Some great points raised lads for sure but I can't agree with

Quoteand fairly childish

Sometimes I like to feel unsettled or have my own values challenged when I listen to something. Fully agree that with what's out there on the net that perhaps there is some desensitisation but I still think it's possible. Movies are still being made that have the power to achieve this so why not in music?

I would've never gone near any NSBM in the past but have opened up to listening to early Graveland recently, safe to say the lyrical content would be as far away from my own beliefs and morals as possible but found the music worked and I was left with that unsettling feeling. So I can't say that in itself is childish. I'd agree that controversy for controversy's sake is, like any of the shit gore bands on sevared for example - cringe inducing.

id be of the same mindset of pentagrimes. i couldnt care less about anything else bands do, just the music. if a bands theatrical live its great buts thats about as much as i buy into the imagery.

Trying to think what the last metal band that made me feel unsettled was. The only thing that comes to mind in the last decade or so are Khanate and the last Reverorum ib Malacht.

Maybe it's just me but I can't comprehend how any adult, who hasn't led a completely sheltered life, could possibly be shocked by anything in music these days. I'm old enough to remember John Kenny refusing to play Once Upon the Cross on the metal show, but I think I was about 14 at the time, and still getting dragged reluctantly to Mass every Sunday by my parents. So yeah, in that context, Decide were certainly controversial at the time. I can even remember the TD Jim Kemmy calling for Symphonies of Sickness to be banned because of the artwork. So my perception at the time was that Carcass were a controversial band, rather than taking the artwork in the context of them being vegetarians etc. Again, to go back to more innocent sure many here can recall a time when Guns N Roses were labelled (probably self-professed, but whatever) as the most Dangerous Band in the World. These days, I keep seeing pics on my facebook feed of adults bringing their kids to G'N'R gigs, various bits of merchandise like Appetite for Destruction babygrows, etc. All about as dangerous as your average Ikea advertisement.

I suppose we've seen it all at this stage. As I said earlier, unless you've led a completely sheltered existence, how could anything shock you in music. I've worked nearly ten years in the emergency services so I would think I'm fairly immune to most stuff these days, but even the average person who doesn't encounter that kind of thing in their day to day life, has at one stage or another, been involved in or witness to some kind of tragic accident, assault or illness.
I'm probably losing my train of thought at this stage, so I suppose what I'm saying is there is now very little scope to shock through the medium of music, or art in general. Even stuff like goregrind, which is so deliberately over the top, can only strive to offend rather than shock, and even at that, I'm not so sure that it even manages that.

#49 November 30, 2018, 10:25:21 AM Last Edit: November 30, 2018, 10:27:25 AM by Pentagrimes
Only tangentially metal really (you'll see once you get to the latter half where Nastrond, Thy Sinister Flame and MMP come into it), but definitely related to Ireland given some of the people included, and definitely related to the occult/ns angle and  we've been discussing here I guess, interesting article from The Quietus:

Also saw some kind of statement from your man Antichrist Kramer online there trying to clarify that he and Nyaeogtheblisz/Hellvetron aren't racist there over the last few days, can't find the link right now. the general gist of it is "I have friends who are Mexican so I'm grand"

I was reading a thread about it on NWN. The statement is by nyogthaeblisz who are also Hellvetron and are Mexican. Silly and funny statement though.

Ah, apologies, wherever I read it attributed it to AK.

It reads a lot like it is as they spend the majority of it talking about him so I'm sure he had some input.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on November 25, 2018, 06:53:48 AM
Been listening to a bit of new M8l8th recently, 

Do we have a "shit band names" thread here yet? Fucking hell.

Some of the letters were originally Cyrillic characters. I don't know whether that makes it better or worse.

M8l8th is up there in the crappy band names department.

Quote from: hellfire on March 30, 2019, 12:34:11 PM
M8l8th is up there in the crappy band names department.

And crappy music department. Even Famine doing guest vocals couldn't save them.

Saw KPN mentioned earlier as an anti Islamic band they never mention Islam in their lyrics?

He's  pretty much anti everything, so yeah. Have no clue what their lyrics mean so I couldn't say if it's in there.

Great singer that he was, Dio didn't write a single cohesive lyric in his life. He might as well have been scatting (not that kind) he made that little sense.