#60 April 03, 2019, 01:22:33 AM Last Edit: April 03, 2019, 01:24:42 AM by mickO)))
Quote from: hellfire on March 31, 2019, 12:30:34 AM
He's  pretty much anti everything, so yeah. Have no clue what their lyrics mean so I couldn't say if it's in there.

:laugh: He's a mad man. I don't doubt that he hates Islam just as much as he hates Christianity plenty of bands feel the same way but won't talk about it because it's acceptable even encouraged to hate one and at the same time you can't say anything negative about the other. He doesn't specifically mention Islam in any of his lyrics.  He is in my opinion the most original person currently making this kind of music.

Original or daft? I guess the two don't have to be mutually exclusive  :abbath:. Love his music, not arsed learning French to find out what he is talking about.

There's plenty of allusions to Arab and Maghreb culture in France in the lyrics, from what I remember. He's a savage lyricist and vocalist, gotta be said.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on November 28, 2018, 02:54:43 AM
Off the top of my head,  Peste Noire, M8l8th, Circle of Dawn (Their album is incredible) and there's a band whose name are eluding me now and who were overt in their use of imagery.  They had a Jihadi on the cover... it'll come to me later,  but they sounded decent.  Melodic,  Greek style stuff... aghhh...

You likely know more about them than me, but I'm fairly sure Circle of Dawn's lyrics are more yobbish racial slurs about brown-skinned people rather than anything coherently attack Islam.

They have a song called Not Muslim which seems fairly self explanatory.  I haven't read their lyrics.  I have the album on CD and there are some lyrics printed on the inlay but they are too small for the human eye.  I love the music and aggressive,  yobbish nature of the delivery so I'm probably better off not reading the lyrics  :laugh:

Destroyer 666 Australian tour cancelled due to hurt feelings seemingly. The whole article reeks of hysteria that should be funny but instead is actually quite scary. Full retard stuff.

Mad craic indeed.  How many hundreds of gigs have D666 played all over the world over the past two and a half decades? How many have turned into some sort of Neo Nazi rally? It's a band playing music in a room full of people who like music.  That's what it boils down to.  I wonder when venues are going to start showing a bit of backbone, hiring a couple of extra security staff and simply alerting the cops to any online threats from this ridiculous organisation (Antifa). Or do we just accept that a few extremists on the far left are now responsible for shaping art and culture into the future? No thanks.

Trying to draw a comparison between the Christchurch killings and music...wow

Something similar happened a while back with Tyr, a load of their concerts got cancelled because some people kicked up a stink about Faroese whaling

Quote from: Trev on April 25, 2019, 09:06:46 AM
Something similar happened a while back with Tyr, a load of their concerts got cancelled because some people kicked up a stink about Faroese whaling

Well... one big difference is the tone with which Heri Joensen responded:

K.K. has courted this kind of controversy explicitly and repeatedly through his public persona (from many accounts, he's not quite the same in private). So while not agreeing with "censoring" bands, doesn't he also just have to suck it up and roll with it when someone decides to dig up one of the countless comments he's come out with, any one of which would have had Milo no-platformed, Alex Jones banned from social media, etc., etc. Another way to look at it is that he's certainly obliging the band to be truly underground, which is supposedly what everyone wants!

QuoteI wonder when venues are going to start showing a bit of backbone
You haven't considered the possibility that management at the venues might themselves be in disagreement, y'know. Antifa are presumably involved, but in the current climate you don't need to go as extreme as antifa to find people who have their backs up against anti-muslim, anti-immigrant rhetoric. So if there's a video online of K.K. expressing just this, then unless he feels like rolling back on it publicly, well...whaddya gonna do? Would you be so surprised if in the same video he was talking about "fucking Jews", and it being time for "anti-Jewish" metal? In the world we live in, that's the way of things, like it or not, you have to align your actions to it or face the consequences, but there's nothing surprising about it.

That's certainly something I've considered too.  KK is playing into the hands of Antifa (That is essentially who we are talking about as they are the ones protesting metal gigs). His public rhetoric is,  on one hand fighting against that "anti-free speech" culture,  but on the other hand he is engaging them on the terms they are setting.  A cleverer tactic,  if you truly want to be a touring band who have the freedom to go anywhere,  would be to not give them the ammo they need. But that doesn't seem to be in the nature of his character. I think he thrives on the adversity,  so fair enough.  I do still believe that venues need to stand up to threats from bullshit organisations as it only serves to validate such tactics.

Yeah, but what I'm saying is that with the nature of the publicly available "ammo", threats aren't even necessarily needed. With that particular video of KK, for many people including management of venues, simply having it pointed out to them would be enough for them to say, based purely on their own convictions; we don't want that guy here, certainly not now.

#71 April 25, 2019, 11:53:55 AM Last Edit: April 25, 2019, 12:06:43 PM by Eoin McLove
I would imagine the ethics of a businessman would generally come second to making money.  Imagine,  for example,  Bodycount were to have a gig in Voodoo and some small far right group decided that their lyrics to Cop Killler are dangerous and an incitement to hatred and violence.  Would any action be taken? Or would the moral ground shift and perspective would magically be brought into the discussion because the far right are popularly conceived to be bad but the far left, despite appearing to be a mirror of the far right in their tactics,  are at least in theory on the right side of the debate? Essentially it's down to optics and outside pressure,  not the ethics of venue owners,  although they'll happily play that card to remain in the good books. 

Edit. And further to that,  if they decided to engage their critical faculties,  they might consider the numerous metal gigs that they have previously hosted,  consider that this gig will likely attract the same small devout metal crowd as ever and it will most likely be business as usual; the only viable threat to anyone's safety coming instead from the supposed moral arbiters.  Extra security will cover all eventualities. 

It's not about killing cops though. It's about telling Muslim immigrants to fuck off. Sure it's about optics, but part of those optics is, "Do we want our venue to be associated with this video or not?" That goes far beyond, "Will there be trouble at the gig or not?", which you are trying to reduce it to by saying extra security would cover it. You'd need extra security and a damn good PR firm.

What's about telling Muslim migrants to fuck off?? A Destroyer gig? Go see them live sometime and record the bit where that happens! You're conflating some of KK's admittedly crude and un-PC onstage banter with the inner workings of the collective Antifa imagination, not realty. 

Quote from: Eoin McLove on April 25, 2019, 12:36:42 PM
What's about telling Muslim migrants to fuck off?? A Destroyer gig? Go see them live sometime and record the bit where that happens! You're conflating some of KK's admittedly crude and un-PC onstage banter with the inner workings of the collective Antifa imagination, not realty.

Sorry, I thought we were working from the same material here. From the Tone Deaf article:

Quote"This one's for all the Muslim immigrants that are invading. They're invited to invade our fucking continents. Fuck you Allah! Yeah everyone's busy being anti-Christian... fuck being anti-Christian, let's be fucking anti-Muslim for once!"

You can argue it's not what he meant, but it requires no antifa-style distortion to take that statement to mean "fuck off Muslim immigrants".