November 22, 2018, 12:47:06 AM Last Edit: November 22, 2018, 12:48:37 AM by Eoin McLove
It wouldn't feel right having a new metal forum and not having me bang on about local filthy delights.  With a local death metal scene being established and recognised internationally over the last few years, starting with Zom (or Zealot Cult?),  it's been cool to see a few more bands in the last few months popping up like Plague Pit and recently Clunaculum. I think there might be something else on the boil with Smythsonian from the MI forum as well,  and his demos sounded promising.  The new Disconnect sounds like it's going to deliver the goods and I think the new Unyielding Love material is supposedly going in a more DM direction,  but no doubt they'll add their own psychotic twist.  Ferocious debut ZC album out soon and the Vircolac album sounds class too.  I bailed out of Malthusian a month ago but the lads have some sweet gigs lining up for next year which I'll help out with if needs be.  It feels like a really fertile moment for local filth.

Hopefully some more madness is brewing that we can add to the ranks.

QuoteI bailed out of Malthusian a month ago

Why??? Seems like the band was gathering momentum!

Mundane personal reasons.  As I said,  I'll be helping the dudes out where necessary but it's time for something new. 

Shame to hear but happens to us all, all the best with future ventures.

#4 November 22, 2018, 08:33:13 AM Last Edit: November 22, 2018, 10:06:33 AM by M Void
The new Vircolac is great, looking forward to the finished article coming out. Really liking the new Malthusian and definitely some cool bands at the moment. Will keep an eye out for the upcoming stuff you mentioned. Will see how things look after the Clunaculum demo comes out on tape in January but will be recording new material one way or another in 2019.

Listened to the stream of the new Zealot Cult a fee times since it was put up online.  Really savage stuff, and going off the last gig they had on here in Limerick, it's immense live.

Good to hear.  I saw your photos with Blasphemy over on the NWN forum a few minutes ago.  Safe enough to assume they are an influence!

#7 November 22, 2018, 08:53:51 AM Last Edit: November 22, 2018, 09:03:52 AM by M Void
Yeah, most definitely Blasphemy is the biggest influence along with Beherit, Bestial Warlust, Conqueror and definitely some Archgoat.The old stuff like early Sodom, Bathory, Venom etc. too. I've had the idea to do Clunaculum forever but not the means, good to finally get a demo recorded.

Fucking delighted everyone has heard this new Vircolac except me. And I played on the fucking thing. Feel free to leak it to me  there lads.

Some new things in the making for 2019 anyway.

Cool,  man.  Looking forward to seeing where you take it from here. Can't argue with those points of reference :)

Quote from: Pentagrimes on November 22, 2018, 08:56:04 AM
Fucking delighted everyone has heard this new Vircolac except me. And I played on the fucking thing.

It's deadly,  you'll be happy to hear  8)

QuoteFucking delighted everyone has heard this new Vircolac except me

???? Aren't you in the band????

#12 November 22, 2018, 09:01:56 AM Last Edit: November 22, 2018, 12:00:27 PM by Pentagrimes
Stenchy: No. I left once recording was done.

Eoin: 3/4 of the last Drainland lineup. That probably tells you all you need to know really. Other stuff lining up as well, some of which is non metal.

QuoteNo. I left once recording was done

That's as surprising as Mclove leaving Malthusian, best of luck with future ventures. 3/4 of Drainland sounds promising.

#14 November 22, 2018, 09:13:15 AM Last Edit: November 22, 2018, 10:25:00 AM by Pentagrimes
Quote from: Cryptic Stench on November 22, 2018, 09:11:59 AM
QuoteNo. I left once recording was done

That's as surprising as Mclove leaving Malthusian, best of luck with future ventures. 3/4 of Drainland sounds promising.

Cheers man.

Sure while we're airing all the news, it would appear unfortunately Apostate Viaticum have called it a day. Real shame.