June 26, 2024, 11:26:12 AM Last Edit: July 26, 2024, 05:57:08 PM by GetEvilAllTheTime
How're yas

At long last we can announce that our new EP 'Entropic Aeons' will be released on Repose Records on July 26th. Took our time with this but the end product was worth it. It'll be a 5 track EP and stands far apart from our first release I reckon.

First Single 'Of Disillusion and Doctrine' is out now and cassettes can be pre-ordered from the link below.

This track is probably the most 'normal' of the bunch but it's a good taster I'd say:

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/42Mcfl46v2q5Mndt1J9YNP?si=358737b50bac4c06
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uc6IkBsvODc&ab_channel=ReposeRecords
Pre-order: https://www.reposerecords.com/products/entropic-aeons-tape

Recorded, mixed and mastered by none other than Shauny of Last Light Recordings.


Savage news. I love that artwork. I'll fire the song on in a bit.

Edit. I think it sounds really good. You lean heavily into the Bölzer influence in places which is maybe a bit blatant, but it's catchy and effective. Loads of energy and even through the phone I can tell the production is a step up from the debut. I'm intrigued by the description and very keen to hear the rest of it. I'll grab a copy of the cd and/or vinyl when the time is right. All the best with it.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on June 26, 2024, 11:31:27 AMSavage news. I love that artwork. I'll fire the song on in a bit.

Edit. I think it sounds really good. You lean heavily into the Bölzer influence in places which is maybe a bit blatant, but it's catchy and effective. Loads of energy and even through the phone I can tell the production is a step up from the debut. I'm intrigued by the description and very keen to hear the rest of it. I'll grab a copy of the cd and/or vinyl when the time is right. All the best with it.

Cheers man! Fair assessment on the Bolzer note but I don't think you'll find that to be the case across the rest of the EP, plenty of twists and turns to be had. For every few hundred bands blatantly ripping off Darkthrone or something of the sort we were bound to touch a little too heavy on something too I suppose. It's a futile battle in that regard really but an authentic attempt on our part I'd like to think! Glad ya like it anyway, appreciate the feedback.

Yup, I hear you. I'm dead curious about those twists and turns. Good to see you guys pushing the boat out and exploring some new territory.

Sounds class, looking forward to hearing the whole thing. Fair play lads

Jees, that sounds well handy!

Very nicely pieced together
There's a lot going on in it, but comes across very cohesive

Love that snare sound and the guitar sound is killer as well. Great track.
The last 45secs to a minute reminds me of Dissection with Hunters Moon type vocals.  Brilliant stuff.

Cheers lads, much appreciated! Regarding release format just tapes & digital initially with the intent to have vinyl pressed down the line. Been long enough as is, so we wanted to just get it out and vinyl would've added another 6 odd months onto that.

Good stuff, lads. Plenty going on and remains interesting throughout. Fair play.

Really enjoyed this last night, will give another listen today. Am not an owner of a cassette player, but would def grab this on vinyl if that was ever done.