Quote from: Burning Metal on April 04, 2020, 02:50:13 AM
I've had my fun an that's all that matters!

I've stayed out of this all along but you're certainly showing yourself up repeatedly. I'm not sure if you're just an immature plonker or have other issues but whatever it is,  you should rename yourself Burning Bridges. Or better yet, "move on Roy".

Can't wait for the "Metal Ireland 2 is full of jerks" Facebook posts.

This post has had personal attacks. Lies. Even jokes about the fact my mother was diagnosed with heart failure! The rest I can take, but as soon as I saw that I gave up on this forum. That's my mother. What kind of a sick cunt does that! 
I decided to get a rise out a few of you and I did.
I think a lot of you need to realise that the new bands, fans and many others don't use this site in general. Some of you speak like people won't support my projects because a few in here don't like me. Then you call me deluded!!!
The ones I annoyed here don't support anything I do so it's of no concern to me.
Wish failure on me. Call me unprofessional. It's your opinion and I'll carry on regardless.
I'm done with this now anyway. Say what you will...

Yeah fair enough. Let's keep it civil guys. No need to get abusive or make personal attacks no matter what your opinions are on the festival or the people involved in running it. We want to keep this an open place for discussion without censorship - locking/deleting threads isn't something we want to do unless absolutely necessary, so let's play nice! :abbath:

Quote from: Burning Metal on April 04, 2020, 09:38:10 PM
This post has had personal attacks. Lies. Even jokes about the fact my mother was diagnosed with heart failure! The rest I can take, but as soon as I saw that I gave up on this forum. That's my mother. What kind of a sick cunt does that! 
I decided to get a rise out a few of you and I did.
I think a lot of you need to realise that the new bands, fans and many others don't use this site in general. Some of you speak like people won't support my projects because a few in here don't like me. Then you call me deluded!!!
The ones I annoyed here don't support anything I do so it's of no concern to me.
Wish failure on me. Call me unprofessional. It's your opinion and I'll carry on regardless.
I'm done with this now anyway. Say what you will...

If you're "done" with this place then you may want to, you know, stop posting. The fact that you wanted to get a rise of people that you don't know or care about says that you're remarkably immature.

I think you need to realise that way more people visit the site than post on it... particularly for gig listings so your antics are still plenty visible. I know two people who are supposed to be playing on your bill so I made a point of linking them to this thread to make sure they're aware of the shitehawking that goes on (because I don't want to see friends get burned). They're still on the bill, but now they're far more cautious than they ever were and are happy to never be associated with you again if it doesn't go off 100% without a hitch because you come across as distinctly unprofessional. They're also happy to tell friends in other bands about any bad experiences they'll potentially have with you.

It's a small island with an even smaller scene. If you're actually serious about any of it then stop behaving like a child because bad news travels pretty fast.

Let's be honest this festival was never going to happen, coronavirus or none.

" Some of you speak like people won't support my projects because a few in here don't like me"

No. People won't support your projects because you are have a well-known, well-documented track record of spectacularly fucking up everything you have ever attempted to do in this business. I'm quite sure the story still looms large in a lot of people's memories about the "fundraiser" gig for one of your Philfests, wherein the gig fell to an absolute shambles while you "spent the night outside drinking and roasting the ear off everyone about your festival." And that's just one example.

People don't refuse to support you because there is some conspiracy against you. People refuse to support you because you are a Walter Mitty with a messiah complex, an utterly useless, hapless, arrogant, self righteous buffoon who repeatedly tries to peddle the same snake oil with the same (complete lack of) results. You are a fantasist who loves the sound of his own voice and then when you are caught out in one of your inevitable lies or self-promoting shenanigans, you cry victim and claim that either people are out to get you, or that you've had an alcohol-induced breakdown, going to great lengths to point out that you aren't trying to use mental health as an excuse while doing exactly that. You have alluded numerous times to your "illness," which only ever seems to flare up when you post barely coherent, juvenile nonsense online in the middle of the night and subsequently get called out on it.

The problem here is YOU. Not this website, not the one before it, not "the scene," but you and you alone. You are an embarrassment and for once in your life, I suggest you accept your utter failure like a man.

It's quite obvious this festival was never going to happen and himself is a touch......touched.....but damn if I don't feel sorry for the fucker anyway for having been brought down by a fucking virus!

If this "piss up with your friends in the middle of nowhere/only ever existing metal fest in ireland" goes ahead you'd like to think it would go well for anyone........not Phil though that guy sucks.

Quote from: 135150 on April 06, 2020, 08:18:08 AM
" Some of you speak like people won't support my projects because a few in here don't like me"

No. People won't support your projects because you are have a well-known, well-documented track record of spectacularly fucking up everything you have ever attempted to do in this business. I'm quite sure the story still looms large in a lot of people's memories about the "fundraiser" gig for one of your Philfests, wherein the gig fell to an absolute shambles while you "spent the night outside drinking and roasting the ear off everyone about your festival." And that's just one example.

People don't refuse to support you because there is some conspiracy against you. People refuse to support you because you are a Walter Mitty with a messiah complex, an utterly useless, hapless, arrogant, self righteous buffoon who repeatedly tries to peddle the same snake oil with the same (complete lack of) results. You are a fantasist who loves the sound of his own voice and then when you are caught out in one of your inevitable lies or self-promoting shenanigans, you cry victim and claim that either people are out to get you, or that you've had an alcohol-induced breakdown, going to great lengths to point out that you aren't trying to use mental health as an excuse while doing exactly that. You have alluded numerous times to your "illness," which only ever seems to flare up when you post barely coherent, juvenile nonsense online in the middle of the night and subsequently get called out on it.

The problem here is YOU. Not this website, not the one before it, not "the scene," but you and you alone. You are an embarrassment and for once in your life, I suggest you accept your utter failure like a man.

Mic officially fucking dropped.

I applaud anyone trying to give bands work and exposure. Could of changed opinions just by keeping the head down and remaining dignified.
Play the Academy July 13th

Now that was one juicy read!
At no point I've lost a hope that Phill will eventually show up on a thread and play hes retarded pro victims/metal messiah song again. And then again. And then he'll never come back, but maybe and then he wont ever do it again, unless...

Phil dont ever change!
You're the last stronghold of metal in Ireland!
Voice of generation really! :abbath: