So... Someone has broken into St. Michans and stolen some heads. I'm sure plenty of people on here are familiar with the crypt, or at the very least the images that Vircolac have used. It's a strange story, and given the details, it doesn't seem like random vandalism. My half arsed guess is that it could be some misguided metalhead looking for props for promo shots. Feck sake, take a shovel to a local graveyard like the rest of us and leave the crypts for all to enjoy. Any thoughts?

I remember hearing about something like this years ago. Are you sure it's not old news? If it's a new case,  it's fucking cuntish.  St. Michen's is a brilliant spot and this sort of thing ruins it for everyone.  I doubt it's a misguided metaller (I hope so anyway). Probably some youngsters acting the spa.

Just saw the story on the rte news. Cuntish carry on.

Didn't they have to remove a steel door? Seems like something pretty well planned instead of just someone acting he cunt

To Eoin , yeah it also happened in the 90s. It certainly seems planned, as they had to get through a rather robust set of metal security doors. This also means that with the doors damaged spoilage is a concern for the rest of the remains. It is shit behaviour alright. Buuut... I can't help thinking it could give impetus for a new project. "Hello Dublin... We are Headless Crusader and this song is called desecrated nun!" (Sorry)

Yeah Gardai are now saying it was well planned in advance and not random vandalism.