Mighty hails to the imperious Forefather - the ultimate midsummer soundtrack.

Currently revisiting the back catalogue. Ours Is The Kingdom and Steadfast must be two of my favourite albums of all time, any genre. They hit the spot on those two in nearly every way. Similar mighty, proud, triumphant vibe to classic era Primordial.

I've championed them manys the time on the old forum but for any unaware of this below the radar unfashionable band get wired in to the two aforementioned records.


Steadfast is savage indeed.  So catchy.

Big fan of the 2 albums mentioned above. I think Steadfast must be one of the catchiest metal albums ever. So many great songs, an absolute crime that it's so underground/unknown

Excellent band. Totally left them to one side. Thanks for the reminder. Must track down some physical copies.

I was looking for something to stick on in the car and Steadfast jumped out from the shelf.  That was a quick and painless decision.

Another big fan of the same 2 album here. The newer albums are decent from what I remember, but they never really stuck with me for some reason. The earlier albums also get really good reviews but I never really cared for them. They've got a newish split with The Meads of Asphodel I've been meaning to check out for a while. Might give it a listen today

Steadfast and Engla Tocyme were the two I liked.  I also bought Deep Into Time but I didn't think it was as good.

Deep Into Time is up there with their best for me. Faster generally and with a more blackish metal style to the riffs. It's also got the type of lyrics which resonate with me more than the historical Anglo-Saxon type stuff of subsequent works. Sun, skies, land, trees, ancient ways etc. A very coherent vibe throughout. It's also one of the few albums I own on more than one format. The 2005 vinyl has a bonus track recorded from that year. It's a total class album in my opinion which introduces their unique sound tied to their homeland from the off.

The following two albums have their high points but nothing compared to the start to finish belter quality of Kingdom and Steadfast.

The quality drops off after that. Last of the Line has some good moments and the follow up to that was only ok and I kind of left them there.

Great summertime and country driving music.

I must root out DIT for a reassessment.

Steadfast is very good, but I rate their last album even higher. 
They are a band i'd love to see live, although i know it's never going to happen!

I think if they had had a really tight live setup, and with them songs on Steadfast, they could have been a really big band. Listening ti Steadfast here, absolute gems of songs. 'Cween of the Mark' is something else.

They're all what if's though. Being tight live, the show etc, is a skill jn itself.

Will check out that album followjng Steadfast based on the recommendation above. Last of the Line I take it?

100%. I've often listened to Steadfast and visualised it live at some open air fest under a baking sun like Party San. Such a shame it never happened because you could see the place going wild. Miri It Is as a closer... Epic!!

Though Wudugast is probably my favourite forefather track of them all...

Quote from: Pedrito on June 22, 2019, 04:25:12 AM
Big fan of the 2 albums mentioned above. I think Steadfast must be one of the catchiest metal albums ever. So many great songs, an absolute crime that it's so underground/unknown

I can't believe it isn't more popular too. I love working out to Steadfast, gets the heart pumpin'!

Been listening to Curse of the Cwelled (released in 2015) a lot recently.  While not their best release, it is very good straightforward heavy metal. 

Finally got round to listening to the Forefather/Meads of Asphodel split I mentioned earlier. Turns out it's just an EP by each of the bands stuck on the one disc together and they've called it a split!

The Forefather side is still pretty good. Took a few spins for it to click with me, but I'm enjoying it now
