I have been gradually accumulating whatever Evilfeast material is available over the past year since buying Elegies of the Stellar Wind- my introduction- and it's all of such a consistently high quality.  Wintermoon Enchantment is on here now and what strikes me about the band is,  despite every album being incredibly rigid and formulaic to the point that each album is almost interchangeable,  it all remains hugely engaging.  There is something admirable in Grimspirit's complete devotion to this fizzy,  epic 90s style of BM. Not a single nod to anything outside his tiny remit,  yet every piece of music is loaded with passion and power.  Remarkable stuff.  I think that with the amount of shape-shifting that is going on in the black metal scene,  no bad thing in itself, it's refreshing to listen a band that is so blinkered and oblivious to change.  Consistency in a world gone mad,  Ted.

Probably one of the most underrated bands in this genre. The "Invoking the Ancient" EP was my introduction to it, but you were spot on when it comes to consistency in Evilfeast's career, it keeps on giving.  It's up there with the Graveland demos (at least the two last ones, "In the glare of burning churches" and "Celtic winter") and Krohm's "The Haunting Presence" in my opinion.

#2 July 09, 2019, 10:11:36 PM Last Edit: July 09, 2019, 10:14:07 PM by Eoin McLove
The demo repress, Thy Abhorrent Emerging,  arrived today and I'm giving it a listen now.  It's 17 years old but it sounds like Mr. Grimspirit had this style nailed from the start.  Everything bar the programmed drums sounds class. He's a fantastic songwriter in this ultra conservative style.  He hasn't moved an inch beyond the parameters he set with this recording yet everything I have heard by him has been excellent. 

Gotta grab that and the other newish EP.

Must check them out. The name is what put me off diving in strangely.

There is definitely something unprepossessing about the name but it suits the very VERY traditional approach he takes with the music. Every release is stylistically interchangeable but he manages to consistently hit that sweet spot of cold, wintry, grim yet brilliantly catchy black metal.

i like that first song on he split.
listened to a few evilfeast albums though and its all a bit boring for me. if the albums werent so long it wouldnt be so bad but it gets awful boring after 30 mins. synths are good though.

Have "Funeral Sorcery" which is brilliant. I love the In the Nightside Eclipse drenched keyboards. I haven't delved any further so any recommendation would be appreciated.

Elegies of Stellar Winds is savage.