May 02, 2019, 07:24:31 PM Last Edit: May 02, 2019, 08:22:30 PM by Vadge

Interesting track, looking forward to checking out the whole album. That artwork is class.

Simpler lyrically maybe but not musically. The album is incredible.

Simpler musically as well, as it was "recorded live" (whatever he/they meant by that) and needed to come to terms with reality. Not a bad thing at all, class act. Still getting used to it though as Fas is still my favourite.

Only gave it one listen so far but enjoyed it, need to sit down with it and give it a proper go this week.

Enjoyed it more than the last few, still can't help but hear a lot of Virus/Colossomite in the guitars but that's just me.

It's a damn shade better that stinker of an album Mysthirming put out at the same time.

I enjoyed what I listened to of the new Misthyrming album.  It's more direct but it sounded good.  I think the Icelandic style is running a little threadbare due to overuse so it's good to see bands expanding out from it.

Yah not to side track this thread but the new mispryming is not at all what i expected... need to listen to it more but it seems a lot more simplistic a less coherent that previous releases

But back to Deathspell... i am enjoying this release, need to spend more time with it but what i've latched onto sounds good. and some nice vocal experimentation at the end too

It's not really grabbing me so far. Sounds flat as fuck compared to their other releases.

Really enjoying this one. Music reminds me of some of the long form single song eps. Slower and menacing vibes are working for me. Also enjoying the new lyrical angle. My interpretation is that it seems to describe the lies and rhetoric of extremists and religious and political leaders, preying on individuals fears, anxieties and alienation. How these are turned into tribal thinking, hatred and violent action. Which in turn is used by those in power to mobilise consent for control,  cruelty, war and genocide.
Somewhat ironic given the reported political views of the singer.

Just getting around to this now; it's fuggin great. Plenty of interesting twists and turns. I'm also definitely in the camp of enjoying this more than the last few. Don't think I've been mad into anything DsO have put out since Paracletus really.

Interview with Deathspell Omega up on the Bardo Methodology site. Quite the coup for Niklas. Quality site, with excellent interviews.

#14 June 24, 2019, 10:17:47 AM Last Edit: June 24, 2019, 10:19:34 AM by Pentagrimes
Only got about halfway through and need to finish it but it's a fascinating interview, absolutely worth the read. I need to compile a reading list after it.

Nice to see Portishead get a shoutout in there too ;)