regroup and write material with the same fire and passion they had over 20 years ago.